Archmage Villainess

Planning For Revenge

After arriving back at the manor, I find Annie and get her to bathe me. As she washes my hair, I think deeply about the revenge I'll take. I think I'll do it tomorrow. Losing the prince won't affect the kingdom much due to the fact that women can succeed the throne. The princess is an incredible ruler too. I'll seduce her at the prince's funeral.

So far my plan goes as follows;

1. Kidnap both the prince and his wench.

2. Cast some aphrodesiac magic on her and fuck her in front of the prince.

3. Torture the prince.

4. Turn Ralia into a pet basically.

5. Marry the princess and become the queen.

6. After letting the prince watch as his entire life is upturned, I kill him and hang his body in front of the king's throne.

Of course, not everything in the plan will go… As planned. Or maybe it will. We won't know till it starts. I'll go more into my plan for the kingdom after the prince is dead and gone. As Annie lathers behind my ears I melt into her hands slightly.

"Ahhhh… Annie, your hands are magical."

Annie mutters under her breath,

"I feel like yours are a bit more magic than mine…"

I chuckle and speak up,

"I'm happy to receive your praises!"

Annie jumps slightly as her entire face turns red. Due to my insane amount of mana, I can easily hear most sounds for miles if I concentrate. I reach up to her and put my hand on her cheek,

"You are positively adorable sweetheart. Oh! Your birthday is coming up, correct?"

Annie pushes her cheek into my hand and nods her head.

"I'll make sure to pamper you that day then. You're turning twenty, right?"

She nods her head once more,

"Hm. I always thought I was into younger girls. Seems that's correct!"

I chuckle to myself as I remember my own age. Before I took over Rosanna's body, I was millions of years old due to my trip. However, Rosanna was only twenty one. I'm older than the gods of this world.

Speaking of which, their influence should start becoming more clear now. If I remember correctly, within two years the Queendom of Telva should witness the summoning of the hero of ice, followed shortly after by the Kingdom of Yaelva's hero of might. The Perotell Imperium will be next with the summoning of the hero of light, then our kingdom, Gaera, should have the hero of flames. The elven king should become an apostle, and the dwarves will uncover the Tomb of Heroes soon after, which will spur the demons into action.

The hero of light will then eradicate the entire orcish species raiding the borders of the Imperium. Following this, the Orcs will join the Demon lord's army and become much stronger and more aggressive. The hero's summoning, the elven king's ascension to apostle, and the orcish race's evolution to demonoids are the three harbingers of the gods. Soon after that, the demonic gods will descend to the world of Veran from the demon lords portal, and the divine gods will descend using the world tree in the elven lands. The two forces will fight a battle that will turn the world into a gigantic wasteland as no known human can face even one god. The gods don't care for the races in the slightest, with several battles being fought in the middle of cities.

Thus, humanity will unite to fight off the gods. The forces of humanity will be on the brink of destruction before Rosanna ascends past the level of the gods herself, and systematically kills the gods and destroys their methods of descending. Of course, that's with the Rosanna of the book. Right now, I may not be a match for a god. But, I have all of the knowledge of the book. I know where the Tomb of Heroes is located, I know where the divine herbs are located, and I know the God Eating method of gaining strength through eating the essence of a being with divine power.

But, that's a long way into the future. And right now, I have a prince and wench to kidnap, and a party to hold.

As Annie finishes my bath, I motion for her to lean down like I'm going to whisper to her. As she leans down, I kiss her teasingly and stand up. Annie blushes wildly as I smirk at her. I step out of the bath and wait for her to snap back to reality. Annie dries me off and gets my robe for me.

I walk over to the couch in front of the fireplace and sit down. Annie brings me a glass of Telvan Frostwine. I take the glass and hold Annies hand gently. I hold her palm upwards and trace my fingers across it.

"My poor Annie. Calluses on your beautiful hands due to your loyalty. You won't have to worry for much longer dear. I'll soon have a second maid to take over most of your hard duties. This way you can focus all your efforts on pampering me."

I kiss her hand gently as I finish talking and look up into her eyes. The blush on her face grows to cover her ears as well. I kiss her hand over and over again, causing her breath to grow rapid. I look up at her slightly, giving her a light smirk. I then gently pull her down, pulling her head beside mine. I then whisper into her ear in a sultry tone,

"I love you very much, my little maid. I think I'll have you attend to me tonight as well."

I nibble her ear lightly, which causes her to try pulling away from me with an "eep!" I chuckle and pull her over the couch and onto my lap. As she lands in my lap, her hands come in front of her chest in fists, making her look like a scared little puppy. I pull her head onto my chest, letting her hear my heartbeat, and plant a kiss on her forehead. I lay my head on top of her own and start running my fingers through her hair. I keep talking in a quiet tone,

"My little baby girl… It pains me how hard you work for me, and yet it also fills me with joy knowing how much you care. I'm conflicted. Such beautiful hands waste themselves away just for me. In the future, you shall be my lover. I will claim you as my own. Your beautiful figure shall be mine to hold and cherish. Your beautiful eyes shall only lay on me. No longer will you wait on me. I will always hold you close to me."

I put my hand under her chin and lift her head up to face me before planting a passionate kiss on her lips. I'll be having a night full of fun with her. Tomorrow night however, I'll put the first part of my plan into action. Enjoy your night of peace Landon. For it shall be your last. Your suffering shall be long and agonizing. You shall call out, day and night, pleading with lady death for her to grant you her embrace. However, she shall ignore your pleas, granting me the right to be your reaper. May the gods have mercy on your soul, for you shall not find any in me.

AN: sorry for the cringey ending, i was feelin edgy lol

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