Athena’s General Reincarnated in Another World

138 – The Human Queen and the Elven King

Chapter 138 - The Human Queen and the Elven King


Agnes Asalon:

I was sitting in the academy's waiting room with my family, feeling the tension rise as we waited. Charles sat in a corner, muttering under his breath about the delay, his fingers drumming impatiently on the table, while I tried to contain my growing irritation as I spoke with the High Elf.

"What do you mean my daughter won’t be giving the speech alongside the other top students from the kingdoms?" My voice was firm, but laced with increasing frustration. I kept my tone controlled, but inside, I was seething with the implied disrespect.

The High Elf, Adrihna, looked at me with an impassive expression, her silver hair reflecting the soft lights in the room. "Lady Agnes, the decision was made by the academic examiners' panel. They chose another student. It’s a long-standing tradition at the academy, something I cannot simply override."

"She possesses the rare purple flame and can even combine it with the wind element! Is there anyone more talented than her?" I shot her a sharp look, indignant. "Even my son Duncan gave the speech last year, and now my daughter is being overlooked?"

Adrihna sighed lightly, which only fueled my frustration. Her calm demeanor in the face of this matter was infuriating. "I would love to remove that student from the spotlight if it were possible, but this tradition is beyond my control."

I felt a vein pulse in my forehead.

How dare she sigh at me?

"My daughter is the princess of the Teresia Kingdom, not just anyone. If this happens, it will be a disgrace to our family!"

"Mother, it’s fine..." murmured Melina beside me. "I didn’t even want to give that speech... I don’t want all the attention on me at the school. All the new students will be watching."

"Melina, that’s exactly why you need to be up there!" I snapped, growing impatient. "All the students and their parents will be present. You have to stand out!"

Time passed, and I kept trying to convince Adrihna, but her patient and controlled expression showed that my efforts were in vain. Her rigid posture, as if carved from marble, was starting to irritate me even more.

"Who do I need to talk to in order to change this?" I finally burst out, my voice louder than intended.

"That would be me." A firm voice responded.

I turned abruptly, and a striking woman approached us. Her dark hair fell haphazardly over her shoulders, while she wore a pristine suit and an eyepatch that highlighted her wolf-like ears.

"Headmistress Victoria?" Adrihna asked, surprised.

I took in the woman standing before me. Victoria, known as the ‘Black Hound,’ legendary for her strength and mastery over elemental mud fusion.

Finally, someone who can solve this.

"Good," I said, regaining my composure. "I have an issue, and I expect you to handle it."

Victoria raised a hand, stopping me before I could continue.

"I have excellent hearing, Lady Agnes. I heard your... concerns from down the hall."

Concerns? How dare she...

"However, you are right," Headmistress Victoria began, her tone firm yet respectful. "We promote unity and cooperation among the races. Having the two princesses from different kingdoms give a joint speech at our academy would indeed be historic. It would send a powerful message to future generations. But don’t think this makes us subservient. We are simply considering the significance of the occasion."

I let out a contained laugh, allowing myself a brief moment of satisfaction, but I allowed the woman to continue.

"Fortunately, we have a unique case here: the chosen student and their family prefer to remain discreet," Victoria said, casting a glance at the High Elf, who silently nodded in agreement.

"Are you kidding me?" I couldn't hide my disbelief. "Who would give up the chance to have their name listed as one of the top three most talented students of the exam?"

The High Elf hesitated, clearly picking her words carefully, but said nothing.

"According to Adrihna, there's a high chance this student will decline the honor and pass the title to your daughter," Victoria added.

I narrowed my eyes, considering her words. "Now it sounds like we're begging for charity..." I muttered.

"Mother!" Melina protested.

"Fine, I won’t make a fuss," I sighed, trying to remain calm. "I just find it odd that someone shows up out of nowhere and steals my daughter's glory."

Charles approached us, wearing the expression of a man who just wanted to end the discussion. "In the end, it’s been resolved, and we can move forward."

"Not quite," Victoria corrected. "The student and their family still have the final say. While I’m fairly certain they’ll decline, I still need confirmation."

"Whatever," Charles grumbled, already walking back to his seat with a dismissive wave.

