Arcane Innovator

Chapter 173: Darian's Extraordinary Book Hunting Adventures Vol.2

'So first an ambiguous riddle and now a shifting maze, huh? ...It will take a lot more than that to stop me.' I smiled mischievously before closing my eyes and activating my magic sense.

I visualized the whole library in my mind's eye, picturing its winding aisles and towering shelves. Focusing intently, I then slowly began constructing a mental map of the place based on my observations so far.

Within it, my target was like a shining beacon smack in the middle. 'It's not far, I can do this!'

Not wasting a breath, I delved back into the maze with a newfound determination. 'If the library shifts with each turn, I simply have to avoid turning...' I thought, picking a long, straight aisle to my left.

The library promptly shifted, blocking the path behind and rearranging the aisles to throw me off course, but I didn't let it deter me.

I walked swiftly, following a single direction while trying to avoid turns whenever possible. Every time the library tried to thwart my progress, I backtracked, returning on the correct path.

Books rumbled around me as shelves slid into my path, but guided by my magic sense, I nimbly weaved between them. My target remained still in my mind's eye despite the maze's efforts to continuously transform itself around me.

With each step, my smile grew bigger as I got closer and closer to my goal. 'Hmm, it looks like three intersections are left between my position and the key... if I turn right here...'

I meticulously plotted my course, slowly but surely getting near. Then, after making one last turn, my surroundings promptly changed, and I came to an abrupt stop.

Looking around, I carefully searched for any sign of traps or illusions, but the library remained still and quiet.

I couldn't help but break into a grin as it seemed that I had finally arrived at what appeared to be the oldest part of the library. All around me, the shelves, which were somehow even larger than before, were buckling under the weight of countless thick, dusty tomes, their pages yellowed with the passage of time.

'I've made it!' I strode forward, no longer allowing the library to dictate my course. The spark of essence I was tracking glowed brighter with every step.

At each turn, I consulted my mental map, deftly navigating around the trap, and before long, I arrived at a particular aisle. 'That's it!'

I entered what appeared to be the myth section and could already feel the book from up ahead. Still, I was reluctant to rush for it, aware that someone might be watching.

Instead, I thought about the next clue from the riddle. 'Bright symbol, hidden from mortal sight. ...Wait, does that mean the book will react to magic?'

I briefly considered the idea before concluding that there would be nothing wrong with trying it out. 'I wonder what sort of spell should I try?'

Using either water or fire would probably be a bad idea; so after a bit of pondering, I settled on summoning a light breeze, which was one of the simplest spells of the air element.

I focused as I began enchanting; my clear voice echoed through the aisle, breaking the everpresent silence.

As the final syllable parted my lips, the library's stiff air came to life as the wind suddenly picked up, promptly raising a cloud of dust.

"cough, cough!" I swallowed a curse together with a handful of dust that managed to force its way into my mouth.

Struggling to breathe, I quickly directed the spell forward, and the breeze wafted through the aisle along with the huge cloud of dust, and I could finally breathe again.

'I should have a serious word with the person in charge of cleaning this place.' I grimaced before shifting my eyes forward, following the gust of wind. 'It was no secret I had a tutor, so this much should be fine...'

I resumed walking, swiftly catching up with the spell as I searched for the key amidst the fluttering dust and rustling pages.

My eyes darted over the faded titles embossed on the cracked leather spines. Then I paused, my heart quickening as I spotted the very book I had been searching for.

A faint glimmer shimmered on its spine—a symbol written in an arcane script. Nestled between two larger tomes, its modest green binding was worn and speckled with age.

I reached out eagerly to pull it from the shelf. But as my fingers brushed against its aging spine, the book flashed, swiftly transforming into a small, ornate key. 'It's really a key... Now, the only thing that remains is to find the right lock for it.'

Luckily, I didn't have to search for long. I still remember that huge gate on the opposite side of the grand hall when I came here.

Coincidentally, the maze, so adamant about blocking my path to the library's innermost parts, didn't show any intention of blocking me from leaving, which was probably a part of its design.

So, guided by magic sense, I made quick progress, retracing my steps back to the main corridor that ran through the hall's center.

I then tentatively approached the gate, still wary of more traps, but it looked like the library had run out of tricks.

