Archon of Danmachi

A Day with Lili IX

"So shall we dine my lady?" Nox joked with a very posh tone.

"Hehehe! You almost look like a proper gentleman." Lili joked back.

"I am insulted!" Nox responded with a fake "I'm offended" look.

"Come one. You'd be the first to deny being a gentleman." Lili rolled her eyes at her beloved.

"Fair enough." Nox replied with his usual tone and a smile on his face.

"The suggestion still stands though." He added.

"Well, all the mental gymnastics did make me hungry." Lili responded.

"So where to?" She then then asked.

"Wait and see~" Nox said with a teasing tone, holding out his hand for Lili to take.

Lili did not actually have to wait long before the options were narrowed down to a few. Nox pulled her towards the center of Orario and the only building around that area that boasted all kinds of stores and such was of course Babel.

The famous tower of Orario that stood above the dungeon as a massive seal, being directly under Ouranos' management as he was the keeper of the seal, most likely its maker as well.

It was also by far the most prestigious and expensive place to set up shop in the entirety of the city of Orario. Not only was it not cheap, not even close, there were also strict requirements when it came to reputation and the standards the shops were held to, were far higher than anywhere else.

This was mostly due to the fact that space in the tower was quite limited, mainly because some very big names took huge chunks of the space for themselves.

The Hephaestus Familia alone had several floors, divided by the grade of item sold with every Level of adventurer being able to find something fitting for their personal use and still affordable despite the huge price tag that normally came with the Hephaestus brand.

Freya took the floor and turned into a Penthouse, a rather luxurious use of her familia's resources since she took a prime location to make a shop or store of some kind and then turned it into a private residence for her personal use alone.

She was not the only one as most prominent gods had a private residence in the floors above the shops but hers was the one that sat at the very top and took a whole floor while most others only took something like half or even just a third.

Still, it was undoubtedly a show of power, wealth and prestige. Any reasonable individual in Orario knew Freya sat at the top of the hierarchy, as its mightiest goddess, one of the wealthiest and one with a huge amount of authority, mostly by virtue of the previous two.

With Babel being such a location, any restaurant placed there would be the most luxurious and high class there was, with entry restrictions and price tags to match.

Not to mention everything in Babel was mostly catered to the dungeoneering adventurers that passed through it the most so that kind of establishment that offered no equipment and no supplies was actually quite rare in the Tower.

It was a very fancy place with quite a nice view of the night in Orario and it was run by a god whose expertise lied in cooking.

Their ingredients were the finest produced by familias headed by goddesses of fertility and their wines came straight from either Dionysus or even Soma, though they were not able to obtain the truly pure good stuff that was not exported at all.

Still, even if the place lacked Soma's best, the sub par stuff from him was still better than everything else on the market so it did not really matter. In fact, earlier in his career, Nox had raided the Soma Familia storage and taken a crap ton of the completed good stuff.

He might have also analyzed it and learned to reproduce it himself but it true plagiarist fashion, Nox still periodically checked on the Soma Familia to steal more of Soma's wine whenever he made something new or improved upon one of his old creations.

As soon as they reached the restaurant, Lili marvelled at the classy ambience, the dim lighting, high quality furniture made from exotic materials by master craftsmen.

"I once saw this place before I met you you know." She started.

"I always wanted to come here once but somewhere along the way, I'd even forgotten this place existed . . ." Lili pondered out loud as she took it all in.

"Did you know?" She turned towards Nox with a smitten yet inquisitive look.

"Of course . . . Not~" He replied with a teasing tone and expression, making her twitch.

"Come on Lili. I'm not all knowing. Let us call this a blessing from fate shall we?" Nox then said.

"A blessing from fate . . . I have to say, that does sound great. Has a very nice ring to it." Lili was very pleased indeed. A blessing from fate to prove their first date and relationship were destined to succeed.

"Well then. Let us see if reality matches up with your dreams then." Nox declared, taking Lili's hand and guiding her further in where a greeter awaited them.

"It's already better than my imagination because you are here." The pallum shared with a beautiful smile.

After all, it was a wish she had before meeting Nox so now that he was a part of it, it was already far superior to her previous imagination. For Lili, Nox was bigger and better than any dream or hope she had before meeting him.

"Smooth." Nox commented with a sagely nod and Lili giggled.

"Right? I even surprised myself."


P.a.t.r.e.o.n is officially up!

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You'll get to read up to FOUR weeks ahead, a full month, but I'll still post here.

There's also my other novels Kage of Kages and FATE of DxD, do check them out!

I would greatly appreciate any support since this is going to be my breadwinner.

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