Archon of Danmachi

Hunt For Evilus IX

Meanwhile, shortly after Nox had left the stony chamber where Olivas and Zwei were having their "discussion", Revis walked back into the room because the waste of time and effort was starting to get to her and asked a critical question that froze them all in place.

"Where is the seed?"

Olivas and Zwei immediately turned towards the table, being stupefied by the obvious lack of a Jewel Fetus that both of them were quite sure about not having touched it.

Realizing her two associates had not moved it, Revis' expression uncharacteristically changed from her usual cold and bored face to a grimace of failure.

"I was followed . . ."

""What!?"" The other two exclaimed in shock.

"Someone must have followed him without me noticing them and when I stopped paying attention, used the opportunity of your argument to swipe the seed." Revis explained, her face returning to her previous cold and expressionless state however . . .

Zwei who wanted to dish out blame and Olvias who wanted to lash out at the loss of the seed both remained quiet. They could sense the bubbling rage behind the expressionless facade that only covered boredom most of the time.

Indeed, Revis was utterly enraged at having been made a fool by whoever tracked and followed her. It was a humiliation she was not willing to endure and with their strongest companion being so near an explosion that anything might set her off, the other two knew better than to speak out.

Still, the red haired creature cooled down slightly mere moments later. She could only get her payback by acting smart and figuring who did it and how.

"You were next to the table the whole time?" Revis questioned.

"That's right! How is it possible someone could have sneaked up on us? With our enhances sense, even a magic item like Hades Head would not be able to hide someone from us in such close proximity." Olivas responded.

"Hmm . . . So we are dealing with someone not only stealthy but very powerful as well. A high level adventurer specialized in stealth . . ." Revis theorized.

"But if so . . . Why did they not kill you two . . . Or me . . ." The red haired creature was at a loss but Zwei on the other hand, froze with realization.

'A high level adventurer . . . Impossible to track and detect . . . Who motives and actions are mysterious and incomprehensible to others . . .' They thought. It was a description that fit perfectly with a figure that plagued Zwei's master, Enyo's mind for a while now.

"Nox Lyros . . ." Zwei whispered.

If the man himself was still around, he would most certainly be shocked that he was so easily assigned as the perpetrator, even if it would not bother him in the slightest.

After all, he always kept a tight lid on his abilities, both their extent and their nature and that made pinning any sort of action on him very difficult but apparently, Zwei seemed all but certain that Nox was indeed the one responsible for the theft.

"Nox Lyros? Who is that?" Revis questioned with a burning glare that contrasted her chilling expressionless visage.

Olivas shook his head.

"This is why I tell you to keep track of the adventurers Revis, at least the important ones." He said.

Revis was about to turn her head towards him but her attention was drawn back to Zwei who began to explain who Nox was, something which the red haired creature found to be more worth her time.

"Nox Lyros is a relatively new adventurer, at least when compared to the other powerhouses of Orario but he is rumored to actually be the strongest. Although some people claim that the King, Orario's only Level 7 is stronger than him." Zwei started.

"Enyo-sama seems to be very sure that Nox Lyros is far stronger however. His abilities are very mysterious so no one is exactly sure what his specialty is but my master believe he was the one who made my predecessor disappear." They added.

"Oh? So the Archon took out Ein?" Olivas raised his brow but did not seem to worried.

"I agree though, that he is probably Orario's strongest right now." He added.

"It seems your information is not up to date either." Revis interjected.

"What do you mean?" Zwei questioned.

"When recovering the seed, I fought a blond haired swordswoman that used wind magic, she was definitely Level 7." The red haired creature revealed.

"Blond haired swordswoman who is also a wind magic user? The Sword Princess, Ais Wallenstein?" Olivas deduced.

"But she is only reported to be Level 6 and that too is quite the recent matter." Zwei countered.

"It would not be the first time an adventurer did not report a Level up for one reason or another. Though most do so with nefarious intent." Olivas responded.

"Besides, the Sword Princess is part of the Archon's clique so it would make sense she is hiding her true capabilities since everyone closest to him seems to do so. Most of them actually hide their faces as well." He further added.

"Looks like we have our target . . . But we are far from ready to take him on yet." Revis spoke up again.

"Taking our findings into account, his group is likely to have at least two but very possibly more Level 7s. We should stick to our current operations and consider that seed lost but put a greater focus on accumulating more strength. I shall report this to Enyo-sama." Zwei spoke.

Revis seemed to agree and Olivas reluctantly did so as well, even though abandoning the seed was not something was even remotely okay with.


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