
Chapter 46


Please, white lady!
I know, I never prayed to you.
At least not with my heart being into it.
I know, I might not even qualify anymore to have any right to worship you, the monster that I am.
However, if you could simply grant me the slightest bit of a blessing in an otherwise completely shitty life, then please, please make it that I misheard those last words!


"I don't see any way around this. The only way for Nerysi's legs to ease up again is to have them fully emerge during the full transformation. She needs to spend some time in her spider form, no way around this." (K)


Thank you.
Thank you for nothing!
It's all a scam!


"But you know how Nerysi is! Not even I would go so far as to force her through this! She's, by far, not ready yet to face this kind of experience." (T)

"It might be an important experience for her, but I remember what happened last time she was pushed too far and it wasn't pretty. I'm not sure." (E)

"The spider form is intense. It might overwhelm her. I don't think this will be good." (M)

"Can't we do anything for her? Maybe one of your poisons could nullify the strain, Kyroki." (A)


They're all discussing my fate.
Only Liana is a bit out of it with all that is happening around her.
Yet the general agreement is clear.
I'm thoroughly not ready for what is about to come at me.
And I share this opinion.
It just sounds like a cruel joke.
Because of a cramp, I'm now unable to get those creepy legs inside and am left with the only option of turning into this one creature I fear above all.
What kind of sicko even comes up with such a thing?!

I don't want to!
I don't want to!
I don't want to!


"I won't do this! Stuff them back inside somehow, but I won't turn into a spider!" (N)


Even if this isn't possible, I'd rather endure these things for who-knows-how-long than fully become such a disgusting abomination!
It’s not going to happen!


"I'm sorry, but this isn't a question of what you want. You see, before, your legs were neatly tucked away in an inwardly folded position. Your inner tension set them under extreme pressure, but from there they couldn't go anywhere. Now, however, you extended them already. The process is basically already started. The tension has a possible direction to be released now. And it will further drive them forward." (K)

"Wh-what are you saying?" (N)


I don't want to recognize this idea!
I don't want to understand it!
I don't want to hear it!


"I'm saying that there is no longer a backward direction. The pressure on your maltreated limbs removed that option. Extending your legs is basically the transition step between your human form and a full transformation. Two directions! In and out! But since 'in' isn't feasible anymore this only leaves out. Since the tension won't suddenly vanish, there's a unstoppable drive that will force your body to complete the motion. Also, as you are currently becoming more and more tense, I thoroughly see no way for you to get out of this. So I'd rather try to use your ever-decreasing remaining time to get used to the idea of your transformation if I were you." (K)


This is so cruel!
No hope!
No way out!
Just the definite horror that awaits me at the end.


"If you knew this would happen, why did you make me do it?!" (N)

"Because your condition was serious if unattended. You wouldn't have done what you absolutely had to do if you knew about the risk." (K)


She's right.
I don't want to face it!
But that's my decision to make, not hers!

I try non-stop to pull the legs back in.
Tugging at that place in my back with all I got against the strain, but Kyroki was right.
There's no amount of power I can use to make this stop.
Instead, the legs continue to ever-so-slightly push a bit further out of my body.
The gash at my back they're protruding from widens more and more with each passing moment.
I don't want to!


"Nerysi, just try to think about it positively. The spider form isn't all that bad. You might like it." (E)

"Shut up! Don't even pretend to act like you know how I feel!" (N)

"I know, it's a bit of a change from being in human form, but this might be good. At last, you could leave this form behind." (E)

"Goddamnit! Get over your hate for humans! There are good and bad ones, that's true. But you're not the slightest bit better! You kill just as cruelly, but then act all superior! You're not better only because you have six more legs!" (N)


I don't care anymore!
It doesn’t matter if they think poorly of what I say.
It can't get worse than this!
I only have mere moments!
Soon I'll be nothing but a spider.


"Nerysi! You need to stay calm. It won't help you to become overly conscious of what happens." (T)

"Don't talk to me as if you care!" (N)

"But it's important. We only have the best for you in mind." (A)

"Hah, that's rich coming from the one who tortured me!" (N)

"Uh... I..." (A)

"Sister, I..." (M)

"I am not your sister! For you, I’m just the plaything you found in the forest! Isn't that so?!" (N)

"But..." (M)

"I didn't want this! I didn't want any of this! I'm always terrified and nobody bothers to even think about my feelings!" (N)

"Nerysi-" (T)

"Stop it!! That's not my name! You’ve always wanted this to happen to me! You're cruel, like everyone else! I hate you! I hate all of you!" (N)

"Ne-" (T)

"I said stop it!!!" (N)




"Aaaahhhhh!" (N)


Something in my back ripped open!


"Oh my, it starts." (K)



The legs that before emerged solely from my back somehow extend further, and by doing so, slowly shift to my sides, as if they're meant to be there.
The pressure continues from my back, where it spreads out and starts to stretch everything around, growing in mass as well as in size.
In the center, the strain subsides as it's released, but it leaves behind a weird kind of surface that feels all too solid.
While in this manner my back expands, this same action subsequently creates some kind of space that wants to be filled and pulls... and pulls my arms inside!

A-am I shrinking?!

It pulls my legs in too, which are folding inward!
Acid tears stream down my eyes, only getting worse the more the feeling stretches over the rest of my body.
At the same time, the fangs inside my mouth grow until they outscale my teeth.
Ultimately, the spread from my back reaches my head and suddenly it feels as if I'm getting my own skin pulled over my head.
I want to somehow put my hands there, but they're already almost completely sucked in.
All I can do is squeeze my eyes shut.


"AAAaaackchch!" (N)


Abruptly, it feels like my face gets ripped off.
Along with my eyes, nose, mouth, it's all gone, fleeing down my neck to my stomach, while the spread encompasses more and more of me, till it closes over my underside.

The next thing I feel is how I'm lying spread out on the ground, with all the individual spider legs stretching as far as they can from my center.
My neck is stiff, as is everything else.
Despite all the terror, my blurry vision settles and I start to see.

How can I see?
My eyes were shut.
Wh-why can't I close my eyes?
And why can I see everyone all around me!?
Even Liana who is standing directly behind me.
What is going on?!




Th-that came from me.

I start to feel my body and realize I can see most of it, no matter how hard I try not to.
Eight really long legs, a slender mid part, a round hind, a head that is fixed in place, and large fangs jutting forward.

No, no, no, no, no.
Please no, please no, please no!

I know what is going on.
I know what happened to me.
But I don't want to admit it.

I'm a spider!!!!!



"Skcheaaaaaahhhhhh!!!" (N)


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