Archon of Danmachi


In an endless black void a nameless soul can be seen drifting, contemplating its current situation. As an insignificant peon in the larger scheme of things, perhaps a bit more intelligent than the average peon, but a peon nonetheless.

It lived a meaningless life, and died a meaningless death at just 16 years of age, but it finds itself wondering.

'Is this this a normal situation after death or am I in for a surprise? It sure is peaceful though, I wouldn't mind spending some more time here.'

That is right, rather than being shaken by its untimely death the soul ponders if maybe, just maybe death holds a second chance at a meaningful life, full of adventure and so, excitement begins to swirl around in its mind as all manner of delusions take over.

'If i'm being reincarnated can I choose the world? Are fictional worlds even available? Do I get wishes? An OP system? What about plot armor and the protagonist aura that makes everything go your way? Do those come in the reincarnator package? Man with the legendary protagonist aura even I can get a harem right? Haa . . . I'm blissful just thinking about it.'

Unbeknownst to it an immensely powerful being was watching this process with interest.

'Hmm, a lost soul has wandered of the cycle of reincarnation and entered the void of nothingness. Even more interesting, his soul feels right at home when normally it should have been dispersed.'

'Well in any case, it needs to tossed back into the cycle but since I'm feeling generous how about making some of his interesting delusions a reality.'

As the godlike being thinks this, he reveals his presence to the nameless soul.

"Hello there!" Immediately, the soul acknowledges the now no longer hidden being with astonishment.

"General Kenobi?!"

". . ."

Seeing the speechless entity, the soul continues with an insincere apology.

"Sorry for the disrespect, couldn't resist, I suppose you're some sort of god?

The soul tentatively asks.

Easily spotting the lack of sincerity with his mind reading capabilities, God responded.

"Yes, well . . . you're not wrong in saying I'm a god and as such, reading your mind and intentions is extremely simple to me."

Realising what God is pointing at, the soul provides a laid back response.

"Oh, then I'm not sorry."

God's expression turns into a blank stare and seeing the soul's unrepentant stance, God curiously asks.

"Are you not afraid that I will punish you for that attitude?"

Hearing the question, the soul smilingly says.

"You must be joking?! How can such a transcendent being like God take a little lost soul's words so seriously it would be unbecoming of one such as yourself.

God just sighs at the soul's response but continues with a good mood.

"Well, jokes aside, you have strayed from the cycle of reincarnation little soul, and must return. However, as I'm in a good mood I've decided to fulfill some of the delusions you were previously lost in."

Hearing this, the soul starts feeling some excitement once more and animatedly asks.

"Can I pick which world I'll be reincarnated into then?"

God merely laughs in response, then answers the question.

"Nope, haha, I already picked. You shall be reincarnated into the world of DanMachi."

The soul immediately fires off a series of questions.

"What? Why? Why cant I choose? And why DanMachi?"

God just laughs even harder and says.

God: "Cause I feel like i, HAHAHAHA, and since I'm a god and you're just a puny random soul I can do whatever I want HAHAHAHAHA!"

The soul simply yells.

"Fuck!" and falls into thought.

'Sassing an omnipotent being, was a stupid fucking idea!' it thought.

"There, there, no need for such a reaction, you're still getting some gifts after all."

Hearing god's consoling words, the soul reviews its previous thoughts and reconsiders.

'Well, DanMachi is not a bad world actually and since i'll be getting gifts that will no doubt help me succeed in that world . . . This may be my chance for a brand new and fulfilling life!'.

Seeing the soul finishing its thoughts god decided to elaborate on his previous statement.

"Now that you're done reevaluating your situation, I shall explain how your gifts will work, so listen well."

"I'm listening, go ahead." The soul immediately responded.

"I've already checked you talent, and considering the already incredible, innate abilities you possess, I've decided to restrict the gifts just a little bit. That being the case the gi . . .".

"Hold on a minute!" The soul interrupted. "What do mean innate abilities? I know of no such thing!"

Observing the soul's confusion god clarified, slightly irked by the interruption.

"Since you lived in a mortal world, any supernatural abilities are, of course, sealed. Now let me finish."

"I shall give you four gifts: The Gift of Blood, The Gift of Magic, The Gift of Skill and finally . . ." god slightly paused and continued with an ominous tone. "The Cursed Gift . . ." After the second pause he the remarked in an upbeat tone. "Which of these do you want me to explain first?"

The soul, highly suspicious of the ominously named Cursed Gift decided to ask about it first.

"That last one has a rather disconcerting name so let's start with that one please."

Seeing the soul's calm reaction god responded.

"Well, well, and here I thought you would lose your shit again, especially after I purposely changed the tone and added pauses for dramatic effect."

Hearing god the soul realized god was just messing with it and knew the so called Cursed Gift wouldn't be as detrimental as the name implied. Still it was slightly exasperated and so it replied in an annoyed tone.

"Give me the promised explanation already." The soul said.

"I never did something so serious as a promise, I was just saying things you know" god replied with a sly tone.

"Now wait ju!" The soul started but god immediately interrupted.

"I shall still give you the explanations though. Seriously, learn to take a joke."

The soul, realising the futility and possible consequences of antagonising such a powerful being merely took it in stride and waited for god to continue."

"So the Cursed Gift is merely a curse of the same type as those of DanMachi, as such, you must choose both a positive effect as well as a detrimental one for that is the way most curses work but remember, the greater the merits of the curse the greater the demerits must be!"

Hearing god's words, the soul fell into though once more.

'If that's the case I have two options: the safe option in which I take small boon without any meaningful disadvantages and the riskier option in which I seek greater power in exchange for a possibly crippling demerit . . . A compromise between the two might be a better option but then again . . .'

After thinking about it some more, the soul decided to hear about the other gifts before making a decision.

'Hmm . . . putting the curse aside the Gifts of Magic and Skill should follow the same formula and be be my own personalised magic and skill but I wonder of the Gift of Blood is? Let's ask.'

"I want the explanation for the Gift of Blood next, please."

"Hmm, so polite, a much better attitude indeed. The Gift of Blood is simply your race and/or species." God explained.

Hearing this, the soul then asked a pertinent question.

"Do my gifts have to be within the boundaries of DanMachi?"

God immediately responded.

"A very good question. The answer is yes. It would hardly be fair for all the beings of that world if I gave you something beyond its limits.."

"I see. Can I get the specifics of my options?" The soul instantly seeked clarification.

"Do not worry, I shall give you a list of possibilities, as well as their main characteristics."

"How helpful." The soul responded and then it said in a questioning tone. "I assume the other two gifts are in the same style as the cursed one?"

"That's right!" God answered "A personalized spell for the Gift of Magic and the equivalent for the Gift of Skill. Beware though, the greater the power, the greater the cost . . . Except for skills, they can be quite overpowered!" God continued and then questioned the soul. "So! Shall we get to selecting then?"

The soul mused for a bit before remembering something tremendously important.

"I almost forgot, what was that bit about my supposedly great innate abilities? You said you'd explain."

"Riiight there's that, isn't there? Well keeping with the DanMachi style how about I show you what your status would be right now?"

"Sound good to me!" The soul replied excitedly.


P.a.t.r.e.o.n is officially up!

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You'll get to read up to FOUR week ahead, a full month, but I'll still post here.

There's also my other novel Kage of Kages, do check it out!

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