Are You Crazy? You’re Telling Me This Is a Fugitive TV Show?

Chapter 105 Favorable Timing, Location, and Human Harmony versus Death, The Grim Reaper’s Scythe (1)

May 7th, a day of intermittent rain showers.

The gentle rain had ceased, but the sky remained dim and overcast. Wang Yun, hidden atop a high-rise building, surveyed the area below and the skies above with keen eyes, his mind whirring with strategies.

On another rooftop not too far, a sniper and his observer lay in wait. The epitome of professionalism. Meanwhile, helicopters circled overhead, likely searching for him.

Wang Yun pondered his options and eventually decided against a counterattack. While he could probably take out the sniper and his partner, doing so would risk exposure and being targeted by the helicopters. That was a complication he preferred to avoid.

“The last trap will soon be triggered. Then I’ll make my exit. I’m curious to see how they’ll handle my final trap,” Wang Yun mused, a slight smirk on his lips as he dialed a number on his phone.


On a nearby rooftop, a young man assembling a sniper rifle glanced back at his twin brother.

“What’s up?” he asked, noticing his sibling’s distracted gaze.

“Nothing, just a false alarm,” the other twin reassured him, shaking his head as he continued to set up the rifle. The pair of twins formed an exceptionally formidable sniper duo.


“Stay five meters behind us,” said Hao Jiancheng and Wu Hua, leading the way through the Nanshan Ju residential area.

They cast a glance over their shoulders at the dozens of program officers following them and issued their instructions.


The team of program officers immediately nodded in response, maintaining a distance of five meters. They felt a deep sense of respect and awe for the two figures leading the way, their eyes filled with vigilance as they too scanned the surroundings.

For Hao Jiancheng and Wu Jianhua, five meters was a safe distance. If there were any traps ahead that they failed to detect and trigger, only they would be the ones to die. The officers following them would remain unharmed.

Moving forward with neither haste nor sluggishness, their sharp eyes swept across their path like hunting eagles, carefully navigating forward. After walking a hundred meters without encountering any traps, the atmosphere in the program’s special task force office, where the Captains were closely monitoring the situation, grew tense. Even their breathing seemed quieter.

Similarly, the audience watching the live broadcast was on edge. They had seen Wang Yun’s arrangements but hadn’t fully understood them. So, they were uncertain about what kind of trap might come next.

Splash! Splash!

The community of Nanshan Ju residential area was somewhat dilapidated. The recent rain had left puddles on the weathered and uneven roads. There was an especially large patch of water ahead.

Hao Jiancheng and Wu Hua exchanged a glance upon seeing the waterlogged area. Hao Jiancheng dipped his hand into the water, feeling around before looking closely at their surroundings.

Finding nothing unusual, they continued to move forward.

The accumulated water wasn’t deep, barely reaching their shoes. The rainwater had settled, making it easy to see through to the bottom. They proceeded ahead, with the team of program officers maintaining a five-meter distance behind them.


“Hey, boss, I’m in your neighborhood now,” a delivery guy on an electric bike called out as he entered the area.

Talking on his phone, he parked his bike to the side, his hands full of balloons tied to a long string. There were at least a dozen of balloons.

“Okay, got it.”

The delivery guy nodded while holding his phone, walking forward with the balloons in hand. His arrival drew the attention of the program officers, including Hao Jiancheng and Wu Hua, who briefly glanced back at him. After assessing his clothing and other characteristics, they turned back to continue their mission.

Local residents, recognizing them as part of the Skynet Operation program, curiously watched the scene. The arrival of the delivery guy didn’t lessen their vigilance, they thoroughly scrutinized him before resuming their path.

Holding his phone in one hand and the balloons in the other, the delivery guy walked forward, his eyes full of curiosity as he observed the program’s members.

“Hurry up, buddy, I see you. Come quickly!” a voice came from his phone.

“Oh, sure, where are you?”

The delivery guy quickened his pace, moving ahead, passing by the side of the program officers. Despite the puddles on the road, he paid them little mind.

“Stop there, mate. Release the balloons. My girlfriend is in the building next to you. Let them go, I want to give her a romantic surprise, let her see it,” the voice on the phone sounded again, and in the background, he could faintly hear some soft noises.

The wind was blowing from the southeast at a speed of two meters per second.

“Okay, got it.”

As a delivery guy, he naturally followed his client’s instructions and released the balloons. He thought to himself how lavish some people could be with their money. The balloons ascended, dancing in the air, each tied with a long, wet string that was tangled together.

The balloons soon became entangled in the overhead power lines and couldn’t rise any higher.

“Huh?” the delivery guy uttered in surprise, realizing his phone had been turned off.

However, seeing the long string which was long enough to reach the ground and partially submerged in a puddle, he felt relieved.

At the other end of the string, in the same puddle, stood a dozen program officers. They glanced at the delivery guy and the balloons but didn’t pay much attention. Meanwhile, experts Hao Jiancheng and Wu Hua continued to advance forward, unbothered by the scene.

“Hold on,” came a sudden command through the technological chips embedded in the chests of Hao Jiancheng and Wu Hua, which was also broadcast in the live stream.

“Currently, all the program officers standing in the puddle are dead,” announced the voice from the production team.

The sudden announcement from the production team took Hao Jiancheng and Wu Hua by surprise, leaving them stunned and shocked. They turned their heads back in disbelief to look at the program officers.

The officers, hearing this, were equally baffled.

Why were they dead? How had this death occurred?

They were utterly shocked. How could they have died unknowingly? It seemed inconceivable.

“Look at the delivery guy holding the balloons. The balloons have floated up and are now tangled in the power lines running above the neighborhood. These lines have been tampered with by Wang Yun, who has strong electrical skills. The string of the balloons, being wet, is now connected to the puddle below. The power lines running through the neighborhood haven’t been adjusted by a transformer and carry a voltage of 10kV. It’s extremely powerful. So, in this situation, within a radius of at least five to six meters of this puddle, anyone would be electrocuted and die.”

The voice from the production team continued to explain the terrifying setup.

“Therefore, the nine program officers are ‘dead’,” the production team added, concluding their explanation.


“What the heck??”

“No way, right??”


As the program team finished their statement, the livestream was flooded with question marks.

“Hisss… What? What is this?”

“Can’t be, right? Just like that, nine officers died without them even realizing?”

“This… can’t be real, right? It’s too horrifying, too shocking! Nine program officers taken out so silently and stealthily?”

“Incredible and hair-raising! I’ve got goosebumps all over! This method of killing? Such perfect calculation, is this even humanly possible? It’s like the work of the Grim Reaper!”

“Yes, such precise calculations, it doesn’t seem humanly possible. It’s like the work of Death itself!”

“This design, wow, from now on, Wang Yun should be called ‘King Yan, the Lord of Death’!”

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