Athena’s General Reincarnated in Another World

128 – Combat Test with the Polar Bear Golem

Chapter 128 - Combat Test with the Polar Bear Golem


One of my duties as a member of the royal guard was to supervise the admission test for Apsalon Academy, held annually in the Royal Capital. It was a tradition for us to be involved, after all, the future students of that academy would fill important roles in the kingdom, many becoming elite soldiers and mages.

I had never studied at Apsalon myself, but I was fortunate enough to attend the Capital Academy, which already placed me in a solid position. Still, I knew Apsalon Academy was the real cradle of the elite. Most of the Asalon Knights, our most prestigious warriors, came from there.

These kids… born with silver spoons, with magical bloodlines running through their veins.
They don’t know real battle.

I smirked at the thought. Here, in this arena, was the only place I could truly let loose and show these young mages the difference between us. It was a rare chance to beat some sense into these noble brats without causing too much trouble. It was almost therapeutic, a chance to have a little fun.

“Here’s your file, sir. Just call out the names when ready,” said an elf as she handed me the document.

I’ll never get tired of looking at these elves... Those pointed ears, that calm beauty. Makes me wonder what an elf would taste like... Too bad they prefer to stick with their own kind.

The arena was large, divided into separate combat spaces with protective barriers to prevent spells from interfering with the other matches. I glanced at the name of the next one I’d be evaluating—or rather, knocking around.

"Nathan Evenhart... Where have I heard that name before?"


Viktor Saul:

I had just finished a bout with a soldier, and the outcome was exactly as expected.

"Done! You win!" the elf judge announced.

"Whatever..." I muttered, walking out of the arena. A few students eyed me with curiosity and admiration, but I kept my expression neutral.

"He didn’t even care…" I overheard someone whisper.

"Who is that guy? Did you see him use his elements?"

"Keep it down. That’s Viktor Saul, the next Duke of House Saul."

I smirked inwardly as I heard my name being whispered while I climbed the stairs to sit and watch the other matches. I am Viktor Saul, and I carry the reputation of being a prodigy. I wield two elements: fire and water, a contradictory yet devastating combination in battle. What makes me even more dangerous is my ability to fuse these elements, creating mist, making me both versatile and lethal.

"That guy’s way too good..." someone whispered as I settled into my seat, my eyes now focused on the next combat.

Something in the arena caught my attention. A girl, who was not only strikingly beautiful but also displayed remarkable skill, was preparing for her match with fierce determination.

“Sub-zero winter! Rise and aid me, polar bear!” the girl shouted, and what happened next was astounding.

"Golem!" someone next to me gasped. "An ice golem!"

Before us, a massive polar bear made of ice was summoned, charging toward the opposing soldier. The girl, swift and skilled, unleashed ice spikes from her wand, hitting the soldier as he tried to dodge the relentless ice bear.

I chuckled softly, genuinely impressed by her abilities.

"She’s incredible… talented and beautiful. I should introduce myself as a duke," I murmured to myself, already planning the perfect moment to approach her.

When people find out I’m the heir to a duchy, they practically worship the ground I walk on.

I got up from the stands and started making my way toward her. The girl’s fight looked like it would end quickly due to her skill, and I wanted to be nearby when it did, so I could introduce myself. Since she was a bit farther away, I decided to take the inner route of the arena, reserved for high-ranking nobles.

As I entered, I noticed the presence of several guards standing at a slight distance, forming a small protective barrier. I continued walking; it was the quickest way to get to the lower area where she was.

"Did I do well, brother?" I heard a girl ask, her voice laced with uncertainty.

"I think you did," replied the boy next to her.

As I approached, I recognized them immediately: the crown prince and princess, Prince Duncan and Princess Melina.

"Your Highnesses," I greeted them respectfully, inclining my head slightly.

Prince Duncan acknowledged me with a nod before speaking, "You’re Viktor, right? I think I remember you."

My family had old and personal ties with the royal family, as our duchy was focused on military matters. We manufactured military technologies, and our personal army was well-trained, often serving under royal command to demonstrate our loyalty.

