Archmage Villainess

The Siege of Galeford Pt. 1

[Narrator POV]

The captain of the guard of Galeford, a younger man by the name of Richard, stands on the top of the 10m high walls of the city. For centuries, this city has been attacked in the later parts of the war. So, the young man stands tall, unfearing of the siege camp placed directly outside his city. He spots a guard shaking as he sees the force before them. He walks over and puts a hand on the young man's shoulder,

“What’s got you so shooken up, man?”

The recruit, not even bothering with honorifics, nearly shouts at the captain,

“Are you serious? That! That has me shaken!”

He points out at the group of around 800 men and women in camps outside the city, focused at the left gate of the half-circle wall. Several standing torches are lit around the camp, bouncing off the silver armor. The captain chuckles,

“Oh c’mon, man. This group is nothing compared to what this city has been through. You know, this city once withstood an attack from one hundred thousand soldiers with heavy siege equipment? They even had orc slaves attacking it!”

The soldier shakes his head,

“I don’t doubt that. But this city has NEVER had to face something like HER!”

The soldier points his finger towards the open tent at the center of the camp. His hand starts to shake as the tent opens. The captain looks down at the red haired girl dressed in gold armor,

“*whistle* Damn, she’s hot! I see why you’re shaken up! It’s a damn shame we’re on opposite sides!”

The soldier grabs the captain by the breastplate and pulls him in, now yelling,


The captain looks at the girl with wide eyes, speaking in a slightly less confident tone,



“Rosanna Pultovia?”


“As in… 6th circle mage… Rosanna Pultovia?”

“The very same.”

The captain continues to look at her as she starts giving orders to the soldiers around her. Suddenly, she looks up at him, causing him to shudder in fear. Her lips move as she looks at him, and he suddenly hears her voice,

“See you soon.”

He crouched back behind the stone, and looks over at the regular soldier that is doing the same,

“D-did you hear that too?”




“Did it turn you on, too?”

“Somehow, yeah…”


[Rosie POV]

I smirk as I see the two peepers from earlier duck down behind the battlements of the wall. I look towards my captains, who I gave my orders to. One of them speaks with mild skepticism, but with respect,

“M-my lady… Are you certain this will work?”

I smile,

“Unless the walls are enchanted, it should. If all else fails, I could just cast bombard on the walls. Or even just fly over it and open the gate. This is more of an experiment than anything else.”

He nods his head,

“Very well, I’ll let the 1st and 2nd companies of mages know your plan.”

I shake my head,

“I’ve got a better idea. Bring them over to me, and I’ll give them a demonstration.”

He nods his head and goes to bring the mages.

You may be wondering why I don’t just use earth magic on the walls. Firstly, castle walls created by earth magic cannot be affected by another mages earth magic. Of course, that doesn’t really apply when you’re at the eighth or higher circle, but I’m not supposed to be at the eighth circle yet. Secondly, is the wow factor. I don’t want any needless civilian casualties during this war, so I want to shock and awe them into submission. Honestly, I want as few people to die in it as possible. Because if we get the city on our side, and show them life is better under us, they may help fend off enemy attacks.

Due to its nature as a mining and smithing city, the workers are poor and sick. Many of them eat disgusting hardtack and cheese as their main diet. The fields outside it are completely barren, so the only thing that can grow is grass. Therefore, they have an abundance of Iron Goats, a type of domesticated monster that eats both grass and minerals. They have two iron horns that jut out of their heads that point forward, as well as thick hex-shaped iron plates that sit on their skull. The domesticated ones have the tips filed down and capped so they can’t stab people with them. They produce an actually tasty milk that lasts a long time when turned into cheese. Three years on average. Therefore, it’s incredibly useful in the mines.

However, this cheese is absolutely vile texture-wise. It’s always slightly slimy, it stinks, and it’s squishy.

So in other words, this plan is to shock and awe, then feed and home. 

The first and second company mages quickly arrive before me. I enhance my voice so each of them can hear.

“Alright. You guys will play an important role in this siege. You are all going to break down this wall with two spell casts.”

They all look at me with blank expressions. Sure, walls can be blasted down by repeated casting. Repeated. Casting. To break down a wall in two spells is damn near unheard of. Only in legends has that been done. I chuckle as I look at their faces,

“Heh. Don’t worry, I’ll prove to you how. Everyone here knows the first circle spell flamethrower, correct?”

They all nod their heads. It’s part of the required curriculum of the magic tower, after all.

“You also know that it’s strength grows with the amount of circles used to power it, correct?”

They all nod again.

“And you also know the first circle spell iceblast?”

They nod again.

“Well, see this boulder behind me?”

I turn towards the boulder that comes up to my waist. I put four circles into a flamethrower spell and start blasting the boulder for about ten seconds. When the spell goes away, the spot of the stone that was directly blasted has started to melt. I then cast iceblast. A streak of snowy air goes from my hand, slamming into the rock and exploding out into ice crystals.

After a split second, a loud cracking noise is heard from behind the ice. I swipe my hand and melt the ice, revealing a cracked boulder in dozens of pieces.

“That, my friends, is what you all are going to do to their wall.”

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