Are You Crazy? You're Telling Me This Is a Fugitive TV Show?

Chapter 130: Surrendering, The Safest Place in Nancheng, A Plan to Recruit Numerous Subordinates

Chapter 130: Surrendering, The Safest Place in Nancheng, A Plan to Recruit Numerous Subordinates

Wang Yun was oblivious to the storm he’d kicked up online and the waves of shock rippling around the world. Right now, he was all business with his sniper rifle, firing away with a calm that belied the chaos he was causing. He had twenty bullets–neither too many nor too few, just enough for him to make every shot count.

“It’s a shame that bullet missed its mark,” Wang Yun said with a hint of regret after a shot was dodged.

“Fourteen targets down, just one bullet left. Unfortunately, they’ve all found cover.”

After expending the last bullet, he shook his head, displaying a resigned expression. With his twenty bullets, he had eliminated fourteen captains and elite members from the program inspection teams. As to which nations’ teams they were from, Wang Yun didn’t know.

Despite a high success rate with the initial shots, the program inspection team members increasingly sought cover.

Beyond the tenth shot, numerous inspectors had already hidden behind barricades. After all, a sniper rifle wasn’t a machine gun. It didn’t fire in bursts or spray bullets, it operated one shot at a time.

Nevertheless, Wang Yun felt greatly satisfied with the outcome of today’s assault. It had been a fruitful harvest.

Then came the sound of engines roaring to life.

Looking up, Wang Yun’s eyes gleamed with anticipation. From the vicinity of the program project teams’ location, he saw over a dozen helicopters lifting off, heading his way.

Moreover, he could faintly make out several drones swiftly advancing toward him.

Wang Yun quickly adjusted his sniper rifle’s scope to get a closer look at the drone, his eyes lighting up with curiosity.

“Could this drone be equipped with offensive capabilities? It’s so fast,” he wondered aloud, his voice tinged with astonishment.

Wang Yun was not fully aware of the extent of technological advancements in this world, as many countries kept their research on secret combat weapons under wraps.

However, he had seen enough in movies to know that some drones possessed formidable attack power, essentially acting like flying bombs that could be remotely detonated upon reaching their target.

“I’ll have to watch out for these,” he muttered, scanning his surroundings for any other hidden threats.

With no other dangers in sight, he made his move, darting toward a nearby rope that led straight to the ground. Wang Yun swiftly descended from the rooftop, then made his way to a secluded spot to change back into his original clothes and reapply his identity-disguising mask.

He didn’t hesitate to burn his previous outfit, erasing any trace of his recent actions.

Then, he hurried back to the scene of his crime. There, he found program staff, posing as police officers, attending to the aftermath of the stabbing incident he had initiated. Despite the fresh blood stains on his attire, Wang Yun approached them directly.

Wang Yun confidently walked up to several program staff members and declared, “I surrender. I injured those three people. I’m here to turn myself in.”

“Is that him? It’s him!”

Bystanders, upon recognizing Wang Yun, immediately widened their eyes in shock and pointed him out.

“Put your hands on your head and squat down. Now! You’re coming with us,” demanded the staff members, posing as police officers, as they brandished stun batons at Wang Yun.

“I won’t resist, just cuff me,” Wang Yun offered, extending his hands toward them.

“You think you can just hurt people in broad daylight and get away with it? Enjoy your time behind bars,” one of the officers snapped, clamping the handcuffs around Wang Yun’s wrists.

“Let’s go,” they commanded, keeping a vigilant eye on him.

Wang Yun just smiled, obligingly stepping into the police car.


“Damn! Damn! 666! 666! This move by Big Bro is just insanely clever!”

“First, he makes his move, then he ducks away, using the chaos to snipe the program inspection Captains. And now, after pulling off such a stunt, he turns himself in. How on earth are the program inspectors from all these countries supposed to catch him now?”

“This move is called feinting to the east and attacking to the west, the old switcheroo. Only Big Bro could pull off such a brilliant move!”

“With Big Brother now in jail, what move can the other countries’ teams make? Who would think that he’s already in custody?”

The livestream audience was left utterly astounded by Wang Yun’s bold move.

He was turning himself in? And admitting to injuring those three individuals?


Here he was, having just expertly sniped numerous Captains and elite operatives from international program inspection teams. Now, his audacious decision to surrender had everyone’s jaws on the floor.

