Arms dealer from Hogwarts

Chapter 33

Chapter 33
Draco didn't alienate Jamini because of the bet. Slytherin's respect for the strong is no joke.

While annoyed that Jamie was more likely to approve of a Muggle-born girl, it also made Draco even more eager to prove himself to Jamie.

In essence, Draco is a jealous boy. His good background made him feel superior to others since he was a child. Such a person will always feel jealous when he meets someone who is better than himself.

But Jamie is different. The difference in strength at the dimensional level makes Draco unable to feel jealous at all, and he is full of powerlessness, especially when the two of them attend classes together every day and see Jamie's enthusiasm for various courses with his own eyes. Handy, Draco's sense of powerlessness is even heavier, and for Jemini, he can only look up to him.

Over the weekend, a notice was put up in the Slytherin common room, stating that the new Slytherin students would take flying lessons with Gryffindor next Thursday, and Draco immediately went to find Slytherin who never returned. Jamie in Leitlin dorm.

The second week of the new semester is the time for the selection of the Quidditch teams of each college, and it is also the time for the freshmen to learn to ride brooms.

Jamie was brought up in a Muggle orphanage, and he never rode a broomstick!

Draco couldn't help but realize that he finally had something better than Jemini.

"Did you see Jamie?"

Excitedly stopping some Ravenclaw girls, Draco asked.

"No." Several little Ravenclaw girls turned pale and avoided Draco.

Generally speaking, in the Quidditch match between Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff, Gryffindor supports Hufflepuff and Slytherin supports Ravenclaw.

And if it's a match between Gryffindor and Slytherin, then Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw, all support Gryffindor...

This is the status of Slytherin in Hogwarts, not to mention that Draco, who is extremely unpopular, asks where is Jemini, who is notorious, and who is willing to talk to him?

"Did you see Jamie?"

"Do you know where Jamie is?"

"Excuse me, did you see Jamie?"

"If you see where Jamie is, please tell me, please—"

Draco didn't realize that his questioning attitude was getting better and better.

Stopping Hermione with a stiff face, Draco asked awkwardly, "Do you know where Jemini is?...Excuse me..."

"Oh..." Hermione opened her mouth, she wondered if Draco was possessed by someone - he could say 'please'?
"I saw him in the library in the morning, and then he walked in the direction of the Black Lake."

Draco opened his mouth with a long face, but in the end he didn't say anything, just nodded stiffly and turned to leave.

Saying thank you to Hermione was a bit overwhelming for him, it was his limit to be able to ask.

Half an hour later, by the Black Lake.

Draco sat on the big rock by the lake expressionlessly.

In the distance, over the Black Lake, Jemini was flying on a broom.

Sometimes he circled the lake a few times, and sometimes soared into the sky.

When flying nearly [-] meters above the sky, Jemini jumped off the broom and fell rapidly, and then a spider silk shot out during the fall, sticking to the broom in the sky, and then he pulled the spider silk Swinging towards the sky, he finally turned over and stepped on the broom.

Draco saw that even if Jemini stepped on the broom, it was as if he was on flat ground, and then he stepped on the broom like surfing, skimming across the lake at high speed.

After a long time, Jemini finally noticed Draco sitting by the lake and fell from the sky.

"I found this broom in a corner. If possible, please keep it secret for me."

Jamie smiled softly.

"" Draco looked at Jemini suspiciously, "Is this your first time flying?"

"Yeah, the first time." Jemini smiled.

He had worked as a delivery man for a while in his previous life, and he felt that brooms were not much different from motorcycles, and the agility of brooms was much better than that of motorcycles.

With just a light touch, the broom can follow his instructions like an arm and a finger. Coupled with the powerful dynamic vision and response ability brought by the spider serum, he can play the broom to the fullest.

It's a pity that this thing doesn't use gasoline, doesn't need to change gears, and can't feel the power of the engine roaring in the ear.

However, there are flying motorcycles in the weapon shop, and you can customize the model. If you have a chance, you can buy one...

Draco looked at Jemini and couldn't help swallowing.

For the first time, he saw what talent is.

"What's the matter with you looking for me?"

"Ah, yes." Draco just woke up like a dream: "We will have flying lessons with Gryffindor next Thursday, let me tell you."

"Thank you for reminding me." Jemini nodded slightly.

For freshmen, everyone is looking forward to the first flight lesson.

In the past few days, every time Jemini eats in the auditorium, he can hear little wizards chatting at the dining table.

Draco, for example, told the story of riding a broom several times, each time ending with his narrow escape from a Muggle helicopter.

But when Jemini shows up, he wisely keeps his mouth shut.

Finally, Thursday at 03:30 pm.

The students came to a flat lawn. This is where the first-year students learn flying lessons. However, it should be noted that there is a forbidden forest not far from the other side of the lawn. If you are not careful, you may fly into the forbidden forest go.

According to legend, there are fire dragons in the depths of the Forbidden Forest. As for whether this legend is true, Jemini is not sure, because according to the wizard's secrecy law, fire dragons in all European countries will be found by the local Ministry of Magic. The wizards took control and sent it to Romania.

Africa is sent to Egypt, and Asia is sent to the Siberian Plains of Russia. These places have institutions dedicated to housing and domesticating fire dragons.

When the Gryffindor cubs also came to the field, Ms. Hooch, who was in charge of teaching flying lessons, also came.

She has short gray hair and yellow eyes that are as piercing as a hawk.

"Okay, what are you all waiting for?" she snapped. "Everyone stand next to a broomstick. Come on, hurry up."

Jemini looked at the broom at his feet. It was worn out and old, with some branches protruding in all directions. Jemini looked at it with disgust.

"Put your right hand over the broomstick and say, 'Get up!'" Ms Hooch said.

Jemini stretched out his hand, with an unquestionable order in his tone: "Get up."


The broom immediately flew into his hands.

There are not many people who can successfully wake up the broom like Jemini, but both Harry and Draco did it. Opposite Jemini, Hermione's broom rolled lazily on the ground, as if to say: I just can't get up , what can you do to me, woman?

It took a long time, and finally everyone woke up their brooms. Ms. Hooch walked through the two rows of students, showing them how to ride a broom without slipping off, constantly correcting the students' grip .

"Your grip is wrong, your arms are stretched so straight, do you want to smash them?"

Ms. Hooch scolded Malfoy sharply, and Malfoy hurriedly adjusted his posture in a panic. God, he was just trying to look handsome.

"Okay, as soon as I whistle, you kick your legs off the ground, and you have to kick hard."

Ms. Hooch said, "Hold the broom steady, go up a few feet, then lean forward slightly and drop straight back to the ground. Listen to my whistle—three—two—"

There was a trembling cry, and Jemini turned his head to look, and Neville flew up on the broom with a pale face.

Jamie: "..."

Expected, no need to panic.

(End of this chapter)

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