Arms dealer from Hogwarts

Chapter 28 Pull Out Your Wand

Chapter 28 Pull Out Your Wand
'Cannot be recycled. '

'Cannot be recycled. '

'Cannot be recycled. '

'Recycling, sweeping three-star broom, recycling price, twenty Galleons and ten Sickles. '

'Recycling, Moon Dream's broomstick, recycling price, [-] Galleons. '

'Cannot be recycled. '

After a rough tour of the main hall, Jemini gained a lot. Although he couldn't find any more Horcruxes, after a rough trip, he sold a scrap of less than 70 Galleons. It broke through [-] pounds.

That night, of course, Jemini stayed in the Room of Requirement, which he preferred to the Slytherin dormitory.

"For a wizard, what is the most important thing?" Professor Flitwick, who was only over one meter tall, stepped on a tall stack of books, and asked in a shrill voice, "Of course it's the wand!"

"And what is the wand used for?" Professor Flitwick continued, "Yes, casting spells."

Jemini rested his chin, and looked curiously at the half-elf teacher on the podium, watching him ask and answer by himself.

"So about the spells, do you know any spells?" Professor Flitwick asked, looking around.

Draco raised his hand, and Professor Flitwick happily called his name.


Draco's voice fell, and he looked around a little showily, as if he was intoxicated by this feeling of being in the limelight, but in fact no one paid attention to him.

"Ha... That's right, apparition, this is a relatively difficult spell, it can disappear from one place and move to another in an instant."

Professor Flitwick nodded. "Who else knows what?"

A blond boy raised his hand. It was Hufflepuff Ernie MacMillan, Justin's new friend from Jemini's boat ride.

"Clean up! My mother's favorite spell when cleaning the house."

"Yes, it's great."

Professor Flitwick clapped his hands, looked around, and finally his curious eyes fell on Jemini's face: "Does Mr. Fox know any spells?"

"Hmm..." Jemini pinched his chin and thought for a while, "Avada——"

"NO!!!" As soon as Jemini spoke, Professor Flitwick screamed, waving his arms desperately in an attempt to interrupt Jemini's words.

Jemini didn't continue talking, blinked his eyes and gave a dry laugh.

I wanted to make a small joke, but I didn't expect Professor Flitwick's reaction to be so violent. It seems that this kind of joke is not very popular in the magic world...

In the end, he was still an outsider after all, and he didn't realize the seriousness of this spell. In his previous life, it was fine to gesture with chopsticks, but in the magic world, such jokes would really scare people.

Seeing Professor Flitwick panting heavily while clutching his chest, Jemini apologized, "I'm very sorry, Professor, I just wanted to make a joke."

Professor Flitwick waved his hand: " doesn't matter, you haven't been exposed to the magic world before, but you should pay more attention in the future."

Beside Jemini, Draco's face was pale, and he moved away silently. The other little wizards also looked trembling.

In the following time, Professor Flitwick stopped asking them what spells they knew, and just taught everyone one: fluorescent flashes.

Jemini recited the spell softly, and then successfully cast the spell. Professor Flitwick added five points to him without saying a word, and expressed the hope that he could devote his energy to these commonly used spells.

When class was over, Professor Flitwick sent Jemini out of the classroom tremblingly, and told him repeatedly that even if he knew the spell, he could not recite it, otherwise his points would be deducted next time.

Soon thereafter, the news that Jemini had recited the Unforgivable Curse in Charms class spread throughout the school, and Jemini, who was originally a quiet street tiger, became even more vicious this time.

Then he was called into the office by Snape again.

Snapela, who was dressed in a black robe, had a long face, pacing back and forth in front of Jemini.

"Very well, it seems that a young genius has come to our academy, and he has mastered one of the Unforgivable Curses, the Killing Curse, without a teacher before entering school..."

"You're flattering yourself, professor, but I wouldn't."

"You think—I'm—praising you?!"

Snape twitched, rolled up the parchment on the table beside him, and punched Jemini's little head.

Throwing the parchment aside casually, Snape sat back behind the desk and asked in a slow tone: "Where... did you know this spell?"

"Uh..."Black Magic: Self-Defense Guide" has a detailed description of the Unforgivable Curse and how to deal with it."

"But it will take three hundred pages to turn to..."

"I've finished reading it all." Jemini smiled gently: "At have almost mastered the Defense Against the Dark Arts that should be mastered before the fifth grade."

Snape took a look at Jemini, and couldn't help but sneered: "Just with your thin body, at the age of 11, how much magic power can you have? Master it? I doubt you can successfully master it." Spell use-"

As he spoke, Snape paused, as if he remembered something.

The strength of magic depends on the strength of body and soul. A powerful wizard must have a strong body and soul.

