Assimilate All Talents

Chapter 21: Approaching Invasion

Back at the guild, Sol turned in his quest to Trevor.

“Welcome back. How did it go?”

“Nothing much, really. These quests weren't too difficult for me.”

“Huh? That was one of the harder D-Rank quests, and you found it too easy?”

“Yeah, I took out the goblin shaman, then everyone else was light work.”

“Hmm… Have you considered taking the rank-up test? You clearly seem to be stronger than your current rank.”

Sol shook his head and said, “I did, but it really isn't an option for me.”


“I don't want to update my status page.”

“That's fair. Most people want to keep such things a secret. There is another way to rank up fast, but it's a little riskier.”

“What is it?”

“Join the frontlines. Currently, Duke Ferdinand is recruiting any adventurer starting from D-Rank and up to join the frontline against the incoming invasion. If you outperform, the reward can go up accordingly.”

Because of the upcoming invasion of the Frostaxe Clan, a mass recruitment campaign had started.

“I see, it sounds like a good deal, but I don't think I can handle the chaos of a war.”

Trevor nodded and explained further.

“You don't need to actually fight; there are many roles one can take. They need all kinds of people to support the fighters. You can register as a healer, messenger, trackers, repairers, etc.”

‘Hmm, healers? I did learn a healing spell from [Basic Water Magic].’

“Can I register as a healer?”

“Yes, but I didn't know you can also heal. Your second talent must be special.”

“Haha… Yeah.”

“Alright, I can register you. In a week's time is when they believe the invasion will start, so you don't have to leave the fort yet. Till then, I recommend you visit the dungeon and increase your level. Anything can happen, and being a bit stronger can be the difference between life and death.”

“Mhm, you're right. Can I get more information on the dungeon?”

“Sure, the dungeon guide is 5 silver. Sorry, I would give it for free, but I don't want to get in trouble.”

“No worries, it's just 5 silver.”

Sol paid for the guide and put it away in his backpack to read later tonight.

“I also recommend you take some quests related to the dungeon before you go. Since you are heading inside, might as well make the most of it.”

Agreeing to his suggestion, Sol took on three quests that could be completed while delving into the dungeon. Finishing all he had to do for the day, he said his farewell to Trevor and headed back to the inn.

On the way to his room, he waved at Miriam, the middle-aged woman who co-manages the inn. After staying for a few nights, he talked with her and her husband, Harvey, on more than one occasion.

“Hello dear, are you coming to open stage night tonight?”

“Oh! I forgot it was today; I'll be sure to go.”

Making his way to his room, Sol spent the rest of the evening studying the guide to the dungeon.

After reviewing all the relevant information, Sol learned about the layout, monsters, traps, and items. He felt much more reassured to delve into the dungeon. By the time he was done, Sol heard music coming from downstairs and realized the event started and headed down.

At the first floor of The Rusty Bed, a lot of people mingled and ate food as others took turns going on stage to perform. There were no real rules on what to do on stage but to simply have fun. The majority of people sang, played music, or danced, but there were a few other performances. One did magic tricks, and someone else did real tricks with magic.

Sol found an empty table and ordered food while enjoying the environment. While waiting for his food, someone walked up and spoke to Sol.

“Hey, do you mind if we sit here?”

The man who asked was accompanied by two other men, all wearing the casual uniform of the army.

After sitting down, they ordered some food and made friendly conversation with Sol. As they drank more, the soldiers loosened up, and the conversation tilted into them letting out their complaints.

“Maaaan, we held them back a year ago and they're already back. Can’t we catch a break…”

“You said it, brother. I wish we could just take the fight to them.”

One soldier shook his head, “We would if we could, but they live up in those cold ass mountains. We would struggle bringing the whole army there, and the supplies needed would be insane.”

“At least we have the adventurers helping out,” one of the men sighed, then looked towards Sol and asked, “Speaking of which, you're an adventurer, right Sol? Are you going to join us in defending the border?”

Being suddenly brought into the conversation, Sol nodded his head.

“Yes, but not as a fighter. I will be healing the wounded.”

Hearing him say that made the soldiers happy.

One of them patted him on the back, “Hahaha! Glad to hear that! If I ever get wounded, I'll be sure to find you.”

Sol nodded, “Of course, I will make sure to heal you good as new.”

The other men also spoke up.

“Hahaha, we’ll hold you to it.”

Sol enjoyed the atmosphere, taking this chance to relax after working hard for the past few days. As the evening reached the end, one more person went up to the stage. It was Harvey himself, the other co-owner of The Rusty Bed. When people saw him going up on stage, some took this as the chance to leave as quickly as possible, confusing Sol.

One of the soldiers noticed Harvey walking up and spoke quickly, “Alright, time for us to go. I am already going to war; I don't want to suffer any more than I have to.”

‘Is it because of Harvey? Is he kicking us out?’

The group quickly left, leaving Sol at the table, and soon he understood why.

Harvey cleared his throat.

“How do you make holy water? You boil the hell out of it.”

‘Oh, no.’

“What does a zombie vegetarian eat? GRRRAAAIIINNNNS!”

‘No, no, no.’

“What do you call a fish with no eye? Fsh!”

‘It's so much worse than I thought.’

“What was the last thing grandpa said before he kicked the bucket? ‘How far do you think I can kick this bucket?’”

Unable to withstand any more jokes, Sol quickly escaped back to his room and prepared for his dungeon trip for tomorrow.

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