Ascension: Online

Chapter 27: Hina's Decision

After that discussion and all the introductions, which took around an hour in total, we disbanded. Qin Yao told us he would sort out all the groups based on the information he got from our introductions, and inform us of them at 6 PM today - which is also when we would meet back up and set out for the forest. For now, we were free to do our own thing. It was approximately 10:30 AM right now, still far too early for lunch. I had a good hour of free time to kill before then.

Chiaki Furuwa wanted to leave immediately after the discussion was finished, but after following her for some distance, I stopped her, grabbing her hand. We were now safely out of Qin Yao's earshot, so I made my move.

"Hold on."

"H-Huh? Igarashi... what? Hey, why are you touching me?!" she yelled, forcefully yanking her arm away and shooting me a look of disgust. Hm... she remembered my name. That was surprising.

"Relax," I said, sighing. "I just wanted to know... why do you hate Qin Yao so much?"

"Huh? What do you mean?"

I rolled my eyes. "Don't play dumb. I saw you flick that pebble at him earlier. That's what made him fall."

I had to admit, this girl's accuracy and strength weren't half bad, to be able to strike that rock Qin Yao had been standing on with such precision. Her acting skills, however, needed some work.

"... So, you saw?"

"What. Afraid I'm going to rat you out?"

"Not in the least. I was just wondering if you were on his side, that's all."

I scoffed. "Him? He's the last person I would be on the side of."

"Why, you can't stand his arrogant personality either?" she asked, a smirk on her face.

"Nah, not that... " I muttered. Then, after a short pause, I continued. "Would you believe me... if I said that he stole my credit?"

"Your credit...? You mean, it was you who figured out how to kill the sabertooths last night?"

I shrugged. "Perhaps. Why don't you tell me, what happened last night that made everyone acknowledge him as the one who discovered the method?"

Furuwa scratched her head. "Well, uh... I just remember being in the middle of reading the new species entry that had popped up on my screen when I heard a voice yell to aim for the inside of their mouths. It was Qin Yao who yelled this, obviously. The guards immediately listened to his instructions, and killed the sabertooths easily."

"So Qin Yao didn't even actually slay a sabertooth?" I asked, surprised. It seemed I had overestimated him.

"Nope. I just saw him yelling instructions. There was a sabertooth-like figure lying a little distance away from him that seemed to be unmoving, but before I could make sure what it was, it disappeared into shards of light. I don't think he killed it though. I mean, we're all around level 10s here. The new species entry said that sabertooths were enemies far above our level, no?"

I chuckled. "Sure, they may be, but... would you believe me if I told you that dead sabertooth you saw was killed by me?"

Furuwa's expression immediately changed into one of disbelief and skepticism. "Huh? Who're you trying to impress? Please, if you're trying to pick up girls, at least come up with a more believable lie."

Ouch. That one hurt. But unfortunately for her, I hadn't been lying, nor was I trying to pick her up. Oh well.

"As I thought, no one would believe it, huh?" I muttered, shaking my head in disappointment. "Whatever."

"You really expected people to believe that? God, you're even more ignorant than Qin Yao."

Who's the ignorant one here, I wonder? I didn't bother saying that out loud though. She would find out the truth soon enough.

I had a bad feeling about tonight. Something tells me that there's more to these Magic Beasts in the area, besides the 'plague'. Something felt 'off' about the way they all just retreated so systematically last night... almost as if someone - or something - was controlling them from behind the scenes. If that's really the case, then... chances are, we would have to encounter this mastermind tonight.

"By the way," I said as Furuwa began to walk away from me. "What school are you from?"

"...Why do you want to know? Creep," she muttered in disdain.

The reason I asked this question was a hunch that I had. I was taking a gamble here, testing out if my LUC stat was really working.

"I'm in Tokyo Metropolitan Fujimura High School," I continued, baiting her.

She stopped. "H-Huh? You're at Fujimura High? Wait, that means..."

And... she took the bait.

"Hm... let me guess. You're in Kawasaki High?"

