Archon of Danmachi

Hunt For Evilus XI

"Details. I need details." Finn declared.

"Specify." Nox replied.

"These creatures, how do they work, their characteristics also, the Evilus connection, how does it fit. Enemy numbers, comprehensive strength, areas of operation, everything you know." The pallum specified as requested.

"Well, my group has its own agenda so I'm not going to tell you EVERYTHING . . ." Nox started and Finn's expression twisted a bit.

". . . But . . . I can tell you a fair bit. Enough for you to make preparations on your end." He concluded.

"So here's the deal and there is new information mixed in so my members ought to be mindful as well."  Nox warned before he got to the meat of the matter. Based on the most recent encounter, he indeed felt that some revisions were necessary.

"First of all, enemy strength is greater than projected. Key members should be assumed to be Level 5 or even 6 at the very least, likely even higher. Creatures have beast like sharp senses and monster like tough bodies so they are generally harder to deal with than an adventurer of similar Level." He started.

"Additionally, they can increase their strength through the consumption of magic stones and as they had been alerted by my theft, they are likely to put extra effort into strengthening themselves." Nox continued.

"Revis, the creature Ais faced was Level 7 is strength but enhancements of Demi Spirit origin pushed her to around peak Level 7 or newly promoted Level 8. That along with their higher alertness, we should be expecting to face a few Level 7s and one or two Level 8s by the time we strike."

"Wait wait wait!" Tione suddenly interjected.

"How are you even expecting to fight someone like that!? A group like that could probably take on the entirety of Orario's top adventurers!" She exclaimed.

"No. Based on the rather calm and unsettled expressions of everyone here. I suspect that is still within reach for them. Care to reveal the actual strengths and levels of the people here Nox?" Finn deduced the severely understated strength of Nox's group based on their instinctual reactions, or lack thereof, when the enemy's strength was mentioned.

"Excluding me, three Level 7s, three Level 6s and three Level 5s. I'm technically Level 6 but I could probably handle a Level 8 possibly even a Level 9 if I fought at full power with no regard for anything else." Nox revealed and both Finn and Tione could only freeze in shock.

The only difference from the past account of their Levels was a recent promotion to Level 6 by Ryuu who, by combining an extremely harsh, almost Ais like, work ethic with responsible pacing, made a speedy but rapid increase in strength, in fact, Nox was hoping the sword princess took her as a role model on how to properly level.

"T-That . . ." Tione was trying to find words and her sister was taking an inordinate amount of pleasure in her flusteredness.

Finn, on the other hand was going through all kinds of thoughts in his head, most surrounding the extreme growth rate of Nox's group while the rest being about how to best take advantage of the situation.

Not in a bad opportunistic way though, but there was really no way he would waste such a strong force that was intrinsically tied to his familia by not trying to do anything with it.

"Can you specify who has what Levels?" Finn prominently questioned.

'Members of the group that are actually a part of the Loki Familia like Riveria, Ais and Tiona will be much easier to borrow after all.' he thought as he asked his question.

"Riveria, Ais and Ein are Level 7, Haruhime there, Aisha by her side and Ryuu here are Level 6, the rest are Level 5." Nox stated by since he never liked to lay his cards on the table, he kept two very important details to himself.

One was the existence of Level Boosting which would drastically change the fighting strength of the whole group if considered and the other was the optimization of stats which made each of the girls significantly stronger in their respective specialties than other adventurers.

"This is one serious lineup." Finn commented.

"And is suppose I should congratulate Riveria and Ais for their Level ups." He further added.

'So our familia now has two Level 7s and, if we count Nox himself who can be considered a Level 8 despite his actual Level, and we are by far the most powerful familia in Orario right now.' Finn thought to himself.

"We're getting sidetracked, let us continue with the previous discussion shall we?" Nox then interjected.

"You're right. I apologize." Finn seriously said and the discussion resumed though not before Tione gave her sister a "You and I are going to have a serious conversation later" kind of look.

"Now where was I? Ah yes . . . So! taking the knowledge that your enemy will be working hard to strengthen themselves, it would be prudent to hasten our attack but we won't because I waiting for certain things to get set up." Nox declared.

"May I ask what those things are?" Finn interjected.

"That's I'm going to keep to myself." Nox responded while mentally telling Riveria they would have another discussion to hash out those details, just the two of them for the time being and got an "okay" back from her.

Finn was not to pleased with the response but held his tongue as even though he technically outranked Nox, nothing outranked power in the world.

"More importantly, there is going to be a chance to weaken them, possibly even mess up major plans before they can get out of hand. We are going to take this chance to probe our enemies while taking two of their members out of the equation."


P.a.t.r.e.o.n is officially up!

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You'll get to read up to FOUR weeks ahead, a full month, but I'll still post here.

There's also my other novels Kage of Kages and FATE of DxD, do check them out!

I would greatly appreciate any support since this is going to be my breadwinner.

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