Could this really be happening?

Absolutely, because Wang Yun now possessed a legitimate identity. He was escorted into a vehicle and driven away.

The police officers flanking him couldn’t resist stealing glances at Wang Yun, their respect for him palpable. This move of his was nothing short of brilliant.

“We’re here, get out!”

They soon pulled up in front of a police station. Flanked by three police officers, Wang Yun was led inside.

“Huh? Isn’t this police station located right next to the headquarters of the international program inspection teams?”

“That’s right, right here. Just next door are the various nations’ program inspection teams, and right in front, there’s a gathering of program inspectors from across the globe.”

“Wow, now Big Brother is merely ten meters away from the Captains and elite members of the international program inspection teams. How is this going to play out?”

“Could Big Brother be discovered? But then, there are those capable of seeing through his disguise.”

When the viewers in the livestream witnessed Wang Yun’s arrival at the ‘police station,’ they were thunderstruck anew. Right next door lay the international program inspection teams, and on the street, numerous Captains and elite members were still milling about.

Could the situation get any more intense? Merely ten meters apart?

At that moment, Wang Yun also noticed the program inspection teams in the vicinity. He gave them a brief look, then subtly lowered his head, a slight smirk forming at the corner of his mouth.

Nearby, Captain Everick of the United States program inspection team was seething with fury, querying through a communicator, “Damn, this caused Wang Yun. He dares to launch an attack on us right here? This is absolutely outrageous. Warhawk, any sighting of Wang Yun? Have we pinpointed his sniping position?”

The United States had taken a heavy blow this time.

Just moments before, one of their Captains had been confidently claiming they wouldn’t suffer the same fate as the Japanese team. Yet now, that very Captain had been eliminated. It wasn’t just one captain. Two of their Captains had been taken down.

This was an immense humiliation for the United States program inspection team.

Taking down Wang Yun had become a necessity.

“Wang Yun is still within Nancheng. The man is utterly mad. With the chance to leave, he chooses not only to stay but also to lay in ambush and snipe at us. Let’s head over to the sniping location and see if we can uncover any clues.”

A short distance away, Wu Mingyu and the others stood in utter disbelief, their expressions filled with shock. The recent sniping had left them profoundly shaken.

To be targeted and eliminated from kilometers away. How could this be?

“Never can you predict Wang Yun’s next move,” Kolyev marveled, his gaze sweeping across the stunned faces of the program inspection teams from various nations. “This time, Wang Yun has managed to outwit and embarrass the program inspection teams globally.”

The mood among these teams was dark and heavy with resentment. They were overwhelmed with indignation and frustration.

They hadn’t even begun to arrest him, and he was already sniping them.

Unbelievable. Damn it!

“Let’s move!”

All program inspection personnel promptly made their way toward the origin of Wang Yun’s sniper fire to conduct their investigations.

Simultaneously, each program task team began accessing surveillance footage to track down clues.

Yet, Wang Yun, close by, went unnoticed. It was beyond anyone’s comprehension that the very assassin targeting them had just been arrested by police officers, that he had voluntarily surrendered, and was now being detained in a police station.

Who could have anticipated that?

With a slight smirk, Wang Yun was escorted into the police station for interrogation. His recent act of severely injuring three individuals was deemed a grave crime, potentially landing him in prison for a decade or more.

And there was only one high-security prison in Nancheng. It was known for incarcerating the most dangerous criminals from the past decades and was likely his destination. Among its inmates were many serving life sentences.

While Wang Yun was undergoing interrogation, a group of Captains from the international program inspection teams converged at the site of his recent sniping.

Inspecting the sniper rifle left behind, they expressed their astonishment and gravity.

“He orchestrated this sniping operation from here, roughly three kilometers away. From such a distance, he fired twenty shots, killing fourteen. To snipe from a distance of three kilometers, with the initial shots nearly hitting their mark with unerring accuracy, places this level of sniping among the top three globally,” remarked Captain Everick, his tone grave.

“Wang Yun isn’t just formidable in close combat, his proficiency with firearms is equally daunting. Considering he managed to snipe from three kilometers away, the mere thought of being under his watch is terrifying,” commented Captain Minami, his expression darkening.

