
Chapter 43


After a while, we arrive at our destination.
Neri opens the doorway like the others before.
This may seem to be a weakness, but first, well, you would need to know how they work to take advantage of the fact that it is always the same function.
And those monsters wouldn't allow someone to come this far in the first place.

The glance I got of this room indicates that Neri did not exaggerate.
It looks fluffy and far too overdone for a normal room.
Decorations without a clear purpose, this overbearing pink.
More like a toy house than a room you would intend to live in.


"Hello Akasia! Are you there?" (N)

"Nerysi? How nice of you to visit me! Is something going on?" (A)


Stepping into the center of the room, a figure comes into view.
It is a young woman.
The shoulder-length blue hair looks fine and her face is delicate.
Only the eyes are a bit disturbing, sporting this almost burning yellow-green color.
But what is really disturbing is that dress of hers.
That a seemingly grown-up woman would wear something this frilly?
The color is light green with white dots, yet far too light for her skin color and hair.

And the form is crazy!
The skirt extends in all directions before it touches the ground, while the sleeves are simply two round puffs.
Who told her that she should wear something like this?
I don't know if our mind connection works this detailed, but I believe I sense Neri thinking the same.
At least, she averts her gaze a bit.


"Ehm, I came to ask if it would be possible to maybe make a room close to mine. You know, for Liana. I would like that she has something of her own." (N)

"Oh, your new familiar?" (A)


The woman has now noticed my presence and focuses her attention on me.


"Oh my, I apologize. I am sure this is much of a change for you, but I have no idea how else to refer to you." (A)


She is rather courteous to me.
Neri said she is nice, yet I am still alert.


"This is all a bit much for me, and I don't really believe I can fit in here." (L)

"I believe so. I apologize for the attack, but we are always dealing like that with intruders. I guess negotiations would have been out of question and, in the long run, to our disadvantage." (A)


She might be right.
We came here with the mission to destroy the threat that showed up at Diroen, and I cannot think that any nation would leave them unattended if they'd learn about what truly dwells here.


"Surely, I can try to make a room! Yet it might take a day or two to completely etch it out. I apologize for the inconvenience, but Neri's request came as quite the surprise. We don't really have any set ways to handle such affairs." (A)

"It is at least nice that you are talking normally to me. Until now, I felt like I am just a spider to everyone except Neri here." (L)

"Oh, I assume you met Eritu? She is like this, but she doesn't mean any harm. In fact, she loves all the familiars deeply. If she calls you one, it means that you are extremely high in her esteem. She would instantly kill any threats to you if the need would arise. But I guess she is bad at conversations." (A)


This is a very strange discussion!
She said that as a familiar I have a higher standing than a human to them, yet this means at the same time that I'm only a spider to them.


"You don't need to be worried. Nerysi is a lovely child, and you needn‘t fear getting forced to do anything. It would be nice if you could keep watch over her. She is so non-violent that she makes an easy target and doesn't let her own familiars close to protect her. That is a bad combination, and we are all deeply worried for her safety." (A)


This is understandable.
Neri is no monster.
She is apparently as human as she looks.
You just can't expect that a child like this directly turns into something monstrous.
At least this is somewhat assuring that my own mind might still be mostly intact.


"I see. It is nice that you care for her." (L)

"How couldn't I, as cute as she is?" (A)


Neri gets embarrassed at this remark and is apparently in no mood to speak up.


"But I don't see that I'm fit for the role to protect her. I can only use healing magic and extremely simple water magic, and am not really good in combat." (L)


I don't see a problem with telling her that.
It just proves that I am weak and have no means to fight.
It would be worse if they would consider me a threat or want me to fight something, like where this talk was leading right now.


"Oh, healing magic? That is wonderful! So you can heal any injuries that might befall her. And I don't think you need to worry about combat. I mean, you are strong!" (A)

"What? No I'm not! All I can do is swing a staff and that poorly. They have never let me fight, so weak I am!" (L)

"No, no! You are strong. At least from a human viewpoint. I am rather sure that Kyroki knew exactly what role you had to fulfill. So she made you so." (A)

"Wait, what?" (L)

"She told me after she was finished with you. Your muscles got stronger, more spider-like. Faster reflexes, denser structures, tighter tendons, and thicker bones too, I think. I doubt you have to worry about combat, and healing magic may only add to your capabilities." (A)


Does she mean this?
That is another bunch of changes, and I didn't even manage to get over the first batch.
And I can't perceive any of this.
I feel normal.
Nothing feels off!


