Arcane Journey

Chapter 64 Flaming beheading

Chapter 64 Flaming beheading
A series of mucus-like roars, together with the stench of rotting mold, struck from all directions at the same time.

Brian stared at the densest group of spore servants, the flames danced and crackled in his hands, like flowers moving in the dark.

——"Three-ring spell: Fireball!"

—— "Metamagic Specialty: Spell Empowerment!"

——"Arcane explosion!"

A fireball as big as an ogre's head exploded in five marsh bear servants and six drow slaves, and countless scorching flames flew everywhere.

Looking at the constantly beating experience bar like a code, Brian nodded in satisfaction and quickly prepared another spell.

Although the fireball has no effect on the leader of the master's association, it does not mean that it will not be effective on these ordinary spore minions, let alone prevent him from cleaning up mobs.

On the contrary, these servants covered with various molds are most afraid of the burning flames in front of them.

The scorching flames forced Hesaiah on the other side to cover his face with a free palm to resist the oncoming air waves.

Two of the Dreadclaw minions near her were also caught in the explosion from the fireball.

Just for a moment.

The burning and crackling sound of the fireball released by Brian made Sisaiah see nothing but the burning fire in front of her.

Smelling the disgusting stench in the air, as well as the scorched stench of burning flesh and mold, she immediately forced herself to turn her attention to the mutant mushroom man.

Standing in the distance, the corrupted cabal leader watched as the spore minions he had summoned were wiped out so quickly.

There were no fluctuations in expression on its festered face, and it still stood there, constantly laughing like mocking, and dancing an unknown weird dance.

In a trance, she actually felt that her consciousness began to blur.

Hesaiah shuddered violently, and immediately looked away.

When the blood-red light appeared strangely in the mutant mushroom man's eyes, Brian sensed that something was wrong, his expression changed, and he quickly pulled Hesaiah away from the corpses around him, regardless of reminding him.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Several relatively intact marsh bear corpses exploded without warning, spraying out a disgusting cloud of gore, viscera, and strong acid.

"It's disgusting too."

Sisaiah, who escaped by chance, suppressed the tumbling in his stomach, and said to himself by chance.

If you observe carefully, you can find that her pretty face is blackened by the smoke and dust produced by the fireball released by Brian, and only traces of whiteness can be seen where the sweat has slipped.

She took a deep breath, calmed herself down, controlled her voice, and said to Brian, "That mutant mushroom should we deal with it."

Although she had just been through a horrible and nauseating battle, she quickly regained her calm expression.

She looked at Brian seriously, waiting for the next words, hoping that the knowledge he had learned from the books could help them tide over the current difficulties.

"Since the flame is useless to it, then try the lightning spell."

Bryan looked at the mutated mushroom man in front of him, and began to mutter to himself, as if some horrible ritual was brewing.

He knew that if they didn't kill each other as soon as possible, it would be impossible for them to pass through this place and go to the place where the fungus queen held her wedding.

——"Corrosion spores!"

——"Infestation spores!"

——"Psychedelic spores!"

During the brief exchange between the two, the mutated fungus spewed out a large group of colorful spores one after another, sweeping towards them like sand blown by a strong wind.

Knowing the characteristics of mushroom people, Brian has long been on guard against their best attack methods.

——"Second Ring Spell: Breeze Wind!"

Almost at the moment when the mutated mushroom man sprayed out the spore cloud, his spell was also ready in a flash.

The howling wind, engulfed in a substantial cloud of spores and ashes burned by flames on the ground, swept towards the opponent in one go.

——"Thunder burst!"

Hesaiah was not to be outdone, she held up the sharp rune sword in her right hand, the blade glowing with mithril luster, outlined the dark purple lightning rune amidst the buzzing tremors.


Accompanied by the roar of thunder, a bolt of lightning tore through the darkness. Under the guidance of Hesaiah's rune sword, it landed on the head of the mutated fungus like a waterfall of noise.

The mutated mushroom man who was spewing spore clouds suddenly jumped out with crackling electric arcs, and accompanied by bursts of explosions, its festering body became scorched in convulsions and tremors.

"Damn it! You enemies who dare to desecrate the wedding of 'Mrs.' must pay for it."

The mutated mushroom man that was billowing in thick smoke didn't know what pain was at all, seeing that its attack was useless, it screamed angrily: "Meet the wrath of the great sower!"

A strange energy surged on the ground, and several corpses not far from the mutant fungus shriveled up at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The electrocuted body of the mutated mushroom man also grew dense mold and tiny mushrooms in the blink of an eye, rejuvenating with new vitality.

"It's the dirt-absorbing ability of the abyss mold. As long as there are corpses nearby, it can continuously recover from injuries." Seeing the mutated mushroom man who had recovered to its original state, Brian was surprised, "I didn't expect this guy to have two brushes. Looks like we have to make a quick decision.”

As soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly felt the ground under his feet move.

Immediately afterwards, many thick and sharp root tendrils broke out from the ground, and in the strange dance of the mutant mushroom man, they crazily entwined towards the two of them.

At the same time, there were many slimy roars and heavy footsteps in the deep darkness.

A large group of spore servants of various races and corrupted mushroom guards all emerged from the darkness as the mutant mushroom shouted loudly, and rushed towards Brian and Hesaiah together.

"Look there!"