"W-Wha... how the hell did you know?" she turned around and asked, now unsure of whether to be furious or afraid. Perhaps a bit of both.

"Calm down, I'm not a stalker or anything," I replied.

"That's what all stalkers say," Furuwa muttered.

Okay, I couldn't deny that one.

"Nah, listen, I'm being honest. I just thought I recognized your face from somewhere, that's all," I said. "I remember seeing someone who looked similar to you at a sports event during middle school. You were from a different school, but your performance during the girls' relay race was pretty outstanding, so I ended up remembering your face. And since the school you went to just happened to lead into Kawasaki High... that's all. It was just a hunch, really."

"What... you have one crazy memory."

"I'll take that as a compliment."

"So? Was there something you wanted from me? Or did you just want to confirm what school I was in? If it's the latter, you're really a creep," Furuwa said with a sigh, placing her hands on her hips.

"I just wanted to ask you something," I replied calmly. "Do you know someone called Sakura Hina?"

Her eyes widened. "You know Sakura-senpai?!"

Hmph. 'Know' her? She's been my family for the past fourteen years, Furuwa. I didn't mention that though.

"Yeah... she's an acquaintance of mine," I replied.

"No way, could it be... are you stalking her instead of me?!"

I rubbed my nasal bridge in exhaustion. "No... look. I just wanted to know if you know of her, that's all."

"How can I not know of her? She's, like, the most popular girl in the school!"

Hearing this, I smiled slightly. As expected of Hina-nee. No matter where she is, she always ends up being liked by everyone.

"I see. In that case, I have a favor to ask of you. On Monday, when you return to school... please let me know whether or not she's doing okay."

"What... why wouldn't she be?"

"You ask far too many questions," I said, sighing. "If you don't want to do it, that's fine. I'll... find another method."

Furuwa was still confused. "H-Hold on a minute, Igarashi-kun. What is your relationship with Sakura-senpai?"

I turned around, my back now facing her.

"I'm just someone who's been relying on her for the past 14 years. That's all."


- Meanwhile, Earthen Reality Plane -

11:00 AM. I sat anxiously on Kaze-kun's bed, waiting for my father to text me.

His scheduled interview with Ascentech was happening right now. I was waiting for my answers - the answers father promised he would find for me. My answers, as to where Kaze-kun went...

... And more importantly, how I could get him back.

I picked up the blanket on the bed and brought it up to my nose. It smelled exactly like Kaze-kun... but it was lacking the warmth of his body. My grip tightened on the fabric, and I told myself not to start crying again. What was crying going to do? Absolutely nothing. I wasn't a little girl anymore. I was 15. It was time I matured.

But as seconds turned to minutes, my anxiety started to creep in. I started to get impatient. I started to give in to despair. Where was the text? Where were my answers? Where was Kaze-kun? Ten minutes passed, but every second felt like an eon. I was on the verge of giving up.

Until at last, my phone beeped. I immediately picked it up, and I felt my heart stop beating when I saw the text my father had sent me.

[I'm sorry, Hina.]

I dropped my phone on the bed.

He didn't need to go into details. He didn't need to say anymore. Just those three words were enough to break me.

Kaze-kun... I miss you. I miss you so much. It hasn't even been a day since you disappeared, but I already cannot bear it anymore.

And then, as my gaze landed on the AR helmet I bought for him, I thought struck me.

Kaze-kun had been inside whatever game he was playing when I unplugged the socket. That means... his body should've disappeared into that game, right?

Oh god... how did I not think of this before?!

I had been so overwhelmed by despair that I couldn't even think with a straight head. But now, everything became clear. All I had to do was enter the game myself. Then, I would be able to find Kaze-kun, and meet him again. I couldn't use his helmet, because I didn't know what would happen if I did - maybe that helmet was related to his disappearance, somehow. I didn't want to risk vanishing from this world as well, so I had no choice but to get a new AR helmet.

I leaped off the bed, quickly changed, and headed out in the direction of the video game store, hoping that it was open on weekends.

Kaze-kun... I'm coming. Just wait for me.

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