Assistant Architect

Chapter 179: Argument

Chapter 179: Argument


Zhang Siyi’s loud voice successfully rescued Gu Yu. The people staring at them in the lecture hall focused their attention elsewhere and the surrounding people began to move away.

After they left the library, like it was stuffed with a steamed bun, Zhang Siyi’s face continued to bulge in anger. In contrast, Gu Yu’s happy face was stretched wide in surprise.

“Didn’t you say that you wouldn’t make it?” Gu Yu asked, smiling.

Anxious, Zhang Siyi exhaled and answered him sharply: “I was lying! I was already there sitting behind you!”

Zhang Siyi was very much looking forward to seeing his lover. Instead, he got to witness the swarm of women…… Do you know what it is like to lose all hope? This is it!

Now that Gu Yu knew Zhang Siyi had ben behind him watching, he could guess why Zhang Siyi looked unhappy. He was probably jealous.

Gu Yu softly asked: “Do you want to go out for dinner tonight? The last time you said you wanted to eat at that famous steak restaurant?”

Zhang Siyi: “……” Playing foul! He is even trying to tempt me with food!

Even so, since he didn’t eat beef at lunch with his friends, he really wanted to eat a juicy steak now… (&_&)

Zhang Siyi snorted and said: “Okay.”

Gu Yu smiled and messed up his hair with his hand. After getting on the subway, he asked: “How was your class reunion?”

Not forgetting about Su Yuan’s situation, Zhang Siyi summed up his experience with his friends.

While listening to Zhang Siyi talk about his friends, Gu Yu smiled, but when Su Yuan’s situation came up, he became serious: “I’m afraid not.”

Even though Zhang Siyi didn’t get the chance to talk to him about it in detail, he was outright rejected. He heatedly debated: “Why not?”

Gu Yu explained: “It’s true. There is a downturn in the industry and there are many layoffs everywhere. Even at Borderless, there wasn’t an interest to employ new staff this past year. There weren’t any exceptions.”

Gu Yu’s refusal greatly surprised Zhang Siyi. Since his expectations weren’t met, he frowned and shouted: “How can you stand there calmly and tell me there are no exceptions?! What about Tao Fei?! Are you so untouchable that you can open the backdoor for him, but when it comes to me, you aren’t willing to help my friend?”

Gu Yu turned his head to look at him in the eye and said: “Can you guarantee that your classmate’s talent is superior to that of Tao Fei’s ability? Then I can take back what I said.”

Stunned, Zhang Siyi was unable to speak. This of course was impossible. As a person with a master’s degree, Tao Fei foundation was deep. How can Su Yuan compare with him? But Gu Yu’s strict and righteous attitude made Zhang Siyi angrier.

Zhang Siyi no longer had an appetite. As the subway arrived at the station where the restaurant was, he was fuming and exclaimed: “I don’t want to eat steak anymore. I want to go home!”

Gu Yu: “……”

Although Zhang Siyi knew in his heart that Gu Yu had to be fair, he had hoped Gu Yu would give his friend a chance because they were lovers. What’s more, Su Yuan was an excellent student with great teamwork ability. He wouldn’t have brought it up if he didn’t think Su Yuan wouldn’t be a great addition to any design team. Can’t Gu Yu see that this issue was important to Zhang Siyi? How could Gu Yu be so cold and ruthless!?

…… Aaaaaaah! I’m so mad at him! ! ! (艹皿艹)

The swift change of Zhang Siyi’s demeanor and declaration was a bit of a surprise for Gu Yu. Now in the subway, people were all around them. Without privacy, Gu Yu couldn’t discuss the issue further.

The abrupt silence between them was deafening. They turned around to go home without a word. Out of the station, Zhang Siyi felt the cold wind seep into his bones as he walked briskly home in front of Gu Yu.

Gu Yu followed from behind, frowning. Gu Yu silently endured his young lover’s temper.