Generally speaking, adult wizards are stronger than school wizards!Because the soul strength and physical fitness of a child are simply not enough to give birth to so much magic power.

It is best for the soul and the body to achieve a certain balance. If the soul power is too strong and the physical fitness is not enough to carry so much magic power in adolescence, the magic power will deteriorate into silence when there is too much magic power accumulated.

Then analyze from the existing situation...

It's hard to say whether Jemini's soul is strong or not, but this kid's body is fucking unique!
Looking at Jemini who stood up to his chest, Snape suddenly had an absurd idea.

This kid didn't really teach himself Defense Against the Dark Arts from grades one to five, did he?

Although the teacher of this course changes every year, and the textbooks are often changed, it does not mean that a textbook can only be used for one year. It hadn't changed from when Pu went to school to when Harry went to school.

So if Jemini thoroughly understands that self-defense guidebook, as long as he has enough magic power and a little talent, it seems that it is not impossible to learn dozens of defense against the dark arts in a short period of time.

Taking a fixed look at Jemini, Snape took a step forward, grabbed Jemini's arm roughly, and led him all the way to an empty classroom.

Immediately afterwards, he walked to the other side of the room, took out his wand from his pocket, and watched Jemini speak slowly.

"Now, draw your wand!"

Jamie: "???"

"I said - draw out your wand!" Snape shook the wand in his hand impatiently.

Jemini quickly pulled out his wand and looked at Snape blankly, not knowing what he wanted to do.

"Use all the Defense Against the Dark Arts you have mastered to attack me," Snape said.

"Isn't that appropriate?" Jemini hesitated, and shot at the teacher... This guy wouldn't use this reason to expel himself, would he?

Snape became impatient, and with a wave of his hand, a curse flew towards Jemini.

"Armor protection!"

Jamie noticed Snape's movements keenly, and stretched out his wand to block in front of him. In fact, with Jemini's reflexes and dynamic vision, Snape's movements looked like slow motion to Jemini .


As if the bell had rung, Jemini waved his wand in his hand: "The birds are flocking!"

chirp chirp...

Dozens of birds appeared out of nowhere, flying in the mid-air behind Jemini, and immediately after, Jemini pointed his wand at Snape: "All bullets!"

After the words fell, dozens of birds rushed towards Snape from different angles. Snape's wand circled around him, and a fiery ring of fire spread out, burning dozens of birds to ashes.

"Is that all it takes?" Snape had a mocking smile on his lips, "Look, Flock of Birds, you'll be able to learn this spell in Charms in two months."

Jemini thought for a while, then flicked his wand slightly: "The blackboard is coming."

The smile on Snape's face was even wider: "Yes, do you want to use your brute force to smash me to death with the blackboard?"

A hint of cunning flashed in Jemini's eyes, and he said with a gentle smile, "I prefer to use wisdom, Professor."

After the words fell, there was a loud bang, and Snape suddenly got down on the ground, avoiding the big blackboard being slapped from behind.

The blackboard rushed towards Jemini, who stretched out a hand and lifted the big blackboard with one hand.

Snape looked up and saw Jemini holding the big blackboard with one hand, and slapped himself on the head.

"Of course, when wisdom is not enough to change the status quo, it is time to use brute force, Professor."

Hearing the whistling wind from the blackboard, the corners of Snape's eyes twitched, and he rolled to avoid the blackboard that had been photographed. The blackboard hit the ground with a bang and fell to pieces.

Then, at the blackboard that Snape dodged for a split second...

"Except your weapons!"


The wand in Snape's hand spun out and landed in Jemini's hand.

The battle is over.

Snape stood up, patted the ashes on his body, and his eyes stopped on Jemini's face, with no expression of joy or anger.

"Very well, Mister Fox..." Snape held out his hand, and Jemini returned the wand to Snape.

One thing to say, this time he really praised Jemini, although the tone didn't sound very friendly.

In fact, Snape never spared his praise for those up-and-coming Slytherins, unless the other party was a Gryffindor...

"You are too much, Professor." Jemini smiled gently, "Except for the initial curse, you never took the initiative to attack me. I was just being strong and trying to please."

"It's really beyond my expectation that you can continue to be humble, so it seems that you are not useless." Snape took the wand into his arms, turned and left.

Snape expressed his satisfaction with Jemini's performance this time.

There was no exasperation, no embarrassment at being disarmed by Jemini.

He has also seen Jemini's strength before, and it is not a shame to be taken advantage of by such a freak without knowing it.

Although it is impossible to treat all students equally, in other respects, Snape's teacher quality is actually very high.

 I almost forgot to update 2333, when do you think it should be updated every day?I think it's best to fix the update time, burp~
(End of this chapter)

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