Archon of Danmachi

A Day with Lili III

"Yes Nox-sama. I'm ready to bind the contract." Chigusa replied, her voice making her resolve obvious for anyone hearing it.

"Excellent! Here you go then." Nox said before pulling out a Soul Contract from his Item Box and putting it in front of Chigusa.

"All you have to do is make the pledge as detailed in the contract and drip your blood on the designated spot, then you'll be a fully fledged member of my merry band of adventurers."

Chigusa did as instructed and soon, she was pledged into Nox's band of hotties but that was only the beginning.

"Now that you are official a part of the group, there are a lot of secrets you need to be made aware of and a sort of procedure to integrate the new member that you have to go through since it will help you out a lot." Nox started, obtaining a nod of full acceptance mixed with a bit of nervousness.

"Although it is a bit bothersome, it is better to do the initial part all at once. Normally, this would be done tomorrow since you need to make a couple of decisions beforehand which should need time to make but I am busy tomorrow so we'll have to postpone the whole thing to the day after. I'm sorry." He further explained.

"It is not trouble Nox-san. It just means I'll have more time to think about the important decisions I will apparently have to make." Chigusa replied, seeing things from their better side.

"Ha! I guess so." Nox chuckled in response.

"Do you plans for tomorrow involve Lili-chan?" Haruhime then suddenly interjected.

"That's right. How did you know?" Nox confirmed and inquired.

"We met her on the way here and she seemed to be acting a little weird so I made the association." Haruhime replied.

"Is that right?" Nox was slightly interested but then figured she was probably just nervous and swept it from his thoughts.

As a result, Lili ended up going through a whole range of emotions and turbulent thoughts, waiting for some communication from Nox to let her know whether they were still on for tomorrow when the man himself had never even considered postponing the matter.

After all, he know how much Lili had been looking forward to it for a long time now and he too was looking forward to it quite a bit so there was simply no way he'd cancel the plans unless someone in their group or periphery had a very serious emergency, like life threatening level.

Still, Lili only got to worry for a little while because when enough time passed that Haruhime and Chigusa had certainly met with Nox and no message came through, it could only mean one things. Nox had already discussed the matter of joining with them and decided not to postpone their date.

Arriving at this conclusion, Lili's worries gave way to jubilance as she went about getting ready for her big day. Spa treatment, followed by shopping for a nice outfit and then having a much needed beauty sleep so that she would be at her absolute best for the next day.

Of course, the things she chose were top of the line since as a member of Nox's group which was full of high level adventurers who constantly fought in the Deep Floors, Lili's own earnings were massive even if she did not touch the common funds that everyone could draw from within reason.

Owing to her life before meeting Nox, the pallum was not fond of extravagance and kept her spendings within reason, never buying overly expensive things that she had no real need of and not really splurging on luxury.

This time around however, from clothing to jewelry to picking the top treatments in the spa and bathhouse she went to, Lili went all out and so long as she thought it would leaver better prepared for her date, the fired up pallum did not hesitate in the slightest.

Nox on the other hand, while also looking forward to it, was clearly not as deeply invested. Not in the sense that he did not care about their date but since it was something he had done before with other girls several times, he was a lot more confident in what he should and should not do.

As such, he picked out a nice outfit and just laid down on his bed, eyes closed while figuring out the best places to take Lili to on their date, what itinerary she would like the most.

It was a type of old school date where the guy focused on making plans for the day while the girl focused on looking her best for the guy. It would probably change after they went on more outings but for their first real date, it was not a bad way to do things at all.

The only thing that mattered in the end after all, was that the two of them were happy and satisfied with it.

Time passed and the day shifted into the night, after which the sun began to rise as Orario welcomed the dawn of a new day.

Knowing Lili, Nox went to the meeting point at Amour Square, an extremely popular lover hotspot in Orario, half an hour earlier than they had planned.

Even that early in the morning, several pairs of lovers were already meeting there, most likely to start a whole day date, just like Nox and Lili were planning to.

Most importantly however, the was a tiny beauty seating at the fountain in the center of the square, seemingly having been waiting for her lover for quite a while now.


P.a.t.r.e.o.n is officially up!

The link is:  without the extra dots of course.

You'll get to read up to FOUR weeks ahead, a full month, but I'll still post here.

There's also my other novels Kage of Kages and FATE of DxD, do check them out!

I would greatly appreciate any support since this is going to be my breadwinner.

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