When Zhang Siyi entered the house, he recklessly kicked off his shoes and flopped on the sofa face down sulking. The world was so unfair!

Close behind, Gu Yu stood at the entrance for a while in silence then picked up Zhang Siyi shoes and neatly placed them in the closet.

Lost in thought the whole way home, Gu Yu struggled to understand what happened between them. He wondered what he said that was so wrong. Watching Zhang Siyi continue to ignore him on the couch, Gu Yu felt like a hundred claws were tearing at his heart.

Eventually, he sighed and relented: “Tell your classmate to make an appointment for an interview.”

Hearing Gu Yu’s unexpected remark, Zhang Siyi was even angrier. He loudly refused: “Don’t.”

In worry, the blood drained from Gu Yu face leaving him looking pale. He stated: “You are angry at my first refusal and now that I’ve told you to make an appointment for her, you are also mad at me! What do you want me to do!?”

Zhang Siyi jumped up and shouted: “I don’t need you to humor me!”

At that moment, Gu Yu became angry. Originally, since he thought he had a good grasp on Zhang Siyi’s mood, he thought he would be able to smooth things over with him but instead, he inadvertently made things worse.

Gu Yu was afraid he would do something irrevocable. Not wanting to add fuel to the fire, Gu Yu said: “Well, whatever.” He coldly turned around and went upstairs. Clearly, the start of another Cold War has begun.

As Zhang Siyi stared at Gu Yu’s back while he walked away. He grumbled to himself – Oh, great director! Tut! When I am old, I will start my own company and higher whomever I want to!

It just so happened that Gu Yao was staying with a friend for the weekend and wouldn’t be home tonight. She specifically told her brother so he could spend some quality time with Zhang Siyi. Ironically, her well wishes backfired.

Curled up on the sofa, Zhang Siyi held his knees close feeling overwhelmingly depressed and helpless. In particular, he felt guilty for offering something he couldn’t follow through with.

Thinking he could help with ease, he offered help, but now that he hit a wall, Zhang Siyi felt humiliated. Even though he didn’t promise anything specific, he struggled with how he should brooch the subject with her. He hated being the harbinger of bad news.

Tao Fei was right. There really was a special hot-love period in the beginning and when it ended, the attitude between lovers changed. Initially, he had the ‘boyfriend’s privilege’, but now, not only he has been pressed hard with office work, he also felt stressed over sex. ……You’re the puppy! Bastard!

For a long time, Zhang Siyi stayed on the sofa ruminating about his perceived injustice. The room gradually darkened as dusk approached. Feeling cold, his grumbling stomach reminded him how hungry he really was.

He has begun to regret the whole thing. His outburst caused him to fight with Gu Yu because of a classmate who he hasn’t spoken to in many months. Was it worth it? If he hadn’t mentioned Su Yuan, wouldn’t he be at a fancy restaurant with a stomach full of tasty steak? It could have been a perfect Saturday.

Zhang Siyi’s refusal for help from Gu Yu didn’t help the matter. Lost in thought, he wondered if the situation could have been better if he had given up earlier but, what would he be if he let Gu Yu meet his personal demands out of anger? Even if Gu Yu agreed, it wasn’t from his own will to help his classmate and that detail was what made Zhang Siyi feel very bad. Although he didn’t want to anger Gu Yu, in response, Zhang Siyi denied his offer.

What he was most angry about was Gu Yu’s complete unsympathetic and unmailable attitude. Thinking about it further made Zhang Siyi even more irritated because he is the one that loves Gu Yu and his quirks after all!

With all the negativity circulating through his brain, Zhang Siyi couldn’t help but think about the women surrounding Gu Yu at the lecture. He scornfully laughed at himself. For a long time, he hasn’t heard a peep from Gu Yu. Perhaps, he sought comfort from one of the newly acquired numbers from the women at the lecture.