Hisaiah's expression changed, and he reminded Brian while slashing the roots and tendrils attacking the two with his sword.

As far as she could see, there was a group of mushroom people who looked like Zeke wood fungus, just like the activated tree people on the surface, with heavy steps, rushing towards the two menacingly.

"Already noticed."

Brian's expression became serious, he took out a pinch of dust and a few drops of water, and said to the sword mage quickly, "You don't need to worry about these monsters, just cover me and cast spells."

At this moment, the battle has fallen into a very serious moment, and the mutant mushroom man is controlling the root tendrils from a distance, trying to trap them.

On both sides are a large number of spore servants and activated Zekemu mushroommen, rushing towards them at a visible speed, ready to surround them.

Sisaiah stood in front of Brian, with a rune sword shining with mithril luster, dancing sword shadows one after another, accurately and quickly cutting off all the roots and tentacles twisting and twisting like snakes.

Brian held his breath, and after clearing the disturbance on the battlefield as quickly as possible, he began to cast spells calmly.

——"Three-ring spell: Ice Storm!"

As his fingers danced lightly in front of him, strong magical hailstones fell from the sky, wrapped in bitingly cold rain and snow and howling wind like sharp knives, covering all the spore servants within a diameter of 30 meters.

Suddenly, a large number of deep roars sounded one after another.

The few Dreadclaws and marsh bear servants who were not completely killed in the blizzard were also crawling forward like tortoises under the condensation of frost.

Brian took a deep breath, calmed down the short-term confusion after casting the spell, and immediately took out another pinch of white phosphorus, and casually sprinkled it on a group of Zekemu mushroom men who were approaching.

—— "Four-ring spell: wall of fire!"

The moment he spit out the last syllable of the incantation, a curtain of burning purple flames jumped out.

The wall of fire exudes scorching heat, blocking the path of the mushroom man, continuously spouting hot waves of fire, which quickly spread to the dry stems and caps of the mushroom man.

The threat of flames instantly caused panic and riots among the mushroom crowd, hindering their progress.

"Use "Flame Kill" to deal with Mutant Fungus. Brian, who was leading the wall of fire, told Hesaiah, "You don't have to worry about it here. "

After speaking, with a thought, the gold-plated hilt of the 'Dawnbringer' appeared in his hand out of thin air, and at the same time a bright light blade flashed, cutting off the wildly twisting roots in front of him one by one.

"Flame Slash" is a supernatural ability that sword mages can only use once a day.

Although the mushroom man's fire resistance is very high, the flame of "Burning Flame Slash" is the elemental fire from the fairy wilderness. While burning the flesh and blood, it will also burn their souls.

For this mutated mushroom man, it will definitely receive unexpected miraculous effects.

Originally, he also planned to let Hesaiah keep this move until the end, and use it to deal with the twelve fungal bridesmaids and six fungal housekeepers of the fungal queen.

But seeing how tricky this mutant mushroom man was, he immediately changed his mind.

Hearing Brian's order, Hesaiah put away the sword without any hesitation.

After all, the moves and spells she has mastered have already been fully understood by Bryan through various methods such as guessing and deduction.

During the two travels together, she has already understood the importance of obeying orders and obeying commands in battle.

Regarding Brian's order, she naturally carried it out without hesitation.

So, she calmed down, and under Brian's cover, she quickly recited a teleportation spell, and in the blink of an eye, she appeared behind the mutant fungus on the hexagram formation.

——"Burning Flame Slash!"

Her silver-gray eyes narrowed slightly, and a golden flame flashed across her eyes.

Immediately afterwards, flames burst out from the rune blade that she brushed quickly with her left hand, and the scorching heat made the surrounding void slightly distorted.

The mutant mushroom man instantly noticed the strangeness behind him.

The moment it turned around, what greeted it was a sharp rune sword gushing out flames.

Hesaiah swung his sword flexibly and slashed out. The rune sword surrounded by flames made a 'poof' sound, leaving a long and deep flame scar on the mutated mushroom man's festering fungal body.

The soul-like burning made the mushroom man howl sharply.

Many tiny flames emerged from the sword wound on its body, burning between its flesh and blood, and spreading to the whole body at an extremely fast speed, showing no signs of exhaustion at all.

Hesaiah jumped, distanced himself from the mycocarp, and stared at it vigilantly.

Seeing the enemy retreating, the wailing mutant mushroom man immediately regained his composure, used his dirt-absorbing ability, and quickly recovered his physical strength to fight against the burning of the elemental fire.

Just when the spread of the mushroom man's flames was relieved, a lightsaber wrapped in electric light pierced through the air, precisely piercing through its festering body.

As the gold-plated sword hilt inserted into the mutated mushroom man's body trembled slightly, lightning burst out from the inside out.

In an instant!

Amid the violent explosion, the mushroom man's body was blown apart, completely losing its vitality.

After accepting the 5000 experience contentedly, Brian thought, and the 'Dawnbringer' flew back into his hand.

At the same time, with the death of the mutant mushroom man, the remaining spore minions fell to the ground, turning into disgusting ichor like deflated balls, merging into the glistening fungus.

The Zekemu mushroom people who were blocked by the flames also dispersed in a panic, disappearing into the depths of the dark woodland.

"Let's go!"

Brian gave Hesaiah a thumbs up with a smile, and immediately, together with her, hurried towards the fog-shrouded land in the distance.

(End of this chapter)

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