Archdjinni of the Rings: Hoopa (Warhammer 40k/Pokemon)

14. Action and Reaction

Concealed in the depth of the Labyrinth Dimension was an object more pursuing to be found in those places, a rocky planet three times the size of Earth. Its surface of pure white, midnight blue, and vibrant emerald green as life beyond mortal mind comprehension, impossibly grand forest, mountains that broke the skyline, technology grew from nature capable of the most miraculous of wonder, and oceans of infinite depth.

This was one of the oldest planets in the Milky Way and also one of the first to birth sapient life. Throughout the age it was known by many names the Ancient Garden, the Convergence of Life, or even the Origin of All to only name a few but its true name was given by the natives of this heavenly body was Yuggoth the Great Motherworld.

The natives of this world had moved it to the most secure, defended, and mysterious part of this dimension between Reality and Unreality where none other than the builders of this slice of space themselves, the Old Ones. It was their ultimate stronghold and where the heart of what once was their empire was even if they never were one like one in the future.

They never had a proper empire that spanned the stars at least not one with trillions of their species inhabiting untold amounts of heavenly bodies, a number once upon a time had reached this on Yuggoth but that was in the ancient past before their ascension to perfection, it was times were they were weak in mind and body, short-lived and lacked the psychic talent they are known for. They were very much like the lower races that had the honor to be graced by their presence.

Their ancestors were unaccepting of such an unpleasant fate and they made it so it never was to be the case. What followed was millions of years of unfeeling eugenics, gene craft, soul shaping, ruthless traditions, and harsh environment favoring the strongest, smartest, and wisest of them leading to the current Old Ones. A forced and controlled evolution to what led them to their current height, the perfection of flesh and souls gave form.

But gaining biological immortality and potent psychic might in addition to such a society came with a price, their population. Their fertility was abysmal, nevertheless when the time where the act of mating was in order, eggs as such were more than a rarity then there were the requirements necessary by the embryonic to be incubated until hatching.

Then there was the other stage of growth from larval to metamorphosis, not only did it take several millennia, but the offspring failing at meeting the requirements were eliminated in cold blood until they reached adulthood, and even then that wasn't a certainty. As such the Old Ones numerically speaking did not go above twenty thousand individuals, a minuscule number but that was only one of the reasons why.

But in general, this was why their empire was barely one and was tattered in clusters of star systems, each the garden and playground of one Old One or a small group of them. And if a threat came then they were the mightiest in every aspect and case of emergency, they had the Labyrinth Dimensions to flee or call for help.

It that was what they believed until for the second time in their existence it was proven to be erroneous, the Necron and C'tan, abominations of living metal and their predatory false gods came and destroyed with utmost malice all semblance of foothold they had upon Realspace by precise and unforeseen attack leading to thousands of them to die and many more followed no matter what was done.

But the tides had been drastically changing in the recent past… And a meeting was ongoing upon this very subject.

It was happening within the most sacred and oldest city of this planet, R'lyeh, a city grown organically from billions upon billions of buildings both of pulsing pillars of flesh, entrancing multicolored vegetation, raw Blackstone thrumming with unbridled psychic energy, and ethereal crystalline product of the ground, they shaped themselves without fixed form or size creating a space of incomparable size and terrific beauty that from the outside stretched over continents and reached to the void of space but from the inside, it was far more spacious equaling massive star system.

Precisely within a circular megastructure at the center of it all made of flowing pure white crystals, moving plants and a chain of blues tendons was where the meeting was taking place, a meeting between the Great Old Ones, each with a seat at the Great Council to edict the fate of their kinds.

"I can only accept my defeat Cthylla, your insanity has proven to be fruitful, this living paradox that you have meticulously crafted will be our greatest asset to crush those unliving bugs and their masters tainting our beautiful galaxy with their presence.", Shaurash-Ho said both softly and loudly as he sat comfortably upon his throne, one of his hand grasping between two thumbs a glass of liquid darker than any abyss. A beverage for all intent and purpose, one made partially of a black hole.

"Insanity? I may accept the danger of bringing this foreign soul within our Universe via the Well of Eternity and endeavor to take responsibility similar to the others who have participated… But Shaurash-Ho, I would adore to hear more than your petty insults upon my person and action, your participation in the war efforts was a little less than praiseworthy.", Chtylla retorted sternly from her throne to her fellow Great Old One and this comeback seemed to be enough to stifle her eldest into silence due to shock mostly, whispers followed soon after of varying opinion.