"You don't need to look so dejected. I mean, isn't this mostly a positive change?" (A)


Is she serious?
My very mind is subject to the whims of a little girl!
Not to speak of that I would prefer to remain human.
Something that apparently drifts farther and farther away from me.

Who am I kidding?
I’m growing fangs right now!
I am obviously no longer human!
They made me some kind of monstrous killer to protect this girl.
Maybe I should stop this talk.
My mood is running low.


"I think we should leave then, or we would prevent you from completing Neri's request you so kindly accepted." (L)

"Oh, that is no problem! I already gave the order! 289 of my familiars are already working!" (A)

"How? I mean you..." (L)

"Mental order! We control all of them like this!" (A)


I forgot!
It's the same with me and Neri.
She just needs think an order and the influence would overcome me, the same as the spiders.


"But now that we are done with the tedious stuff I would like to ask you some questions." (A)

"Questions?" (L)


I'm not sure why, but right now I’m getting very strange vibes from Neri.
It feels again somehow embarrassed, yet more of a directed kind.
Something like "Oh, not again!".


"Do you know any stories about royalty? Or is there anything interesting happening in the kingdom? Scandals? Gossip? Do you know of any princess tales? You are a mage! Was there something interesting at the place you studied? How is the fashion?" (A)


I think I get it now.
Neri knew this would happen.
This woman is desperate!
Desperate for the tiniest piece of information from outside.
She was rather courteous, so it is in my interest that she gets no bad impression of me.


I tell her a bit about the academy.
How teachers promote their favorite students, ridicule those in the wrong faction, and how the posts are contested, even with deadly means.
Not in too much detail, as there is no reason to involve my own past.
Normal gossip is enough.
Yet, I state some ideas about the fashion there.
Anything that has the smallest bit of thought behind it is better than this walking fashion disaster in front of me.

But after a while, it grows exhausting, and I feel that Neri can't hold out much more.
I think she is extremely exhausted after this day, and it was really much to take in.
Mostly for me, but that might be the reason why she doesn't try to stop us.
She is very self-conscious.
I can constantly sense her feelings of guilt for this, and because of it, she is afraid to say her will.


"I think we should stop here as it’s getting late." (L)


I glance at Neri and she seems to understand.


"Alright, but don't hesitate to come another time for a talk! It was nice, and you don't need to think that there is something like status hindering you. But please ask Neri beforehand! I can't steal her familiars!" (A)

"Goodbye then, Akasia!" (L)


This last part reminded me of my unpleasant situation.
Technically, I belong to that girl, and all that keeps me from being treated as no more than property is her goodwill.
We are leaving and it seems we are on our way back.
I guess I was right about her exhaustion, as her pace is unsteady.
I grab her underneath the legs and heave her up onto my shoulders.


"Wh-what?" (N)

"You can barely stand. Just stay still!" (L)


She isn't going to talk back about our relationship.
Maybe she thought about it but didn't want to order.
She doesn’t weigh much, but on the way I notice that I am, by far, too unfazed by this weight, although I still can fathom it.

Nonetheless, we arrive without incidents.
The room is just as we left it.
It is not utterly stuffed, but the inventory doesn't look petty.
It is at least livable here.

Suddenly, Neri motions to let her down, which I disturbingly quickly do.
She seems to have detected something and goes to the table.
I think it's only big enough for two people, yet then I notice what she had in focus.
On the table are three rather large sacs.
Neri takes one and wiggles it.
It becomes apparent that they are filled.
And it seems to be liquid.

Next to the sacs lies a note.
It reads: "Here it is! I hope this will be to your liking! Two sacs are for you, because you need to take your familiars into account."


"What is this?" (L)

"Uhm, yes. Masiabi brought the food. You know, it is enjoyable. I mean the taste, but... don't try to think about the ingredients. But it is safe!!! She wouldn't lie to me about this!" (N)


This much I am sure.
She is incredibly doting.
Still, it looks rather suspicious.


"What is in there?" (L )

"You see, the spiders are carnivorous. They usually eat flesh and such. This is some kind of broth. But with more innards and acid that dissolves it." (N)

"Acid?!" (L)


She expects me to eat something so dangerous?


