Archon of Danmachi

Returning Home, Ouranos’ Attention

It was now the second day of Nox adventure. He and ash could be seen methodically taking down a her of over twenty Minotaurs. The constant battle had damaged his armor to the point he could just throw it away.

All of Nox's prepared potions had already been used but in that time period, he and Ash had managed to adapt to the the fifteenth to seventeenth floors quite nicely.

Although it was definitely not easy, they could now retreat with more ease when they started to be overwhelmed and even that didn't happen as often as it did before.

Nox had also started to lessen his use of Invictus since it was a considerable drain on his Mind but thing resulted in his weapons being damaged so now, all he had left were some pairs of his Shadow daggers but even with their ability to use mind to create a edge of Shadows they still were broken every once in a while.

Nox had thought about trying to reach Rivira but he had no idea if the Goliath was pworling about at the entrance so he opted not to test his luck any further since so far it had already been quite good to him when it came to drop items.

As the second day ended, Nox began his trek to the surface excited about how his status would look once he had Loki update it but in his excitement, he forgot about a very big problem . . . Not just anybody could bring monsters to the surface. Only the Ganesha Familia had authorization from the guild but Nox had unfortunately forgotten about that in his good mood.

He was lucky not to meet any adventurers on his way up since it was already quite late but as he climbed the stairs, he was stopped by a guild member at the end.

"W-What are you d-doing bringing a m-m-monster to the s-surface!? That isn't allowed!" He screamed.

"Calm down fucker or this dangerous monster will eat you!" Nox said displeased about the guild member's screaming voice despite being his own fault for forgetting the rules. Ash cooperated by threateningly growling, nearly making the poor guy piss himself.

Another member of the guild approached but this was someone Nox recognised even though he had never spoken to her before. A beautiful and well endowed werewolf with long red hair, tail and ears, wearing the Guild uniform.

She was noticeably calmer and poke to Nox.

"Rose Fannett of the guild. Is this monster tamed?" She asked noticing how obedient the large Hellhound was.

"Nox Lyros, Loki Familia! I've seen you in the guild building before Rose-san and yes, Ash is a monster I tamed in the dungeon." Nox introduced himself and then told her the circumstances of taming Ash.

Listening to Nox's explanation, Rose nodded before speaking.

"By the Guild's regulations, one needs special permission to bring monsters to the surface. If you want to keep it, you must wait for a bit and I'll contact the higher ups to see how it should be dealt with. Is that fine with you?" Rose said.

"That's great! Thank you very much for your help Rose-san!" Nox exclaimed with a bright smile succeeding in making the werewolf blush near imperceptibly while thinking 'How cute!'.

Meanwhile Nox thought to himself.

'Wow! My lady killer smile seems to be improving in effectiveness! I wonder why . . .' Of course he had yet to realized just how important the two spells he developed from nothing truly were and the true extent of their effects but perhaps that would start to change after his next status update . . .

Before that though, Nox had to wait for a while before Rose returned with an old, fat, ugly elf he recognised as the Guild Head.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, adventurer Nox Lyros. I'm Royman Mardeel, the head of the guild. I'm here to say that as you showed superb ability as a tamer in keeping your Hellhound completely obedient, even in the presence of others, Ouranos-sama has graciously decided to grant you permission to bring tamed monsters with you to the surface." The pig started with an arrogant tone displeasing Nox despite the relatively good news.

'Hmm . . . I've probably caught Ouranos' attention but since he is more of an observer rather than someone who actively does things, I probably don't have to worry too much . . .' Nox thought as the pig continued with his explanation.

"You'll have to sign this contract that assigns all responsibility of any damage your monster might cause to you and you alone. I'll then grant you a special permit that should help resolve any misunderstanding that might occur. The guild employees will also be notified of this so they will no longer bother you as you leave the dungeon."

Nox was already tired of the fat pig's insufferable tone but alas, he was not quite done.

"You'll also have to register any monster you bring to the surface. Farnett will be in charge of that and also evaluating and assisting you in case of any dispute, that is all. Have a good day." And having finished his piece, the pompous bastard left.

Nox turned to Rose and said.

"Thanks for the help Rose-san! Soooo . . . Can I register Ash now?"

Rose sighed at having an unwanted job pushed onto her but maybe they'd let her off from doing extra work because of it, she could always hope that was the case at least. And Nox seemed to be the reasonable and polite type so It could be worse.

"Right this way Nox-san . . ."

And so, with Rose's help, Nox registered Ash as his tamed monster and returned after bidding farewell to his new acquaintance. He arrived at the Twilight Manor and headed for Loki's room but saw Tiona, Tione and Ais on the way who immediately saw the monster and got into battle position, or at least Ais did.

Nox immediately hugged Ash behind him who was scared at Ais's killing intent.

"Ais-san! You're scaring Ash!" Nox admonished.

"Ash?" Tiona asked.

"Yeah! My pet Hellhound! I tamed it in the dungeon and got permission from the guild to keep it. Isn't she cute?" Nox replied

'You have a very strange definition of cute when it comes to pets!' The Hiryute sisters thought while Ais seemed a little uncomfortable with the concept of a friendly monster.

'It's Nox . . . So it's probably fine.' She ended up concluding in her mind.

After a couple of more explanations and a request by Nox to spread word so that no member of the familia accidentally attacks Ash, he went to see Loki as he originally planned to update his status. He was looking forward to it quite a bit after all. But first, he dropped Ash off in his room.

He knocked on her door and entered after getting the okay from  Loki and being greeted by her.

"Hey Nox! How was yer little expedition?" She asked.

"I found myself missing the warm presence of your beauty! However, it was everything I hoped it would be to put it simply but I guess you're about to find out!" Nox replied.

"Ya know how to make a girl blush!" Loki said while hugging herself and wriggling around.

"But ya know the drill so seat! Time to see what ya've been doin'!" Loki continued.

It's impossible to hide your actions from your god since each time they update your status, they go over all your experiences since the last update.


Name: Nox Lyros

Race: High Human

Gender: Male

Level: 1


STR: EX-9999

END: EX-9999

DEX: EX-9999

AGI: EX-9999

MAG: EX-9999

. . .


Nothing could've prepared Loki for what she had seen. It wasn't only the reality shattering numbers but also the things he pulled off in the dungeon. Not even a level two could be that powerful and with his new status . . . Even a Level 3 would be hard pressed to keep up and that's not considering his outrageous magic.

Seeing his status Nox commented.

"So I guess we found the limit of my Exceed skill!" He said in a bright voice but Loki disagreed.

"No . . . My guess is that the falna simply couldn't handle anymore stats before leveling up even with yer skill forcing things . . . In any case, we should stop the hold on yer level up." Loki said uncaractersiticaly serious.

"You're right, let's do it!" Nox agreed and so it was done but apparently the surprises weren't over for either of them.

As soon had Loki updated Nox's status leveling him up this time, a great change took place.

'What!? this isn't how it's supposed to work!' Loki thought. 'Then again, nothing goes the way it's supposed to when it comes to this kid . . .'

Nox's body seemed to become more solid, his muscles more defined and dense but also lean a perfect body. His features became enhantigly beautiful even more so and he gained an aura Loki recognised as that of a spirit.

Loki then saw the status and her mind simply turned off as she mechanically copied it to a sheet and gave it to Nox.




P.a.t.r.e.o.n is officially up!

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You'll get to read up to FOUR week ahead, a full month, but I'll still post here.

There's also my other novel Kage of Kages, do check it out!

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