Archon of Danmachi

The Matter of Freya VIII

"It's like this . . ." Nox ran through the entire conversation in an abbreviated manner to Riveria.

"Seriously?" The high elfess gave him an unimpressed look in response.

"What?" Nox inquired, un aware of what she didn't like. After all, she knew his abilities much better than Loki and Finn, there was no way she would think he'd be in actual danger at Folkvangr.

"I know the danger you will face is pretty small, even if revealing your full prowess in public is a really bad idea. Still, things can always go wrong and I see absolutely no point in you going there. The reward is pretty good but it's just another drop in the bucket for you." Riveria argued.

"True enough. The reward is not enough to draw interest, I only negotiated for it so that I actually get some payment out of doing something I planned on doing in the first place." Nox started.

"And yes, I can't reveal my full power, in other words, my ability to channel Divine Energy in public or the gods' gaze, and possibly wrath, will instantly come down on me. But like I said, I was going to do it either way." He concluded his point.

"Why are you so fixated on it though? Got a thing for Freya?" Riveria questioned.

"Really?" Nox raised his eyebrow.

"What? I can't really see anything else." The high elfess shrugged.

"I know you'll never seriously consider her unless she becomes  exclusive to you, regardless of how attractive you may find her but I really can't think of any good alternatives to justify your fixation on doing this." She added.

"That my lovely elfess, is simply due to the fact that you have no idea just how off rails Freya can go. If you knew, then my insistence on doing this would be the only possible move in your mind as well." Nox shed some light on the matter.

"Although some of Goddess Freya's actions were . . . Less than reasonable, she never showed any signs of going to such an extreme as I think you're implying Nox. What exactly did you mean when you said "off the rails"?" Riveria inquired.

"She's a goddess of beauty with the most powerful charm in possibly the entire world." Nox started.

"She has no qualms using said charm and any number of "underhanded" means to get her way or whatever she desires." He continued.

"She's currently extremely obsessed with me, far more than she has ever obsessed over anything before, so much so that even her familia members came to me for help."

"And yet, I've never shown any interest in her and all her little tricks have proven quite ineffective so for the first time in her timeless existence, Freya is not able to get what she wants namely, me."

"Tell me Riveria. If you put all of those things together . . . What exactly do you think Freya's going? What is the trend she's following?" Nox capped off his brief exposition on the matter of Freya with a question for his elven paramour.

"Assuming all of that is true which, based on how you deal with thing, it almost certainly is . . . I think it's impossible to figure out what exactly Freya-sama is going to do but . . . Whatever it is, nothing good will come of it." Riveria finally got Nox's point.

"My educated guess? She'll use some large scale application of her charm to try and use others, specially others I may care about, so as to try and weaken my apparent immunity to divine charm which I have no doubt she has already found out I possess." He further explained his point of view.

"Well . . . When you put it that way . . . I guess that if there is a chance to defuse the whole situation by meeting Goddess Freya before it all blows up . . . Then it is most certainly worth it." Riveria acquiesced.

"Still . . . To try and squeeze out some wealth from the Freya Familia even in such a situation despite caring very little as to what you've actually gained . . ." The high elfess could only shake her head with a wry smile on her face.

"It's a matter of principle." Nox unrepentantly replied.

Riveria was simply at a loss for words.

'It's not like this is something I can change and I've already resolved to accept worse parts of him than this so whatever.' The high elfess thought, promptly giving up arguing.

"Anything else?" She then asked.

"Oh yeah. My income was mentioned in the conversation. Not any exact numbers but enough for Loki to reconsider her decision not to accept financial help from me." Nox mentioned.

"Oh? It was about time to be honest." Riveria responded.

"I've actually mentioned the matter a few times to her before I entered your personal group and even once afterwards without mentioning exact numbers which would  be a breach of our contract but she seemed quite adamant." She added.

"I guess she didn't know just how rich I actually was and am. Anyways, Finn, Gareth and Loki are currently inside Loki's office discussing the matter. I just asked to speak in private with you first." Nox said.

"Well then, let us not keep them waiting for longer." Riveria replied and they both went back to Loki's office.

Meanwhile, Ottar and Horn were doing their best to gather the scattered Freya familia executives to have them sign Nox's contracts. They had finally managed to secure a path to his cooperation, Horn would be damned before she let the other executives' selfishness harm their goddess.

And so a merely two hours after Ottar and Horn left the Twilight Manor, all of the top members of the Freya Familia were gathered once more.


P.a.t.r.e.o.n is officially up!

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You'll get to read up to FOUR weeks ahead, a full month, but I'll still post here.

There's also my other novels Kage of Kages and FATE of DxD, do check them out!

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