When Zhang Siyi felt the phone vibrate in his pocket, he thought it was Gu Yu texting him since a long time had passed. He eagerly and excitedly looked at his phone.

What? It turns out that the message was just a strange text.……

Reading the contents of the text further, Zhang Siyi froze. It said: “Hello! My name is Xie Shulei and I was the first girl to ask for your number this afternoon at the lecture. I’m currently an architectural designer and my usual hobbies are……”

After her long text of self-introduction, Zhang Siyi saw a list of interests that were stereotypically considered cute. What is this? Confused, he hesitated for a while and contemplated the text before he could react. A message like that is hard to ignore, but why is he receiving them in the first place?

He checked his voicemail and there were more then a dozen messages waiting, some of which he received over an hour ago while he was on the subway……

……”Hello handsome. We met today at the lecture. I feel we have the same interests, lets get to know each other!”

……”I heard that you are the design director of Borderless. Are you taking job applications?”

After reading a few messages, the absurdity of the situation made Zhang Siyi want to laugh…. That guy, he’s too much!

Finally feeling more relaxed, Zhang Siyi rubbed his moist eyes and adjusted his attitude. He slowly pushed himself up to a sitting position on the sofa then stood up. Hey, there is always someone who must be able to take the first step…. He mustered up the courage to go upstairs.

Now that the sun had set, the room was dark. He walked halfway up the stairs to the corner platform and as soon as he looked up, he saw a dark figure sitting on the top step.

Startled, Zhang Siyi almost jumped in fright. Looking again, he quickly realized it was Gu Yu.

Gu Yu sat on the highest step with his head hung low. When Zhang Siyi approached, he looked up at him with a desolate expression.

“You. Why are you sitting there….?” Zhang Siyi asked with a guilty conscience.

Gu Yu did not speak. When his eyes focused on Zhang Siyi’s face, he stood up and walked slowly step by step towards him until he reached Zhang Siyi. Not knowing Zhang Siyi mood, like testing the temperature of a stove, Gu Yu tentatively reached out to grasp his arm. When Zhang Siyi remained motionless and quiet, Gu Yu felt relieved and pulled Zhang Siyi close into his embrace.

Zhang Siyi: “……”

Holding onto his waist with one hand and rubbing Zhang Siyi’s back with the other, Gu Yu sighed in Zhang Siyi’s ear in distress: “What do you want me to do?”

A simple phrase and yet it was said with such loneliness and helplessness. Zhang Siyi listened with regret. His heart suddenly leaped up into his throat.

“I, I….” Zhang Siyi didn’t know what to say. Even though he was very angry before, now he felt like he had been wrong. He quickly held Gu Yu tightly and buried his face on Gu Yu’s shoulder. Sullenly, he muffled: “I’m sorry.”

Zhang Siyi was sorry for his argument with Gu Yu and not for trying to help Su Yuan. Knowing that he caused Gu Yu to suffer needlessly, any perceived wrongdoing was instantly forgotten.

Once again in Gu Yu arms, Zhang Siyi wondered why he made such a fuss to begin with. As long as he can love Gu Yu and be loved in return, there was no reason to fight. He shouldn’t be poking around in other people’s business when his priority was to take care of the man in front of him.

As if begging for mercy, Gu Yu pleaded: “Don’t argue with me. I can’t stand it any longer…” Then, he softly kissed Zhang Siyi’s forehead.

“Well…” Only a syllable was spoken as Zhang Siyi’s remark was interrupted by Gu Yu’s kiss on his lips.

Enjoying the warmth of reconciliation, they hungrily kissed each other’s lips and entwined their tongues.

As their deep and passionate kiss ended, they moved from the stairs to the bedroom. Along the way, they eagerly undressed each other. As Gu Yu’s desire for the man he loved grew, the negative emotions he bottled up required release. As a result, as love and desperation melded into one need, his emotions took on a physical form. Gu Yu pressed Zhang Siyi down onto the bed and fiercely entered him.

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