Athena’s General Reincarnated in Another World

136 – The Dragon’s New Appearance

Chapter 136 - The Dragon’s New Appearance


I discovered that Emperor Song, millennia ago, wasn't the only one obsessed with dragons. In my own continent, the Founding Emperor also dreamed of possessing one of these legendary creatures. Even in his time, dragons were already considered distant myths, but that didn't stop him from tirelessly searching across the continent for a hatchling or an egg. After all, it was known that only young magical creatures could be controlled. Once they matured, they became untamable.

The Founding Emperor, in his quest, eventually discovered the race of Asalon, the winged horses. It was through the power of a young Asalon that he managed to build his empire. After all, imagine trying to challenge an army of powerful mages mounted on something that could fly. There’s no way to defend a city with walls, as the army would come from above.

What intrigued me was how he managed to tame an Asalon. The answer lay in the bond formed during the creature's youth. Somehow, the Emperor established a bond of friendship with the young Asalon, taming it and thus securing power over his kingdom and founding his own Empire.

My discovery led me to understand that intelligent animals can indeed form this type of bond with a person, creating a deep and nearly unbreakable connection. After all, you become family to that animal. This was how the royal family maintained control over their tigers and monopolized the rare winged horses. Every Asalon foal born was raised by the royal family, ensuring that the bond was made while the creatures were still young.

This revelation made me reflect deeply on Cylla. Despite her size, she is still just a hatchling. Naturally, she won't obey them, as she's an intelligent being. The problem is that, as a hatchling, she is weak compared to the power she will one day possess.

Her firepower and healing abilities make her special, but also vulnerable. If the kingdom discovered her true nature, they might try to take her by force. She hasn’t yet reached her full potential, and despite her strength, a powerful group of mages could pose a real threat to her.

Not that I would let that happen...

We considered many scenarios, predicting what could happen if anyone tried something against Cylla. After discussing all possibilities, we concluded that the best way to deal with the problem was to prevent it from happening. We offered Cylla the option to live in the Forbidden Forest, where she would be away from prying eyes and, in theory, protected. But she refused the offer. With no other choice, we had to improvise a lair here at the castle, adapting it as Cylla grew and increasingly took on her bestial dragon form.

She also told me that, as my wife... she would never abandon her husband. I still don’t know how to deal with this giant, affection-craving dragon who occasionally asks me to give her a kiss on the cheek...

Even after living with Cylla for years, I still remember the fear in everyone’s eyes when they saw her complete transformation for the first time. It was at that moment that I had no choice but to reveal that I could understand what she was saying. Although the initial tension was palpable, over time, everyone adjusted to this new reality. Routine was restored, but only my mother, Aunt Margie, and Chloe managed to get close to Cylla when she was in her dragon form. To the others, she remained a threatening creature, even if familiar.

“If Cylla says it’s okay, then I’ll have to trust her,” I said to my mother, trying to reassure her.

She was visibly worried about what might happen. Cylla and my mother had grown closer over the years. In a way, they shared the responsibility of taking care of me, each in their own way. Perhaps it was this bond that allowed my mother to be more at ease around Cylla, even when others still hesitated to trust her fully.

While they share the task of taking care of me... I’m taking care of them.

I chuckled to myself at the thought.

"It's alright, Nathan. Tell them that I've stabilized my bestial form. With the barrier from the Inheritance process, I won't evolve further in form—maybe just in size," a familiar voice said.

"Cylla?" I looked around, confused, searching for the phoenix, but I couldn't see her.

"What is that? Carnellian?" Chloe exclaimed, pointing toward the shadows, which seemed to move with a strange restlessness.

"Carnellian, what happened to you?" my aunt asked, her voice filled with a mix of curiosity and surprise.

I moved toward where they were all looking. In the dim light, two small white glows shone. They were eyes. Something small and nimble was slowly emerging from the shadows—a Moon Panther cub.

"It can't be! Has Carnellian entered the Inheritance period?" my mother asked, shocked.

As I approached, the panther cub stared at me, its large, gleaming eyes reflecting the faint light of the room. But when it looked at the others, a flicker of recognition appeared in its gaze.

"It's me, silly," the cub meowed, and I almost choked, immediately recognizing the unmistakable voice.

"Cylla?" I asked, stunned.

The small gray panther, looking very much like a kitten, nodded calmly, as if this were the most natural thing in the world. Everyone around me looked at me, clearly expecting an explanation.

"Is that really her?" Chloe asked, visibly confused.

"How did this happen?" Aunt Margie inquired, crouching next to the small gray panther.

My mother also stared at me before turning her gaze to Cylla, as if trying to process the change.

"I've gotten used to her being a phoenix, then she turns into a dragon, and now... a panther?" my mother commented, her eyes wide with surprise.

The little gray panther started laughing, rolling onto her side with an almost childlike playfulness.

"Care to explain to them that I’ve mastered my Aspect of the Body from my Celestial Eyes?" Cylla asked sarcastically, and I couldn’t help but smile.

"Explain, Nathan. Is this really her?" my aunt pressed.

"She’s a legendary magical creature... so, yes, this is possible," I responded, trying to sound as casual as possible, though feeling the gravity of the situation. I knew the explanation needed to make sense, as Cylla's transformation was anything but trivial.

My mother, Aunt Margie, and Chloe exchanged glances, processing the information. Eventually, they seemed to accept it, albeit hesitantly.

"That makes sense," they all said almost in unison.

"But why did she turn into a panther cub and not a phoenix?" Chloe asked, her curiosity still not fully satisfied.

"That would draw too much attention, wouldn’t it?" my aunt suggested cautiously. "Even though no one knows the true size a phoenix can reach, its powers are still highly coveted."

The little Moon Panther nodded, seeming content with the explanation.

"But a Moon Panther cub is still highly desired, known for becoming fierce assassins when they mature," my aunt added, her tone a mix of worry and caution.

"Oops..." Cylla meowed, and the light sound made me smile, but I was the only one who understood the hidden meaning behind her comment.

"But don’t worry, very few people know what a Moon Panther actually looks like. They’re so rare that many consider them extinct," my aunt reassured.

"At least she’s not a magical bird that’s supposed to be extinct," my mother added, gently stroking Cylla's head, her fingers running affectionately through the soft fur.

With a swift movement, Cylla ran to my side, her small, light paws barely making any noise as they touched the floor.

"I told you. I'm not going to abandon you at the academy... and I'll be keeping an eye on the human females..." she said, flexing her claws and flashing a mischievous grin. Even in her cub form, Cylla's fierce and... jealous personality still shone through with intensity.

"She's so cute," Chloe said, petting Cylla's head, clearly charmed by the creature's innocent appearance.

Her menacing nature really doesn't come across in this form...

I turned my attention back to what truly mattered at the moment: getting my things organized.

A life as a human, just being a student... I guess even I was a little excited about what I would experience. The closest thing I had to school in my previous life was the Agoge.

Now, the Apsalon Academy represented something completely different. The softer military regimen, formal education, and living alongside other mages and people from different cultures... All of this was new. It was a unique opportunity for growth and learning.

I highly doubt they'll lock anyone in a cage with a hungry tiger at Apsalon, I thought, recalling my harsh training in the Agoge.

At the academy, I would learn many things over the years, even though I had already received advanced magical training from my family and Professor Adrihna, along with the combat skills I had gained in my previous life. At the academy, I would be exposed to different cultures and people from entirely new backgrounds.

It's a shame I'll be away from battles; I'll miss the action of completing missions back in the duchy. I bet it'll be a normal, boring routine...

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