Archon of Danmachi

Aftermath of the Show XI

The reactions of the girls to Nox mentioning of disposable goons for "dirty jobs", all controlled by enslaving spells, were mixed.

First there were the totally okay with it ones, though they each had their own reasoning.

Filvis was pretty desensitized from such things due to what she had suffered and what she did as Ein. Together with the fact that the ones would would be enslaved were members of Evilus, a bona fide terrorist organization, made her not care at all about their fate so long as it was grim.

As such, she supported Nox. Already being very partial to him due to her feelings, so long as his decision did not completely run counter to her wishes and thoughts, she would always support him.

And even if he did something against her wishes, she would probably still follow, even if it saddened her.

Then there was Aisha. She had a rather unique sense of justice and looked out for those that did not deserve harm in case she approved of them in some way. On the other hand, she was the kind of person where "excessive punishment" were two words almost never put together.

This was especially true when it came to complete scum like those belonging to Evilus usually were. And so, she too was absolute fine with Nox's plan and supported it. Killing them was her first choice but making them slave away as repentance for their crimes was just as good, maybe even better.

The last one in the totally okay with it group was Lili. Her childhood left her pretty jaded but the real reason she was okay with it, was simply due to her "Nox knows best and everything should be done the way he wants." attitude.

It was flattering to be put on such a high pedestal but honestly a bit heavy too since if he told Lili something wrong by mistake, she would take as the truth even if someone else corrected it. Only if Nox himself revised his statement would she change her mind.

Regardless, for the current case, such an attitude meant she was fully on board and so there was nothing to worry about.

Moving on to the not so certain girls. First there was Ais who honestly did not know much what to think.

She liked Nox and wanted to listen to him but she knew that based on what she learned when she was young from her parents, based on what she learned in her life as an adventurer, the what he was doing or planned to do was considered "wrong", maybe even evil.

Ais knew that but, at the same time, she didn't feel that bad about it. In fact, in the depths of her heart, she truly did not care, she disliked that she was that way and it was due to that she didn't think that highly of herself and determined she was not a good person at all but . . . That was her.

With this being the case, Ais entered a period of self reflection which became a sort of silent agreement to Nox's plan, not intentionally but she was really not opposed to it anyways so it didn't really matter to her.

It was with the rest that the problems began however, since they were more, fair, just and overall "good people".

Nox didn't dislike that about them and even though he never even considered changing his ways, he admired their positive outlooks and had no intention of imposing his own view of the world onto them.

That being the case, he still did not want them telling him what to do. Nox would not force his girls to "get their hands dirty" if they did not want to but if they expected him no to pursue such avenues as well, that's where he drew the line.

Naaza, amongst the problematic ones was perhaps the one with the least resistance but she obviously still wasn't okay with it.

The chienthrope was the kind to cheat customers, casually lied, make up sob stories and dilute her potions while selling them as pure products. This kind of trickery was nothing to her but . . . She wasn't an hardcore criminal and a good person at heart.

If she found someone agreeable and to her liking, she would feel bad about tricking her and even against people she disliked, she never considered such drastic measures as what Nox was planning to do. As such, she was left feeling a bit uncertain and complicated.

Haruhime, was a bit like Lily in the sense of holding Nox up high above everything but her beliefs she should support him as competent wife also went through being knowledgeable and have an opinion of her own along with advice to share.

Her morals definitely would not pardon such actions. Killing was one thing as such sinners being punished with death was dirty business she did not like but could still acknowledge the need for it and its purpose.

Still, her own captivity along with her rather just way of seeing things made slavery a bit hard to swallow. Ultimately, Haruhime would support and even enforce Nox's decision if needed due to believing that was her role as his wife, personally however, she was against it.

Finally there were the two elves which were feeling rather complicated, each with their own reasons, and remained split on the matter internally, but like the others, they too had to come to a conclusion and give their answers . . .


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