Archon of Danmachi

Welcoming the Two New Additions

"Oh my saviour~! Please allow me to repay you~! But this poor woman only has her body to give to feel free to ravage me anyway you pleaaaase~" Aisha said seductively, with rampant thotery.

"Time and place, THOT! Time, and, place! Capisce?" Nox admonished.

"Now to answer your pleas, while it is a very enticing proposition, I'm wildly possessive. Once you get with me, you'll never get with anyone else, EVER! Not even if I end up dead in a ditch somewhere. If you're okay with that then we can get together, if not . . . I guess becoming friends with benefits ain't that bad." He declared.

"Now let's get out of here!" And as he said this, the now mostly healed Nox used the spirit darkness of his Invictus Shade to corrode Aisha's shackles and chains, freeing her he then picked her up in a princess carry and activated Shadow Shift, extending its effects to her as well.

"Mmm~ Soooo assertive~! I love it~!" Aisha exclaimed seductively while wrapping her arms around Nox as she carried her.


'Whatever, let her do what she wants. It's not like I'm not enjoying a hot woman pressing her nearly naked body on me so why should I care.' Nox thought as he moved towards Haruhime's location.

Once they arrived Haruhime immediately exclaimed.


"Haruhime!?" Aisha exclaimed as well.

"Eeehhh~? So I guess my saviour didn't save only me. I think I'm getting a little jealous!" She joked.

Haruhime got embarrassed right away making Aisha laugh at her expense.

"On a more serious note. Aren't you worried you'll be making an enemy of the entire Ishtar Familia?" Aisha inquired.

"First, they have to find out who did it! And second even if they did, the Ishtar Familia doesn't have any members strong enough to deal with me and besides, since I cleaned out their entire treasury, it's not like they can even pay someone to off me so I've got nothing to worry about." Nox said with a smug tone

Haruhime just looked at him with adoration while Aisha thought.

'So let's get this straight . . . He snuck into the Beli Babili, cleaned out the treasury, took two of the Ishtar Familia's most valuable members and killed their captain, all in one night, without even alarming no one, at least until now . . . What a Man!'

As she thought this, the amazoness sensually licked her lips.

'I wonder . . . Do I even want to know what that thot is thinking about?' Nox thought, noticing Aisha's actions.

But not holding onto such thoughts, he brought the two out of the Red Light District and to one of his hideouts in the city itself. With sufficient money, purchasing some real estate anonymously in this city was quite easy so Nox had a couple of safe houses in various locations around Orario.

Once they were in the safety of one of them, Nox turned to the girls and removed his cloak and mask.

*gasp* Was Haruhime's reaction at seeing Nox's supernaturally handsome visage while Aisha had an equally surprised but rather different reaction . . .

*gulp* *lick* Was what she did, sensually, and with obvious lust blatantly on her face.

Ignoring the reactions, Nox spoke to both of them.

"Now then, I know you you are already, I wouldn't have come to save you both otherwise but you probably don't know me. The name is Nox Lyros and before I say any more than that, I want to make you both a proposal . . . Depending on what your answer is, what I'll tell you and what our future relationship will be, changes so listen carefully."

With his serious tone, even the flirtatious Aisha didn't try to play around and honestly prepared to listen as did Haruhime, who wanted nothing more than to do anything Nox proposed, all kinds of delusions starting to appear in her mind already before she shook them off to listen intently.

"The deal is this, you become apart of my group, it's a thing for life and I expect complete loyalty. I won't force you to do anything you absolutely don't want to do but other that, I expect you to follow my orders, that's what I want from you two . . ."

"Now for what I can give you . . . You'll be stronger, grow faster and no matter the situation, if you need help, I'll have your back. Of course, if you accept, the level of closeness between us will change because I'll not hide the things I've got going on from you and we'll obviously hang out a lot more than if you say no since we'll be working together. . ."

"If you can't deal with the restrictions though, you can go your own way, no problem, I'll have a small favor to ask from Haruhime and you'll both pay me back for my assistance some other time. Of course, we can still hang out but that's about it."

"So . . . What do you say?"

Having finished his sales pitch with zero bullshit, Nox asked the two girls for a response and although it wasn't a decision to make lightly, he didn't really want to give them time. First because they're far more likely to accept now in the heat of the moment, at the very least Haruhime is and secondly, it will affect how he'll proceed from their current situation.

After a little while, Haruhime glanced at Aisha and then turned to Nox with a slight blush.

"I want to be apart of your group!" She announced cutely making Nox smile.

"I'm glad to have you!" He answered making her blush even more but then Aisha interjected.

"Hmm, Haruhime, can you give us some privacy? I want to discuss some things with Nox-san alone." She requested.

Haruhime accepted in good sport since she owed the amazoness quite a lot so with a respectful bow to Nox, she gave the two the privacy Aisha requested.

Once they were alone, being the thot she was, Aisha scooted over to Nox's side, pushing her breasts onto his shoulder while hugging him prompting Nox to say.

"The terms won't change regardless of how hot you are." In a bored tone.

"That's fine, I just wanted some clarification, that's all." Aisha replied making Nox raise an eyebrow.

She then continued.

"I wonder . . . What kind of fun we can have depending on the option I choose?"

Nox actually pondered a bit.

'Honestly, since I'm not into any serious relationship yet, having a sex friend to bang just for fun and relaxation doesn't sound so bad but I'll have to end it as soon as I get into any serious relationship and that's final.'

'Although I want to have a harem, having casual sex with other women while being in serious relationships just doesn't feel right . . . Alright, let's go with this . . .'

Aisha was actually glad to see him think about it honestly and not just give her a perfunctory answer, it let her know that he was both interested and available but still wouldn't bend his principles for it, something she loved in a man.

"If you don't take my offer, the most we'll become is good friends with benefits . . ." Nox started, making Aisha chuckle and say.

"That doesn't sound too bad!"

"But . . ."

"But?" She repeated in a questioning tone.

"That'll end if I get into a serious relationship and after that we'll just be regular friends." He continued with the amazoness falling silent.

"If you choose to become a part of the gang. You'll still have that option but . . . If you think you can handle my possessiveness and become my exclusive, then we may become something more . . ."

If she was being honest, this was something Aisha had not expected from Nox, leaving her shocked. She didn't think the "man" in front of her would be okay with her past as a prostitute and still be open to a possible serious relationship with her.

There was a lot of stigma with the profession and she was sure he could tell she hadn't done it out of necessity at all.

He seemed to think that being his exclusive woman was something she didn't want but be it his power, his looks or his possessiveness, they all made her so hot she wanted to jump him right now!

"It'll depend on how well we'll get along I guess." Nox added but Aisha was not even listening any longer.

She grabbed his face and turned towards her while sporting the most beautiful smile Nox had seen on her face without a hint of the normal seductiveness as she told him.

"I want to be your exclusive little slut!" She announced, lust creeping onto her face as she pulled nox into a hot french kiss.

Nox just reacted and started making out with the amazoness as they held each other kissing her neck and shoulders while she ran her hands underneath his shirt and felt his muscles.

Alas, now was not the most opportune of times so Nox stopped it ad called Haruhime back in who spotted an unsatisfied Aisha without knowing the reason but she soon was back to her usual seductive smile as Nox made it official.


P.a.t.r.e.o.n is officially up!

The link is:  without the extra dots of course.

You'll get to read up to FOUR week ahead, a full month, but I'll still post here.

There's also my other novel Kage of Kages, do check it out!

I would greatly appreciate any support since this is going to be my breadwinner.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.