Archmage Villainess

Aiwin’s First Customer

After turning the prince into Aiwin, I teleport the both of us into the brothel. As expected, there’s barely anyone inside as I haven’t advertised it. I look at Aiwin and say,

“Alright, get up on one of the platforms and start dancing.”

I tap him on the shoulder and change his outfit. It’ll be a tribal Elven loincloth and top, which are both sheer and cut to be more provocative. He’ll be wearing a thong underneath, which will also be sheer. Every time the light catches the outfit just right, you can see straight through his clothing.

I apply a conservative amount of makeup to his face as well, just highlighting his already beautiful features.

(Image of Aiwin and the outfit at the end of the chapter)

I slap him on the ass as he walks away. Next, I head to the commerce guild. I’m wearing the fox mask, as well as a black and gold vest, shirt, and pants combo. I walk up to the receptionist I saw yesterday, and begin talking,

“I see you work night shift, huh?”

She nods at me and is about to ask who I am before I say,

“Midas. I’m here to apply for noble advertising.”

She nods her head and says,

“Very well, if you would sit in the waiting room for a few moments, we’ll send out an inspector as soon as one is available!”

I nod my head and go sit. In order for someone to advertise in the noble district, one must first have an inspector visit their business in order to ensure that it’s up to noble standards. I have no doubt my brothel is. After all, it's mostly made from marble. I’ll also be paying the commerce guild to build lights down the alley to the brothel, to make it feel more welcoming. I’ll also probably re-pave the alley. I could also buy the businesses around me to widen the alley… Well, food for thought.

The inspector finally arrives. A young man, about 22 years old. He has brown hair done in a traditional side-swept way, and he has an air of poshness about him. His features are rather feminine, but with the way he carries himself it all seems to come together. He knows he’s not the most manly, and he owns it.

He bows to me and speaks,

“Lady Midas, I am Helio Arcturus, I’m the one who will be inspecting your business tonight. If I’m correct, it is a brothel?”

I nod my head, and he continues on,

“Brothels are very hard to advertise in the noble district. Firstly, no illegal activity may take place in the brothel. Secondly, no worker may have any sort of disease that may be passed on to a customer. Thirdly, you must have a wide array of workers. Nobles are known for their peculiar tastes, after all. And fourthly, your establishment must have a clean environment.”

I nod my head and speak,

“Well, Ser Arcturus, I believe you’ll find my establishment quite worthy.”

He simply nods and motions for me to follow him, to which I say,

“There’s no need, Ser Arcturus, I can get us there much faster than a carriage.”

I snap my fingers and teleport the two of us to the front of the brothel. Helio looks around in confusion before regaining his composure and following me in. I wave at Rok’tarr, who gives me a nod. As we walk in, Helio is met with a beautiful marble interior that is far larger than the outside would tell you. He looks around in confusion before I tell him,

“It’s spatial magic. Basically the same rune that’s used in an item bag is used here. Did they not tell you? I’m a Magus. 8th circle.”

The man looks at me and blinks a little, before realization hits him.


I nod my head,

“Surprised you didn’t notice my name. The receptionist knew who I was immediately.”

He coughs and recomposes himself,

“Liana is obsessed with magic to a near unhealthy degree. I had heard of you, of course, but I was never told your name. It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance, your grace.”

I wave him off and say,
“Alright, enough of that. We’re here to judge my store, no?”

He nods his head, and gets to business. He looks around the entire first floor, seeing the private rooms, interviewing the dancers, and checking for traces of mind magic. He makes sure that the entire first floor is clean, and even checks the cellar. He tastes a few of the wines and liquors to make sure that they’re of high quality, and sits on the sofas to make sure they’re comfortable. He then visits a few of the private rooms to test them as well. He ends off his tour by interviewing a few more workers in one of the private dance rooms. The last one, being Aiwin. Currently, Aiwin is the only male elf working in the brothel. He’s also the only actual person working, as the rest are basically magical AI. Immediately, I notice a slight blush appearing on Helio’s face as he sees Aiwin sit down on the chair across from him. He clears his throat and begins,

“Hello, I am Helio Arcturus. Lady Midas is applying for the rights to advertise her brothel in the noble district, so I must interview every worker. Let’s start with your name.”

Heh. Helio hadn’t asked any other worker their name before him. I send a message to Aiwin mentally, telling him to be flirty with this guy.

“I’m Aiwin, Ser Arcturus. It’s a pleasure~.”

He adds a little bit of flavor to the word pleasure and crosses his legs, giving a view of the side of his thighs. Helio swallows and continues on,

“So, firstly, may I check if any mind-related magic has been cast on you?”

Aiwin nods his head and says,


Aiwin then stands up and kneels in front of Helio, resting his head on his thighs, and looking up at him with a smile. Helio coughs and places his finger on Aiwin’s forehead. Aiwin lets out a moan as he’s touched, which causes Helio’s blush to grow stronger. As he finishes with the mind magic detection, he speaks,

“Ahem, I found no traces of mind magic, you may head back to your seat.”

Aiwin tilts his head and says,

“No, I think I’m more comfortable like this.”

I put my hands on Helio’s shoulders and become the devil in his ear,

“Y’know, you’ve tested my wines, liquors, and chairs, but you never tested my actual products, have you? Here’s the perfect chance. Aiwin here has never served a customer, have you sweetheart?”

Aiwin shakes his head no and runs his hand up Helio’s thighs,

“No, mistress, I haven’t. Though, I’m more than excited for my first.”

Aiwin licks his lips as he looks up at Helio. Helio looks down and shivers slightly as he looks into Aiwin’s eyes. I pat his shoulders and say,

“You two have some fun. I’ll be at the bar when you’re finished. Remember, Helio, your first time will be free, but if you wish to have fun with Aiwin again, it’ll cost you!”

I wave as I exit the curtains and head to the bar.

(Aiwin, Outfit, Brothel:

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