Archmage Villainess

Start of the Revenge

The night after my fun with Annie has finally started. I have my fun with her, and cast a sleeping spell on her. Then, using a combination of illusion and summoning, I create a temporary clone of myself. It won't talk, but it is capable of simple actions such as sleeping. Not to mention a nifty little spell that lets me teleport back to it instantly. Of course, before casting anything I carved a concealment rune into a plank of wood, making sure the master of the magic tower doesn't sense these greater spells being cast. I don't care if she catches me in the royal castle, because she's an ant to me, but I don't wish for my family to be dragged into this as they're currently my only weakness.

After all the spells are cast, I put on my super sneaky outfit. Which consists of a black fencing shirt, a black half-face oni mask with red teeth, with tight black pants with black shoes. I also dye my hair black and make my eyes have a glowing red limbal ring. I make my skin a grey color as well, to make myself appear inhuman.

With the finishing touches put on, it's time. First, I take the small wooden rune with me to the back yard of the mansion and start casting a barrier to block people from seeing anything. Then, I dig a 10m deep hole in the ground that opens up into a 3m by 6m room. I turn the edges into a smooth concrete like finish. Then, I turn a small corner of the room into a cell. Solid tungsten bars reinforced with runes of strengthening, magic sapping, and shocking. So the bars are essentially tungsten+.

In this cell, I created a toilet, shower, and set of chains that sap mana.

While I do want the prince as my prisoner, I don't want to deal with how disgusting it would be if I didn't give him a toilet and shower. In the shower I put a small water magic stone that only releases cold water, and the toilet has a rune of destruction carved into it that'll destroy whatever goes in it that isn't human.

After creating this, I take a bed out of storage and make the rest of the room besides the cell look normal to give the illusion of escape. I even put in a fake window with an illusion of the outside on it to make him think he's in my house! My, I'm evil!

Finally, the big day comes. With sensing magic, I'm able to tell that the prince and Ralia are currently in his bedroom. Perfect! The master of the magic tower sensed my scan, but can't really do anything about it. No doubt she's heard about the incident at the auction, so she most likely assumes it to be this "mysterious master" as people have been referring to me.

No matter.

I teleport into the room and hear the princes disgusting moans echoing throughout it. His precious knight would no doubt sense me, were I not five major realms above him in strength. I come into the light, my bright red limbal rings creating an eerie feeling about me. I let a puff of smoke come from the mask as the people in the room see me.

I speak, my voice distorted and wicked sounding,

"Heh. It seems my contractor was weaker than I thought."

Immediately, the knight takes action and charges at me. His sword glows red as he attempts to slice me in half and burn my body to cinders. However, despite his expertise, he is but a child facing a mountain.

I catch his sword with my hand and bend the metal with ease, turning a 4th circle magic weapon into nothing more than a hunk of metal.

The knight doesn't panic though, and punches forward with his fist covered in the same energy. I catch his fist as well and squeeze it. His fist and the metal around it offer no protection against my magically enhanced strength. My fingers dig into his hand, turning it into a bloody mess of bone and gore.

I put my other hand up to the mask and yawn before flicking the knight in the head. I put a barrier on my finger and make the barrier rapidly expand as my finger hits him, turning his head into a mist.


Ralia screams and runs to the other side of the room where the window is, trying desperately to escape. The prince sits on the bed, shaking in fear. I speak to Ralia,

"Ralia, my dear, I'm afraid there's no escaping what I have in store for you two."

At this, the prince wakes up slightly and realizes who I am from my showing facial features,


I chuckle at him and say,

"You're half correct. I am using Rosanna's body, yes. However, I myself am not her."

I create the illusion of horns on top of my head and make the red rings around my eyes glow brighter. I also let a little bit of abyssal magic seep from my body, creating a terrifying aura throughout the room.

"I am a being she contracted after her death. In exchange for her body, I am to make you two experience hell."

My body begins to grow more grotesque as I slowly walk towards the prince. My legs turn into the hooves of a goat, my body swells in size, and my hands grow five inch long claws.

"From the day I woke up in her corpse, your fates were sealed."

The prince wets his bed, while Ralia starts praying to Queen Gaera. I turn to Ralia and start speaking again,

"I'm oh so sorry little girl, but that fake god couldn't protect you from a fly."

I teleport over to her and pick her up by the throat.


I smile at her through the mask and say,

"Call all you want! Scream your lungs out! Nobody will come for you!"

I feel the prince start casting a 2nd circle spell behind me and completely ignore him as anything below the 9th circle is useless against a 10th circle mage like me. A blazing fireball hits me right in the shoulder and explodes in a blinding light.


I can't help but let out a little chuckle, which sounds eerie to the little prince.

"Hahahaha. Oh you poor, stupid, ignorant worm. Using fire against a demonic entity? You may as well be using water to fight a flood!"

The fireball covers my surroundings and starts burning through the curtains. I grab Ralia's shoulder and cast a sleeping spell on her. She slumps over my shoulder as I start walking towards the prince.