"Yes, that’s me," I replied with a confident smile.

"How did it go out there? I bet you did well. Your family has always produced excellent mages," the prince remarked.

I nodded. "Those guys aren’t really on our level," I joked.

He returned the smile. "It’s a shame we’re required to study at Apsalon. For people like us, with natural talent and a military background, it feels like a bit of a waste. Although, in the later years of study, we can take advantage of certain learning opportunities."

I agreed with a nod. Prince Duncan was already attending Apsalon Academy and was likely here to support his sister Melina as she took the entrance exam.

Princess Melina, quieter and more reserved, stayed silent during the conversation.

"You’ve got two elements, right? I remember you showing me at a gathering," the prince said, recalling our previous encounter.

"That’s right, but no one surpasses you," I replied.

He chuckled. "It’s hard to be surpassed. Mages like me, with three elements, are true prodigies—extremely rare."

We parted ways as the guards started escorting them out, and I continued making my way down toward the arena. As I walked, I passed a boy who seemed focused, reading his file.

“Phil from the royal guard… could it be who I’m thinking of?” he muttered to himself.

Looks like another high noble.

I didn’t recognize him, which meant his duchy probably wasn’t closely connected to the Royal Capital.

I cleared my throat to get his attention. "Ahem."

He kept reading, barely acknowledging me.

"Are you up next, or have you already fought?" I asked, trying to strike up a conversation.

The boy finally turned to me. "I’m about to fight soon," he answered calmly.

"I haven’t seen you at any meetings or events in the Royal Capital. Where are you from?" I asked, curious about his background.

"I’m from an agricultural duchy, so we don’t attend often, nor are we involved in military affairs. My family only shows up for the mandatory celebrations for high-ranking nobles," he explained.

That made sense. He came from a family of farmers, something far removed from the military tradition I was part of, which is why I hadn't seen him in many meetings or events.

"Good luck with your battle," I lied, flashing a smile. "We, military folk, are trained from a young age. It must be difficult for you, coming from an agricultural duchy, to prepare for this kind of test. The pressure is high for us nobles of high rank."

He let out a light chuckle. "Let's just say I have over 500 years of experience," he joked, laughing at his own remark.

I laughed back, out of politeness, without really getting the joke.

"But you're right, it was pretty tough to prepare. Where I come from, I spend my days working on my family's farms. I guess I’m not cut out for the life of a soldier," he admitted.

"Don't worry, people like me are here for that," I said, with a tone of false modesty, trying to flaunt a bit of my military superiority.

I let the farmer continue on his way to the exam and kept descending the stairs, eager to watch the pretty girl’s fight. I passed through the door, arriving at the arena's seating area, and sat down to watch the remaining battle.

I watched, captivated by her skill, as she controlled the field with precision. The opposing soldier was visibly exhausted, trying to dodge the ice spikes that flew toward him, all while dealing with the massive polar bear golem she had summoned. Every move she made was calculated, displaying an impressive mastery.

She fired the ice spikes with agility and kept the soldier under pressure. At one point, she froze the ground beneath his feet, causing him to slip. The ice bear wasted no time, approaching swiftly and pinning the soldier to the ground with its paw. With a ferocious roar, it stared the opponent down, leaving him no choice but to surrender.

She’s amazing! That golem was practically alive.

"I did it!" I heard the girl celebrate, her voice filled with excitement.

I stood up, ready to approach her, already rehearsing what I would say.

‘Pleasure to meet you, I’m the heir of the Saul Duchy,’ I thought, imagining how impressed she would be.

But then I noticed something change. As she received her result, her eyes lit up with pride. But then, she looked directly at someone else. Her gaze locked on a boy who was preparing for the next fight. Her expression became even more radiant.

The farmer boy? Seriously?

The girl hurried over to the stands and sat near the fighting area, clearly interested in what would happen next.

When that fool loses the fight, then I’ll make my move. He might be a superior noble, but the name of my duchy is famous in the military and in the Royal Capital.

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