On a lighter note, Captain Dragon Hand, with a spark in his eyes, looked toward Wu Mingyu and others, smiling. “This time, neither India nor China suffered casualties from Wang Yun’s attack. At least we know he’s still in Nancheng.”

This incident confirmed for them that Wang Yun remained within Nancheng, providing a sliver of reassurance.

“We must now intensify our blockade around Nancheng,” stated Kolyev, with a glint in his eye and a slight smile.

He looked around at his fellow captains from various countries and calmly added, “Gentlemen, I understand the urge to take down Wang Yun, but our priority must be to make sure he does not escape Nancheng. If he does, capturing him will become significantly more challenging and complicated.”

“In light of the situation, joining forces for the blockade seems to be our best option. Does anyone have any objections?” he proposed, extending his arms toward all the program inspection teams in a welcoming gesture.

“Absolutely, letting him escape Nancheng would complicate our mission exponentially. While we agree on a united front to secure the city’s perimeter, when it comes down to capturing or eliminating Wang Yun, it’ll be a matter of individual skill,” the Japanese program inspection Captains voiced their support first.

“Agreed!” the South Korean program inspection team concurred, finding common ground on this strategy.

Seeing the consensus, the United States program inspection Captains reluctantly nodded their agreement. They all recognized the increased challenge if Wang Yun were to slip away from Nancheng.

Imagine Wang Yun hiding out and eluding capture, what would be the point of their pursuit then? Failing to apprehend Wang Yun with the collective might of fourteen countries’ inspection teams would be an embarrassment. They were all for a united effort in this regard.

“Excellent, with this consensus, let’s convene to discuss and plan the blockade around Nancheng,” Kolyev said, pleased with the unanimous agreement. “Let’s not delay or rest just yet, considering Wang Yun might be making his way out of the city. We must act now to secure the area without leaving any gaps.”


The Captains of the various program inspection teams nodded, ready to implement the plan.

Subsequently, the teams regrouped at their program headquarters, initiating an extensive operation to seal off all exits from Nancheng.

The size of Nancheng made a full blockade nearly impossible. Their strategy was limited to monitoring the roads and inspecting all vehicles. If Wang Yun decided to leave Nancheng on foot, they would be powerless to stop him. Thus, the Captains of the inspection teams understood that while sealing off the city was crucial, identifying Wang Yun’s latest appearance was paramount. This would enable them to issue a nationwide alert, ensuring a tight blockade. Even if he managed to leave Nancheng, they would be promptly informed.

As time ticked away, a police car, carrying their target, departed from near the inspection teams’ location.

“Take him to the cell!”

Half an hour later, the vehicle reached a remote location in Nancheng, a considerable distance from the city center, enclosed by towering walls. The surrounding area was desolate for miles.

Entering through the gates, the police car made its way inside. Four staff members, role-playing as police officers, pulled Wang Yun out, and several others, pretending to be prison guards, escorted him further in.

This was Nancheng’s most formidable and stringent prison, incarcerating six to seven hundred of the most serious offenders over the last couple of decades. The inmates here were largely individuals convicted for crimes spanning more than a decade.

Yet, the prison at this moment was devoid of actual criminals.

From the moment Wang Yun had asked whether Brother Hu would go to prison, the production team had worked hard and made the necessary preparation. The prison was populated entirely by staff from the Skynet Operation program. They were role-playing as ‘inmates’ and ‘prison guards’, employing nearly seven to eight hundred people for this elaborate setup.

And tonight, Wang Yun was locked up causing serious injury to three civilians, Wang Yun’s actions were severe enough to warrant over a decade of imprisonment. Though a final verdict hadn’t been reached, he was to be temporarily detained here.

“Inside, and keep quiet,” two staff members, assuming the roles of prison guards, escorted Wang Yun to a cell, barking an order at him.

They executed their roles flawlessly, securing him inside before issuing further cautions and locking the door. Within the confines, Wang Yun surveyed his new environment.

Every inmate around him was a program staff member.

As Wang Yun entered, curious glances were cast his way.

Wang Yun returned their looks with a slight smirk. Here, arguably, he was in the safest possible place. Yet, Wang Yun had no plans to stay.

“I wonder how many subordinates I’ll manage to gain this time,” he murmured to himself, his eyes gleaming with excitement and anticipation.

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