Archmage Villainess


As I teleport back into my room, I start writing a note to the local guardhouse.

[15th Faera street. Alleyway by carpet maker. Obstructed by boxes. Corpse.]

I teleport the note into the head guards office.

Well, guess I've already gotta deal with demons. I suppose I found them quicker than I thought. I'm surprised the pope hasn't felt any miasma, considering he scanned my house after the prince's disappearance. Oh right, the pope is infected by a greed demon.

So, what are demons?

Well, full-blooded demons are different from minions, but they're grouped together. Demons are essentially a type of spirit that is made of miasma instead of mana. They can have physical forms, as most do, or they can be incorporeal.

First type to explain, greed demons.

Greed demons feed off the emotion of greed. They latch onto someone by promising them something they want. You want your neighbor's lawn? Kill him and take his house! You want your friend's shiny new sword? Bah, he's rich, he won't miss it! You see a noble with a really sexy wife? Kidnap her! Now she's yours!

Greed demons tend to take the form of goblins.

Lust demons. Pretty self explanatory, they feed off lust. The thing is, out of all demons, they're the most acceptable in my eyes. The demon goddess of lust was raped once in the past by another demon before her ascension, so any lust demon is not allowed to make the one they infect rape. Thus, they just heighten feelings of lust in a person, and sometimes engage in sexual activities with those they infect.

In the book, Rosanna actually gets infected by a lust demon. Or at least, the demon attempted to infect her. By that point Rosanna was already strong enough to shrug off their influence. However, Rosanna kept the demon around because she genuinely likes being around her.

Lust demons don't really get along with other demons too well. They're seen as weak by the demons.

Lust demons typically take the form of young women with seductive bodies and faces, but they can change their form to whatever the victim lusts for the most.

Then there's the envy demons. They just heighten peoples envy. They're pretty prolific, which makes them easy to catch. However, they take on quite an interesting form. Envy demons tend to look like male humans just with multiple arms. Nobody knows how this relates to their powers, or if it even does in the first place. The previous demon lord was an envy demon, so there may be more to them than meets the eye.

Arguably the most terrifying demon, the wrath demon. Nearly 100% of cases end with the person infected going insane. So much so that in the past if you were suspected of wrath demon infection, they would burn you alive. Wrath demons haven't ever had a demon lord, as they are the only demon type to never take a physical form, being more ghosts than demons.

Sloth demons don't infect people. They tend to wait around different areas, gathering the negative energy in the atmosphere. However, that doesn't mean they aren't a threat. The slightest sound will cause a sloth demon to awaken. Have you ever heard of 'poking a sleeping bear'? Yeah, a bear would be a toy for a sloth demon. Only three sloth demons have ever awoken, and the last one to do so managed to kill a hero of the previous generation. A hero that was said to be able to split mountains with a single slash of aura. Sloth demons are considered to be animals to some extent, not working together with other demons, and even going as far as to kill them if they are awoken.

Gluttony demons are another type of demon that doesn't infect people. They're the physical manifestation of hunger. They eat from the second they are born to the second they die. They also don't tend to work with other demons, but have in the past. They usually just wander around, eating every living thing in their path. Trees, bushes, people, dragons, they don't care. So long as it's alive, it'll eat it. Gluttony demons are pink skinned, with tentacles for legs. Their stomach is replaced with a gigantic gaping maw, and they have a long tongue coming from their head that they use to attack. This tongue has paralytic abilities, but keeps the individual affected awake.

Pride demons also do not infect people. They are honorable demons, who will spare anyone who submits to them. They have never worked with another demon lord. The current demon lord is a pride demon. Pride demons will go to any length to prove they are superior compared to someone. In history, a hero defeated a pride demon by challenging it to chess. He asked the demon if it needed help learning, to which it refused stating that its superior mind will allow it to master this game within a second. When it lost the game, it ended up killing itself out of shame.

War demons aren't technically demons. They're golems made by the Druegar, or Greydwarves, a race of demons made by dwarves infected by miasma. War demons are incredibly powerful amalgamations of flesh and machinery. They are several meters tall and have two gigantic swords instead of arms. Their entire body is armored to the extreme, making it nearly impossible to destroy them without either aura or magic. They are also known as war titans.

The last type of demon is an enigma. Demon towers don't seem to be alive, yet previous encounters have proven otherwise. Demons tend to reside in towers made of flesh and stone. These towers are incredibly powerful, and more armored than a war demon. They're new to the current demon lord. They were thought to just be constructs made by the demons to live in, but they seem to be alive. A wandering archmage managed to catch one walking out of the portal to hell. They have crab-like legs that come from the bottom, making people believe the towers are in fact a shell for whatever creature is walking in them. When attacked, they use magic to defend themselves. These towers shoot up past the clouds sometimes, with demonologists believing that the taller a tower is, the older the creature.

And with that, our class on demonology is over. There are several other types of demons, but these were the major ones.

(Demon Art --> )


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