Archmage Villainess

New Maid

So. Now that the bath is over, I can start faking my path as a mage. While I'm writing in my journal at dinner, I'll have something happen and act like I've been possessed by Gaera, calling myself the hero of magic. This'll paint a target on my back for the demons, but they're pipsqueaks. The positives majorly outweigh the negatives.

If I become a hero, I'll be allowed passage into every country except the Kingdom of Yaelva, though luckily nothing useful is in that kingdom. Truly a useless country. I wish the Queendom of Telva would hurry up and beat them into submission. Maybe I'll smack the king around a bit? Meh. Too boring.

Anyways, I look over to my right and see Annie, still asleep. Her cute little button nose has a single strand of blonde hair laying on it. I lift it off and kiss her freckled cheek. This little action is enough to wake her as she slowly opens her eyes.

I wrap my arm around her and pull her head into my chest. She wraps her arms around me in a hug and nuzzles into me. I speak up softly,

"Well, you ready to go 'find' a poor beggar girl?"

She nods her head and nuzzles into my chest a little more. She then pulls back and up before planting a kiss on me.

"Wow, daring today are we?"

I jokingly say. Annie smiles at me and gets up out of the bed. Her naked petite figure makes me smile, she's absolutely adorable. I get up after her and get dressed myself. I dress warmly, in a Victorian style winter coat, as it's still winter right now. The coat is green and black. Honestly, green is my favorite color despite the fact my room is all red.

I also wear a khaki pair of riding pants because of the warmth.

Annie dresses in the same kind of coat, just beige in color. As a servant of a ducal house, Annie is quite wealthy so as to not besmirch the duke's own wealth.

Annie walks behind me as we go to my fathers study.

As we walk there, several servants are whispering and looking at me. Some of them blush, others get stunned for a second. I smile. I really like being able to turn heads now. Rosanna you sexy ass bitch.

We come to my fathers study and I knock on the door, a little stronger than last time. I hear a muffled,

"Come in."

And open the door. My father looks up at me with a bit of a stunned look as well. He then jokingly says,

"Who are you, and what have you done with my daughter?"

I chuckle and walk to his desk before saying,

"Hello father, I've come to tell you that the mixture was a success! I feel even healthier than before! I feel like I could punch through a plank of wood!"

I jokingly punch and make fighting noises. My father laughs and says,

"I can see that! You look fit as an orc!"

I get a pouty face and say,

"How dare you compare me to those brutes! Hmph!"

I turn my head as I 'hmph' for added effect. He chuckles once again and I speak again with a smile,

"I've also come to ask if Annie and I can go around town for a few hours. We'll be going to the commercial district to buy a few training shirts since I can begin my mana training."

Father nods his head and says,

"Ah yes, it is about time for you to begin isn't it? Very well, I'll have a few knights escort the two of you. They'll be in the gatehouse when you two are ready. I'll also have a carriage ready for you."

I nod my head and give him my thanks. I take Annie back to my room and tell her I'm going to get "Jenna", which is Ralia's new name. I'll no longer be referring to her as Ralia. Anyways, I teleport into the little prison I made for the two and find her sitting on the bed with an extremely horny expression.

Shit. I forgot to deactivate the succubus rune. I walk over to her with a pink spell on my finger. I poke her on the forehead and she instantly orgasms, relieving her. Then, I cast a black spell and the previously glowing ink, now fades into her skin.

"Repeat what I told you."

I say with no context.

"Your name is now Jenna. I found you begging for money in the commercial district and took you under my wing. You're incredibly grateful to me and will do anything I ask of you without question. You love me with every fiber of your being. You feel like your only purpose in life is to serve me. You will literally die for me if need be."

She repeats without fail. I smile at her,

"Good. I'm gonna shrink you now. You'll be coming with Annie and I shopping. While we're walking from store to store, you'll be attacked by two men. Don't worry, they're actors so they won't actually hurt you. I'll save you and get the knights to chase after them, and we'll have a little chat where I decide to save you. You will play the part of the 'saved beggar girl' perfectly or you will die. Do you understand?"

She lowers her head and says,

"Y-yes mistress."


I touch her and store the lingerie I had her wearing. I then unstore a ruined and ripped pair of clothing I had.

I must say, my face changing spell did wonders on her. She has brown hair, and a cute face now instead of the rather sexy one she had before. Her body is still the same though.

I cast another spell which causes her entire body to shrink to about the size of my pinky. I then put her in my breast pocket.

I turn to the prince who's huddled up in the corner of his cell.

"Regretting your decisions yet, dog prince?"

He doesn't say anything and simply nods his head.

"Hm. You know, I may not have to kill you after all."

He jumps a little and slowly turns to look at me. Dark circles surround his eyes as he looks at me.

"After all, I know how to brainwash you. And I could turn you into a girl. Maybe I should make you a prostitute elf girl?"

I laugh as the prince's face goes white with horror. Then, I teleport back into my room. Time to have some fun outside!


AN: no maidens?

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