"Th-this shouldn't be a problem for you. And it doesn't taste bad if you get used to it." (N)


She hands me the sac.
And yes, I was told my stomach was turned too, so I should be able to handle that.
However, to trust in something this disturbing, by drinking something this hazardous is a bit much.
Yet I feel now the hunger after spending the whole day without food.
A careful sip should be possible.

It tastes so sweet and pleasant and before I know it, I already sucked down all of the liquid in this big sac.

This was weird!
I know I was hungry, but to lose control like this?
Another change?
This is so disturbing.
And somewhat disappointing.

But having an appetite is not the worst thing that happened to me today.
And Neri was right, it was pleasant.
I see her now gulping the second sac down.
An almost unreal sight in regards to her small frame.
She seems to have noticed my look.


"Uhm, you know, the spiders in me eat too. I need to eat, this much, or I’ll feel bad." (N)


She is so embarrassed, you wouldn't believe it.


"And now?" (L)

"I-I'm tired. Can we go to sleep?" (N)


I feel that she does her utmost not to make it sound like an order.


"Fine, I think sleeping would be good now." (L)


She then moves to her wardrobe, opens it, and pulls out what appears to be soft, pink nightclothes.


"Uhm, please turn- No, don’t say that. Uh, could you turn away while I get ready for bed?" (N)

"Of course. I won’t peek, don’t worry." (L)


With her exhaustion, she is now clearly struggling not to give me orders accidently.
Future conversations with her may be problematic if she’s already having trouble minding her words.


"I’m finished. But what about you..." (N)


I turn back to face her, and she seems to be searching the room for something.
Apparently not finding it, she glances in her wardrobe, then at me, and finally at the weaving table nearby.
On it is a large white sheet, similar to what is covering the bed.

Neri walks over, picks up the sheet, and begins cutting a hole in the center... using just her apparently quite sharp nails.
Once she’s finished, she holds it out to me.


"F-for you." (N)


Though her face stays pale, she can’t even look at me from the embarrassment I feel from her.


"I’m so sorry! But it’s the only thing I have! I promise I’ll ask for some proper clothes tomorrow! I’m sorry." (N)

"I understand, Neri. Don’t worry. It will do." (L)

She turns around, and I change into the makeshift robe.
The cloth feels quite similar to the dress I was wearing.
Even though this is extremely crude, it should be adequate to sleep in tonight.


"See, Neri. This is not so bad." (L)

"But still, I promise to find better for you tomorrow. For now, I am very sleepy. Are you ready for bed?" (N)


For someone who can control me with a thought, she is quite considerate.


"Yes, I am tired as well. Let’s get some sleep." (L)


Yet, at my response, she settles on a chair.


"What are you doing? The bed is here!" (L)

"I... I didn't want to bother you. This all is so much and just because of me. So I thought you should have the bed." (N)


This girl is almost too considerate.


"No! Look, this bed is gigantic. There is enough space for both of us inside." (L)


I estimate that six people would fit in there without problems.
Pressed like this, Neri moves next to me in the bed.
If my memory serves me right, it was rather comfortable when I woke up.
So I lie down in the bed with this girl that would go so much out of her way for my sake.
It seems she wants me to truly settle in here.
Yet, this very idea is insane.
Maybe she feels lonely without any humans, but those spider sisters are frightening at best.
Can I really live here?
But what else can I do?

Maybe I could kill Neri and run.
The mental bind is not really preventing me from taking immediate action but rather works as a slow and tedious compelling.
But, I'm not capable of doing that.
Not only because I surely have no chance to escape on foot and would eventually get hunted down.
Supposedly, by this Masiabi.

But, it is simply nothing I am able to make happen.
Killing a small child to become free is nothing my mind could bear.
Things being as they are, I see no solution.
Those spiders are so powerful that there is no chance to escape.
I can't see any other way than staying here.

I'm in a bind.
These creatures caught me and won't let me go.
It seems like they've won.
I have no other option but to stay.
Nothing else is left for me!

However, she is cute the way she lies here.
She immediately fell asleep the moment she touched the bed.
Being this little girl’s protector may not be the worst fate.

Then eight silvery legs wrap around and pull me in close.

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