Archmage Villainess


I look at the ornately carved wooden door that leads to the throne room. I’ve dressed in a rather ornate ensemble, my usual red dress as well as several golden bands on my arms, kept still by an enchantment that makes them float around my arm, like a moon orbiting a planet.

As the door is opened by a knight from inside, I see the king, queen, and princess standing on the raised platform that holds the throne. The king looks disheveled, and I notice an obvious distance between him and his family. As I walk up to them, I curtsy. And with that, I speak up,

“Your majesty, I’ve come today to ask that I replace my brother on the frontlines.”

The princess is about to speak, but the king raises his hand and speaks first,

“For what reason do you wish to replace him?”

I look at him with a small amount of anguish on my face,

“I do not wish for my brother to die on the battlefield. As he is a mere third circle mage, he is at far greater risk of this than I, a 6th circle would be. I would be a far greater asset on the battlefield than he would be, as well.”

The princess speaks first this time,

“I am against this!”

The king speaks,

“For what reason?”

The princess clears her throat and says,

“She may not remember, but Rosanna and I were rather close before the incident with the prince. While I acknowledge the fact that she has stunned the entire world with her growth, this does not change the fact that it has been merely a month or so since her recovery. Not to mention, there seems to be lasting effects from the incident evidently, seeing as how she still has no memory.”

The king nods along, eager to please his daughter, he says,

“I agree. Lady Rosanna, you have barely had time to recover, I cannot in good mind send you to a battlefield. Your brother should be fine on the field.”

I look at the two and speak rather curtly,

“Your majesty, your highness, I apologize for being blunt, but both of you are allowing your personal feelings to get in the way of this war.”

I look at their faces, they seem shocked, but not angry, so I continue.

“While yes, I have been recovering for a while now, I have been seen by multiple doctors since then who have all stated that my body is far healthier than before then.”

I then look at the princess directly and say,

“I am not the Rosanna you knew. I am far different compared to her. I am more outspoken, I am stronger, I am not that dumb, lovestruck girl you once knew.”

I show resolve, making sure that they know I won’t take no for an answer. The princess looks at me as tears begin to form at the edge of her eyes. She sighs and says,

“So, you’ve truly forgotten me?”

I feel a sharp pain in my chest as I see her cry. However, I will not let myself be beholden to the royal family. Me asking their permission is merely for appearances. If they refuse, I’ll be heading to the frontlines anyway. I look into her eyes and say,

“Unfortunately, I have, your highness. I hear that you and I were quite close friends before the incident between your brother and I. I would not mind rekindling that relationship once more at a later date. However, for now, I wish to protect our kingdom against its invaders.”

The princess wipes her tears away and looks at her father,

“Father. I have changed my mind. I believe she is powerful enough to make a serious difference in this war, even without the duchy’s soldiers. She possesses a strength greater than ten thousand men. As much as it pains me to say, she shall indeed make an incredible difference in this war. Possibly even winning it for us. I should not have allowed my personal feelings to get in the way. I apologize for my shortcomings.”

The king sighs and shakes his head as well,

“I let mine get the better of me as well, ‘tis nothing to be ashamed of, dear. I apologize, Lady Rosanna. We have shown you a rather deplorable side of ours. I shall allow you to take your elder brother’s place on the frontline. In return, I ask that you spend some more time with my daughter in the future. Her heart was ripped to shreds when she found out about your death, and then about your memory loss. I am looking forward to hearing of your great feats.” 

I nod my head to the royal family and say,

“I am rather looking forward to becoming friends with you once more. I take it you shall spare this weary soldier some of your time when she returns?”

I give her a slight smile, forgetting that my face can be rather seducing. The princess blushes and freezes for a second before she clears her throat and says,

“Of-of course! I shall have you a glass of tea warmed up when you return.”

I smile at her and say,

“Very well, I’ll be taking you up on that offer very soon, your highness.”

The princess clears her throat and says,

“It’s Madeline. You can call me Madeline.”

I smile at her and say,

“A beautiful name. Very well, Madeline. I look forward to your company.”

And with that, I step back and leave the castle. In all honesty, that went far better than I had imagined. I shall be going off to war soon.


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