Are You Crazy? You’re Telling Me This Is a Fugitive TV Show?

Chapter 33 Increasingly Audacious Schemes

“The hospital has been locked down by the officers. It’s going to be tough for Big Brother to escape now.”

“Why would Big Brother choose a hospital of all places? Sure, it’s busy, but it’s hardly the best place to hide.”

“Actually, the hospital has a high footfall and numerous rooms. It’s a better place to hide than most.”

“We’ve reached the tipping point. This is it!”

Every camera was focused on the hospital.


Upon hearing the voice of the officer, Wang Yun slightly frowned and immediately retreated upstairs.

His decision to seek refuge in the hospital was far from impulsive. He had a well-thought-out escape plan in his mind. However, the swiftness of the officers caught him off guard. But even so, Wang Yun remained unflustered.

The hospital was teeming with people and rooms. He just needed to find an ideal hiding spot, and he’d be fine. Worst case scenario, he could use his parkour skills to leap down from the higher floors.

Wang Yun headed directly upstairs, his eyes scanning for the perfect hideaway. The third floor was full of patient rooms, likely to be the focal point of any search. So, he continued ascending. The fourth floor was similarly filled with patient rooms.

Reaching the fifth floor, Wang Yun noticed it was much less crowded. The doors were labeled ‘Operating Room.’

Methodically, he checked each room as he walked through.

At the doorway of a cleanroom, he overheard a conversation among three doctors.

“Ugh, I’m kind of nervous. This is my first level-three surgery, and it could take two to three hours.”

“Don’t worry. This is an excellent learning opportunity for us. Professor Yin is the chief surgeon, we’re here just to assist.”

“Exactly, it’s a rare chance. Professor Yin is usually traveling all over, he rarely stays in the hospital for more than a few days. This is only my second time even seeing him.”

Wang Yun cast them a quick glance, his mind subtly stirred. Without hesitation, he walked straight into the cleanroom.

“Hmm?” A young man glanced at Wang Yun, puzzled. “Doctor, may I know who you are?”

“Wang Yun,” came the impassive response. Wang Yun didn’t pause as he continued to walk further into the room. As he moved, he asked, “When does the surgery start?”

“It’s about to begin,” said the woman, casting a doubtful look at Wang Yun.

Wang Yun simply nodded, his eyes scanning the area. He spotted a surgical gown and quickly changed into it. Then, he approached the trio of puzzled-looking young men and woman.

Casting a dismissive glance over them, he commented, “Let’s move. Pay close attention and learn. Opportunities like this don’t come around often.”

“Hmm? We haven’t seen you around before, have we?” a young man in the group questioned Wang Yun, mildly intrigued.

“I haven’t been here long,” Wang Yun replied, somewhat indifferently. “Let’s proceed.”


The three medical professionals were perplexed, but they didn’t press the issue further. They sensed an air of arrogance about Wang Yun. He seemed to barely acknowledge their presence.

They led the way into the operating room, Wang Yun trailing behind. Once inside, he mentally commanded, ‘System, purchase advanced medical skills.’

Without a moment’s hesitation, he acquired a new skill. As medical knowledge flooded his mind, a subtle smile graced his face.


“Wait, what?”

“My goodness, what’s going on? He actually walked straight into the operating room?”

“Wow, seriously? Can he do that?”

“Isn’t it kind of unethical to walk into an operating room when they’re about to perform surgery?”

“Wow, once he’s in the operating room, there’s no way they can find him. Even if the officers arrive, they can’t just walk into an OR. But, can he really get away with this?”

“It might work. Didn’t they mention that Professor Yin is the lead surgeon? Professor Yin rarely stays in the hospital for extended periods, Wang Yun just might pull this off.”

In the livestream chat, viewers were flabbergasted and excited as they watched Wang Yun brazenly enter the operating room.

“Man, Big Brother’s audacious moves are just getting more and more jaw-dropping!”

Some in the audience couldn’t contain their admiration.


“Um… Producer, Wang Yun’s audacious maneuvers are escalating. He’s now inside an operating room. Could this create issues?”

Inside the control room, a staff member stared at the live broadcast with a look of disbelief, posing the question.

“This guy knows what he’s doing. Besides, he’s not the one leading the surgery, so it should be all right,” the Director replied, grinding his teeth. “Nonetheless, send someone to inform the medical team.”

He had never anticipated that this season’s show would introduce such a wildcard. However, at this point, he felt a strange blend of frustration and excitement.

Meanwhile, in the operating room, two doctors made their entrance. One was in his fifties and the other was in his forties. They were the chief surgeon and his assistant for the impending operation.

Upon entering, the older doctor immediately issued instructions, “Place the patient on the operating table and prepare for surgery.”

Wang Yun and the others promptly followed suit, positioning the patient on the operating table. The doors to the operating room were sealed shut.

“Initiate anesthesia. Prepare the instruments. The procedure is a thyroid tumor removal, and it will last approximately three hours. Be ready to give it your all,” advised Professor Yin, the senior surgeon, as he surveyed Wang Yun and the others. “I hear you all are the hospital’s cream of the crop. Pay close attention.”

For a seasoned surgeon like Professor Yin, this type of operation was familiar territory, even if it was considered a level three surgery.

“I’ll take care of the anesthesia,” Wang Yun offered immediately after Professor Yin concluded his instructions.

Wang Yun briskly moved to the operating table, hooking the patient up to various monitors, including ECG, pulse oximetry, and blood pressure, and establishing an IV line. He then drew a dose of anesthesia into a syringe and expertly injected it into the patient’s bloodstream.

“Quite impressive. Your foundational skills are solid, but you seem new here,” Professor Yin remarked, visibly impressed by Wang Yun’s adept handling of the anesthesia.

Smiling, Wang Yun responded, “I’ve just arrived specifically to learn from an expert like you, Professor.”

“Heh, heh,” Professor Yin chuckled, evidently pleased, and gave a nod of approval.

Yet, at that very moment, the viewers watching the live broadcast were in utter disbelief, unable to grasp what was unfolding before their eyes.

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