He runs towards the door, scared to death of me. He grabs the handle and starts trying to open it. When this fails, he starts beating on the door frantically.



I chuckle yet again and teleport directly behind him.

"I already told you. There is no escaping me."

I grab him by his face as he turns around and cast another sleep spell on him.

I sense the court mage flying towards me, so I undo my fake demonic transformation and walk out onto the terrace of the prince. I can't teleport directly to the estate as that would leave residue of the spell as well as the destination, so I'll be attempting to fly over there. As I step up onto the railing, I hear a gasp to my left.


It's the princess. Her beautiful pink hair and petite figure is enough for anyone to want to protect her. Her adorable features help that as well. Her slender fingers cover her mouth as she stares at me with her iconic golden irises, a feature exclusive to the saintess. I teleport these two into an abandoned house in the slums and teleport myself to the princess. She turns to run, but I teleport behind her and grab her waist.

"Aww, don't worry princess. I don't bite. At least not too hard. Haha."

I chuckle as she tries to fight against me while blushing slightly. I grab her chin and hold her face to where she looks me in my eyes. The crimson limbal ring slightly puts her off, yet she can't help but stare into it almost in a trance. I take off the mask, revealing a slightly modified version of my face where if you aren't looking at the two faces side by side, you'd never figure out who I am. Still attractive as hell though!

The princess slightly melts into my arms as she looks at my eyes. I smirk at her and pull her face in, planting a single kiss on her lips. Using the hand I grabbed her chin with, I run my fingers down her scalp, feeling her cotton candy like hair. When I pull away, I lick my lips and smile at her gently,

"Hmm. Sweet as can be."

And with that, I teleport into that abandoned house and grab my two captives. The trip home is relatively uneventful, with a simple concealment rune I carved into one of the prince's brooches covering the invisibility spell I cast on the three of us.

We get to the manor and I take the two into the underground cell I created for them. The lush carpet under my feet giving the faintest bit of comfort. I put the prince in the cell and put a pair of peasant clothes onto him. I strip Ralia down as well and put a pair of revealing underwear on her. I realize I never made a way to keep Ralia prisoner, as I want her to stay in this room like a good little slave. I quickly make a collar attached to the ceiling via a tungsten chain and put it around her neck, just long enough to reach the bed, but just short enough to not reach the door, the prince, or the window.

The collar has several enchantments as well. It has a strengthening, mana-sapping, shocking, and enslavement enchantment cast on it.

I wake the two of them up. The prince jumps awake as he looks around and sees the small 4 foot wide cell around him.

"Huh? What?"

Ralia wakes up in the center of the room and looks around,

"L-Landon? Landon?!"

Ralia gets up and runs over towards the prince, only to be yanked backwards by the chain attached to her neck.


I teleport behind the door and undo my invisibility, change back into my normal clothes, and undo my polymorphing. I open the door and look at the two. Ralia is coughing up a storm, and the prince is looking around confused. Ralia looks at me and yells,


As she refers to me, her master, in such a derogatory way, electricity starts to be emitted by the collar causing her to writhe in pain. As the engraved shocking spell is only a cantrip, it's not enough to kill or do any significant damage to her, but it will cause immense pain. Especially when paired with the mana sapping enchantment. It acts similarly to a weaker taser from earth.

The prince runs up and grabs the cell bars. Big mistake. The bars get a similar electric spell cast on them and cause the prince to jolt back.


I chuckle at the two's antics and walk over to the cell doors.

"I believe I already told you. Rosanna is in fact dead. I'm only here to cause you two as much pain and suffering as possible! Enjoy tonight, after all, it's the last night you'll be able to sleep peacefully!"

I then walk over to Ralia, who is spread on the ground with tears covering her eyes. Her crying is music to my ears! I kneel down beside her and grab her by the hair, lifting her head up towards me. She looks away from me.

"Look at me you slut."

The enslavement spell takes hold and she reluctantly looks at me. I smirk at her and say,

"Good slave. From now on, your name is Jenna. I found you begging for money in the commercial district and took you under my wing. You're incredibly grateful to me and will do anything I ask of you without question. You love me with every fiber of your being. You feel like your only purpose in life is to serve me."

The enslavement spell takes hold on her, essentially brainwashing her around other people. When in this room; however, the spell nullifies itself and brings back the real Ralia. I also cast a polymorph spell on the collar which makes it to where outside of this room, the collar turns into a choker, and Ralia turns into a brown haired, green eyed young woman with average features.

After setting all this up, I create a toilet, bath, shower, and sink in the corner for Ralia to reach. Since she's going to be a sex slave, she needs to be clean. I also separate the room from the prince's view since I'll be using the bath as well. I turn towards the two and wave playfully,

"Goodbye for now, slaves!"

(Illustration of the room the two are kept in →)

[I'm testing the photos. If this doesn't work, you'll have to go to webnovel to view them. Scribble hub has an awful way to post images.]

prisoner room


AN: bit of a chungy wungy of a chapter.

lemme know what you think.

this is just the beginning of the revenge saga hehehe

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