It was the truth he might have participated in many projects and even pioneered the uses of Blackstones in many fields but his presence for the past eons in the war had been almost non-existent. It can even be said he had created a large disadvantage for them with his study that had been bastardized by the C'tan, but that was quite asinine to say this, it only accelerated this star parasites' progress.

And there was the fact that her authority within the Great Council had developed quite positively and was continuing to do so, otherwise, she wouldn't be this… Bold. To say she had been one of the most pivotal figures in the rearrangement of their fate for the better would not be an exaggeration.

"Silence everyone. Young Cthylla, is the method of containment enough when this scuffle ends to put it out indefinitely until an adequate solution for its termination is discovered? I want to know if it has the potential to become a situation akin to those mind-flaying parasites where only periodical sealing is the solution. We must put an end to its dark influence upon what is and what isn't.", Nctosa to her right side said with a thin lipless smile and sharp frills on her head shifting contracting deeply with her words that led to more than a few to squirm in discomfort at the mind related parasite part, the second reason for their kind diminutive population.

As for the movement of her frills, it was a clear sign of curiosity in their species body language if a rather primitive and boorish one, though considering she was one of the oldest of their kind it was to be expected from her in particular. Her genes were imperfect compared to theirs.

It was truly a miracle she was even still here for some of the 'youngsters' but she was a veteran and had a vast array of powers of all kinds, and some tended to forget that she was the leading researcher and one of the utmost experts in the Song of Creation, or Enuncia as it will later be known as. The strongest most versatile weapon of their species until the 'it' she spoke of and even then it was made with these words of truth, and she had partaken from afar in its creation, Cthylla from a certain angle could even be considered her student.

"There is no reason to worry Elder Nctosa, the Flask of Sealing will hold Hoopa away from all for enough time to find a solution and his design made it so he cannot refuse our wish. Our words are laws and he shall obey them, if his death is required then it shall be.", Chtylla answered the mention of euthanizing her Magnum Opus doing little to faze her, art did not need to be eternal to be enchanting and appreciated.

Particularly in this case as she and her fellow Great Old Ones understand the potential implications of letting such powerful beings stay alive. His power was far too great and his contradictory nature blurred the fates of all, blinding them from their given right to read upon that thread of times.

His existence was not to be kept for an extended period of time after he gave them victory. What was the use of a weapon without a target to aim it at?

And it wasn't so much different for any of what they created even if the vast majority of the others like the Young Races will not be so severely judged. Some would need to be culled down to extinction or weakened to a large extent for the greater good of the Milky Way.

In addition, the idea of a being that wasn't of their kind possessing inherent power far outstripping them could only be tolerated for so long. It brought an uncomfortable sensation that had no right to exist in the divine sanctuary that was their biology, a vestige from their ancestors that had waned but never disappeared.

"Yet as much as I wish to trust your judgment upon your craft, I know that action speaks louder than words Cthylla. It obeys your words but none are blind to your toy following orders in the way it pleases, those poor animals it had twisted right after its birth for its own amusement, wasting time instead of directly combating the threat proof enough. An immediate demonstration will be in order, is there an objection for it to happen at this place and time?", Hnarqu with a booming voice declared, his only remaining slitted pupil shining menacingly but only holding rationality.

A wave of murmurs and rapid but complex telepathic debate followed before a short vote was done, thirteen for and eleven against the invocation of the paradoxical creature. It wasn't a simple act, calling nothing but the Great Old Ones within this room that they were in had only happened a dozen times and then it was with Old Ones, this…

This was entirely different and in a way tampered with the sanctity of this place. But practically of them all being here won over most of their slow beating hearts, and curiosity too, after all, who wouldn't want to study in the very last detail such an enigmatic creature?

-Hoopa, my child. I request your presence in the place I'm currently in, the restrictions are as such temporarily lifted and you have the authorization to enter.-, Cthylla having waited for the consensus to be drawn sent telepathically to her strongest and most versatile but also grumpy child and the answer was immediate but it wasn't with words.

A golden ring manifested out of thin air to her left, then a portal akin to the most stunning constellation expanded within it, what came out of it was two bluish-grey skinned fingers ending in wickedly sharp black curved claws. The two fingers flexed and extended the ring to point the two hands they were connected to could go out and grab the ring, and once the ring was large enough the owner of those two talon-like hands flew out of it.

