Ascension of the elder

Chapter 29: Just like the wild west




The first shout was from Randall who had just seen Kyle at the door and the second shout came from a table to the left which had red faced Nettie looking daggers at Randall, finally the crash was from the chair Nettie had yanked from under a shocked apprentice who was now flat on his back, which was thrown hitting Randall making him fly into some tables to the right.

This seemed to be a spark which made the whole hall erupt like a western bar fight, there were people flying left and right, others were being launched through doors and windows only to climb straight back through and continue the fight.

After Randall had dug himself out of the debris of the table he grabbed the two people nearest to him by the head and began spinning them around taking out the surrounding people before throwing them out of an already busted window.

As Randall was looking for his next target an equally built individual charged him.


The Randall look alike and Randall locked hands and began a contest of strength with neither able to get an upper hand on the other. Kyle looked at the source of this chaos and saw a calm Nettie sitting back at her table, sipping sherry without a care in the world. Looking at the contestants for tonight's entertainment Kyle saw they were all avoiding Nettie like they were scared of her.

Deciding not to worry about it Kyle headed towards the bar as he was now very hungry and wanted to get some food. Weaving through the battlefield like a shadow Kyle eventually arrived at the bar, there was no one visible but when he heard a soft clink he looked over the bar. The barman was sat on the floor with a bottle of clear alcohol and a shot glass and was having a little party on his own. The area of the bar where the drinks are stored was covered in a heavy mesh leading Kyle to think this was a regular occurrence.

"Rough night?"

Kyle asked with a smirk. The barman looked up to see Kyle looking down at him and just responded with a grin.

"Nah it's always like this but Nettie is celebrating for some reason so Randall got in trouble when he disturbed her."

"Really I thought Nettie was just a nice lady. By the way any chance of getting some food?"

As Kyle was speaking to the barman a bottle was heading towards his head from behind. The barman was just about to warn him when Kyle reached back and caught the bottle placing it on the bar in front of him. He'd left his soul sight up around himself since the attack just in case and with the range of a couple of meters he had more than enough time to catch the projectile with room to spare.

"Yeah Nettie is usually nice and looks after everyone but when she's had a few you don't want to ruin her buzz. Anyways what would you like we've got a pie and veg or steak and veg?"

"I'll go for the steak please."

Kyle had always been a fan of steak even if he couldn't remember it, it was still a conditioned response so he just went with it. While waiting for his food Kyle looked at the wreckage, everyone was starting to calm down and pull themselves together correcting tables and chairs while lamenting the lost drinks. The only 2 who were still fighting were Randall and his brother, this came to a swift end when Randall kneed his brother in the plums eliciting a wince from all the surrounding men.


Randall looked around and seeing Kyle at the bar left his brother in the foetal position and joined Kyle at the bar.

"Cletus gimme a beer. You alright Kyle you didn't get mixed up in any of that did ya?"

Randall may be a bone head and idiot sometimes but he does care about people and remembering Kyle's age he was worried he may have got hurt in the tussle even if it would have been unintentional.

"Nope I'm fine and dandy but I am curious as to why Nettie hit you with a chair."

Randall grinned a bit at this and cleared his throat before receiving a slap around the back of the head. Turning to the culprit in anger this quickly disappeared when he saw a smiling Nettie looking like her grandmotherly self again. Nettie spoke up on his behalf.

"I'm the older cousin of these two idiots and have been keeping them under control since we were kids while our parents were out working."

While Nettie said this she looked at Randall and then at his brother who was still on the ground nursing his balls and groaning. Her look was half exasperation and half amusement.

"Yeah sis Nettie has always looked after us and when we got this gig she came along to keep us out of trouble."

When Kyle heard this he struggled to keep from laughing as Nettie seemed to be fighting a losing battle on this front.

"Oh yes I can see that she's doing well there."

Before he looked around at the devastation around them which made both the culprits have almost identical embarrassed looks. This was too much for Kyle at this point.


Laughing for the first time since he got here Kyle finally thought it wouldn't be too bad living here. Randall and Nettie were shocked seeing Kyle laughing like this as he always seemed smart and stoic but he was laughing like he was one of them without any barriers between them. Randall and Nettie found Kyle's belly laugh funny in and of itself and started laughing along with him. This seemed to be a fuse and before long everyone was back to singing and laughing again. People who were punching each other minutes ago were passing each other drinks and Randall's brother was forgotten passed out on the floor.

"Actually this is a good opportunity to speak to you both. Is there somewhere quiet we can talk?"

Kyle asked while wiping a tear from his eye where he had been laughing. Cletus arrived at this point with Kyle's steak and Randall's beer.

"You guys can take the second floor. There are only a couple of people up there so just send them down here until you're finished."

"Thanks Cletus, what do I owe you for the food?"

"Don't worry about it I'll put it on Randall's bill with the cost of the repairs."


Kyle asked Cletus what he owed for the food but Randall instead got lumped with the bill. Taking his food he led the way upstairs with a giggling Nettie and a depressed Randall. Looking around there were only 3 people upstairs around one table. Randall began to head towards them before Kyle stopped him.

"Don't worry about it, let's head over there."

Moving to a table as far as possible away from the other people, Kyle projected a powerful isolation array around their table shocking Nettie as she hadn't seen him use his array mastery before. For his part Randall just whistled and said.

"I've seen it before but it's still impressive."

Taking in the praise Kyle just smiled a little before cutting a piece of steak and put it in his mouth.

"Ummm this is really good, I'll have to come back with my friends when I know Nettie isn't celebrating. What were you celebrating anyway?"

"Oh I've completed one of each of the sets you gave me the designs for earlier and they've come out better than I thought they would."

This shocked Kyle as he didn't think it could be done that fast.

"Well colour me shocked I didn't think you could get them ready that fast, you've impressed me again."

"Wait those new designs you showed me earlier were designed by Kyle. He showed me a completely unknown method of forging earlier! Who are you?"

Kyle on hearing Randall took a napkin and wiped his mouth before standing and giving a smooth bow to them both.

"I'm Kyle Powell son of Landon Powell, heir to the Powell family and it is my pleasure to make your acquaintance."

Nettie wasn't shocked as she already knew Kyle's identity Randall however began to panic.

"I'm sorry for my earlier rudeness and fighting in front of you and and."

Randall's reaction being so scared and surprised made Kyle take pity on him.

"Randall its okay calm down, you don't need to put on a false front for me. Anyway I wanted to give you a heads up but as of tomorrow you'll both probably be working directly under me. The both responded in the same way.


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