The gate looked like it was made of solid bronze and covered with elaborate engravings. More importantly, it was shut tightly, and it was obvious that it wouldn't budge no matter how hard I pulled on it, so I didn't even try.

Instead, I began searching for some hidden mechanism to unlock it. Looking around, I noticed that above the gate was the same massive hourglass the overseer showed us at the beginning.

However, to my surprise, by the amount of sand that sifted through, not even an hour had passed, so there was still plenty of time left. 'I must have lost track of time inside the maze; it sure felt like I spent several hours there.'

That was one of the main reasons I hurried so much: I didn't know how much time I had left, but seeing this, I could now take it easy.

So I stopped searching and took a step back from the gate. Since I wasn't in a rush anymore, I decided I could take a proper look around.

In fact, it would be best if I took my sweet time here, as I didn't care about coming out on top, which would surely attract a lot of unwanted attention.

On my way here, I also noticed several intricate magic circles, which I would love to examine closer since they must have been responsible for some of the library's mysterious enchantments.

'Hmm, what's that?' Distracted, I turned around, noticing another glowing magic circle carved into a raised pedestal not too far away. Intrigued, I made my way over, but the pedestal suddenly came to life as I approached, raising itself upward and expanding.

I paused, adopting a guarded stance, but nothing else happened. I raised an eyebrow, looking around but finding nothing strange, I shrugged my shoulders and came closer.

Looking at the magic circle, I immediately noticed that a short distance below it, there was a certain spot that shined a little brighter. It took me a moment to realize what I was looking at, but as I focused on it, it quickly became clear that it was a small keyhole. 'Is this...?'

Grinning, I eagerly inserted the little key inside and turned. There was a momentary pause, but then something clicked, and I was blinded by a flash of light.

The massive gate soundlessly flew open without warning as the magic circle dimmed. Behind it, there was only the same shimmering haze I had seen before in the transport formation, and I knew that if I stepped through, I would be instantly transported back outside.

A bright smile lightened my face as it looked like I had successfully finished the challenge, and nothing was stopping me from leaving. 'Well, this was certainly fun...'

However, I didn't immediately rush toward the opened gate as I still wanted to check out the other circles I passed on my way here. Yet I wasn't sure if the gate would stay open indefinitely.

Looking over, I noticed that the small key was still there. 'I wonder...'

Tentatively, I reached for the key, trying to take it out to see what would happen. To my relief, I could take it out without any problems, and what was more, the gate stayed open.

I thought that perhaps I could use the key to open the gate in case it closed again, but it looked like it wouldn't be necessary. Thus, I pocketed the key and took it as a souvenir.

I knew I was in an illusory realm, but this key looked valuable, and compared to everything else, it felt... solid, like a real object. It was also full of essence, so it couldn't be a simple illusion.

'So where was that second circle... ?' Happy with my conclusion, I began turning around, but then I paused, noticing something else. 'I'm pretty sure those weren't there before!'

To my right, at the edge of my vision, deep in the shadow of one of the gate's wings, there now was a small, plain-looking door.

I carefully moved toward it, wary of illusions, but nothing barred my path. The door had the same tiny, glowing keyhole as the pedestal, and it looked like it would be a perfect fit for the key.

My heart was pumping with curiosity as I pushed the key in and heard the sweet click of an opening lock. Then I couldn't help but widen my eyes as the key suddenly flashed with light and disappeared right as the door opened. 'Well, it doesn't matter...'

I was hoping that whatever was in here would be much more valuable than the key, but as I entered, my previous elation quickly subsided.

Inside, there was nothing but a tiny bare chamber—more like a closet, really. Its stony interior was without any decoration, the only thing of note being a lone empty pedestal in the middle.

I looked around with a frown, trying to spot anything that would make this detour worthwhile. 'Is there perhaps another puzzle I need to solve?'

Not giving up hope just yet, I approached the pedestal, and to my joy, its surface came to life, showing several lines of faintly glowing characters.

[Be welcomed, young Aspirant! You proved your ingenuity and shall, therefore, be rewarded.]

[Choose one treasure to keep:]

[Bounty of knowledge] [Bounty of might] [Bounty of affluence]

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