Standing in levitation to Cthylla's right was Hoopa, the bodiless limbs used to enlarge the portal sheathing themselves back in their pockets to the side of his abdomen as he meticulously studied his new environment. His mere presence changed the atmosphere of the room as a passive but discreet oppressive feeling settled into the heart of all, even his Mother, it was natural to feel this way after all.

"You may have the authorization to open your mouth, Child of Cthylla.", Hnarqu said, no, ordered, his lone eye never leaving the creature even once. He felt fear, terror even one far above that of the one that caused the permanent loss of one of his eyes, one of the strongest C'tan and obsessed with flesh and skin, Llandu'gor the Flayer.

And from what this massive horned beast had done it made sense that he felt this way, it was a being that fended off C'tan regularly on the battlefield and terminated the Nightbringer without risking the fabric of reality. It was a true monster but one that was necessary for their survival, for the moment.

"It's the highest of honor to be given the opportunity to be in such a site and your grand presence, what does the Great Council require of my person?", Hoopa lied smoothly in his enchanting voice, a smile showing pure white fangs to them all as he contained as much of his unbridled hate toward them in himself and what might escape was snuffed by his darkness.

Still, it was clear he was not overjoyed to be here, at least he was acting polite enough, tamed enough, to not appear like a rabid animal that wanted to rip them apart even if that was what he REALLY wanted to do. If he knew what they had been speaking of seconds before he might even have been snappier, but he had enough self-control to do nothing more, not that he could have attacked them. His very body and power would refuse to do so.

To add oil to the fire it wouldn't be something out of his already low expectation from them. He understood his place in the hierarchy very well, that didn't mean he accepted it but it was better to make them believe that he did.

'What do they want? They never had the guts to face me, nevertheless in their little ivory tower from where they always observed me when it took their fancy. But… This place is beyond impressive, so much knowledge to be gained. A tragedy it would all have to disappear.', he thought uncertain of what was his purpose here but that didn't stop him from using this opportunity to learn as much as possible about what made this place and more.

"Show us your faith by giving us your beating heart taken from your own chest with the claws we have granted you.", the same Great Old One that had given Hoopa the right of speech said his voice cold if almost casual.

'Pathetic creatures.', was the thought that flew through his mind as an understanding of why he was here downed upon him. A show of force and to see if he would obey and how he would do so, the act of taking out his heart was not one to perturb him much, it wasn't like it would put him out of commission or even less kill him. He was above this but he hated being forced to do it all the same.

-Do so my child. Also… Swerve the backlash that will naturally ensue from my person and Nctosa the burden that will naturally ensue. Let them see what wanting to tarnish, damage the image of my art, my talent, my honor would grant them.-, Chtylla sent her thoughts to him and he answered with a 'Yes, Mother', two words that barely hid his current state of mind but she didn't care.

"By the Great Old Ones' wishes.", Hoopa said and hovered himself in the middle of the room on a pedestal, the place where his audience was suddenly shifted from a circle to a crescent-shaped formation letting them have the full view of what he was going to do.

He had never felt so much like a circus animal until now, but he kept it all inside, giving them the satisfaction he was affected more than the strict minimum was something he found far more infuriating than the situation at hand.

And so with that in mind, he plunged one of his disembodied hands into the golden ring growing out of his chest, the portal constantly lit on it by his command leading to the deepest confine of his rib cage.

With a touch of psychic scalpel and biomancy, he cut off his flesh following the instruction that Chtylla was actively giving him.

Then he brought it out, large arteries and veins still connected through the portal to his body transporting obsidian black blood as he felt the slow but powerful heartbeat of his own heart in his own hand. But the agony he was feeling was drowned by the sight of the Great Old Ones.

Barring two they were all squirming, some with faces of despair, their body language screamed that they wanted to flee while were in the middle of falling into comatose. All of this was by the aura emanated from the rhythmically beating purple organ in his palm, however, he was not aiming to harm them; what was happening was only a byproduct of what they asked.

Why should he not heed their divine decree? He was only a throw-away tool, and a good tool needed to do its job after all. How could he, or it, could have known any better? However, the way his smile had grown by a few millimeters upward told a different story.

"Enou-enough!", Hnarqu screamed his voice the opposite of composed while his good eye was dilated and bloodshot and the clutch of hands on his throne had begun cracking it.

Hello, unpleasant meeting with the Old Ones. Not much else to say.


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