I looked at the headmistress and the High Elf, accepting the situation with a nod.

"He’ll still have the right to meet with the two royal families. Any problem with that?" Adrihna asked.

"None..." I said, with a slightly disdainful tone. "I imagine it’s an honor for him to be in our presence." Sitting down, I added with a touch of irony, "And this student, if he’s as talented as they say, will inevitably end up working in our army anyway."

The High Elf averted her gaze, appearing uncomfortable with my last remark, but said nothing.

Suddenly, the door to the room opened. The moment Adrihna saw who entered, she quickly stepped forward and bowed deeply.

It’s them...

"My king and queen," Adrihna said, her voice filled with reverence. "It’s an honor to see you again."

The queen smiled softly. "Adrihna, you may simply call me Siofna."

The High Elf shook her head vigorously. "I would never commit such disrespect, my lady."

So you do know how to show respect when you want to...

"Haiten!? You've aged, brat!" Victoria exclaimed, walking boldly toward the Elven King.

"And you're still the same thick-headed fool," he replied, grinning as he pulled her into a hug.

I watched the exchange, taking advantage of the distraction to pull my daughter, Melina, closer. "Go ahead, dear. You need to join the other future students," I whispered in her ear.

I had seen the Elven king and queen at social events over the years, but we had never had the opportunity to speak in private. We were always surrounded by diplomats and nobles, which limited any personal conversation. King Haiten had light blond hair, while Queen Siofna's strands had a shade of blonde that bordered on green, creating a fascinating contrast.

As Melina passed by them, she gave a respectful bow to the royal couple before leaving the room, leaving me alone with the monarchs.

"Is the boy here?" Haiten asked the High Elf.

"Yes, my lord," she responded promptly.

"Good," he murmured. "I've waited 10 years to meet him... and his mother."

Meet who?

"My friends!" Haiten exclaimed warmly. "After exchanging nothing but letters for so long, we finally have some time alone, without that army of boring people to bother us, haha!" He greeted us with genuine excitement.

"Queen Siofna, King Haiten, it's a pleasure to see you again," Charles said, extending his hand in a formal greeting, which I quickly followed.

"It will be historic, the first time so many members of royalty study together in the same class. With the Grand Duke's daughter and our daughters, there will be three royals in total," I commented, trying to strike a diplomatic tone.

"In my time," Haiten began with a laugh, "Charles was older and more popular, so I hardly had any interaction with him."

"Ah, those were fun times," my husband replied, reminiscing with a nostalgic smile.

We chatted for a few minutes, sharing stories about our children, but the friendly atmosphere was suddenly interrupted by a knock on the door.

'Knock, knock.'

An elven guard entered the room, bowing respectfully.

"Sir, there are two women outside saying Lady Adrihna called for them."

The High Elf hurried toward the door.

"It’s the other family, my lord," she explained, addressing King Haiten, who exchanged curious glances with the queen.

Charles and I exchanged puzzled looks, as this wasn’t on the schedule.

The door opened, revealing the arrival of two women.

The moment they entered, the room’s attention was entirely on them. The Duchess Evenhart, regal and poised as ever, was accompanied by a strikingly beautiful commoner woman with long brown hair. I immediately recognized the commoner—her beauty had been a topic of conversation even among the women in my entourage.

I glanced at Charles, recalling an unpleasant memory: Duncan’s 12th birthday. He had drunk too much that night and embarrassed us in front of all the nobles. It was an important event where we showcased Duncan’s elemental talents. Of course, Charles barely remembered the incident, but I would never forget the deep shame I felt. Still, I had forgiven him, understanding that he was celebrating our son's promising future.

As we watched the scene unfold, the elven royals approached the two women. The king and queen stopped in front of them, their gazes fixed. The commoner woman seemed unsure, clearly uncomfortable, while Duchess Evenhart greeted them with her usual grace and formality.

It was then I noticed something odd. Lady Adrihna, the High Elf, was watching intently, her eyes darting between the royals and the commoner woman, as if trying to piece something together or recall a forgotten detail.

The commoner woman tried to speak, her voice barely a whisper, strained with nerves. "Lord... king," she began, but Haiten quickly interrupted her with a soft smile, his tone kind.

"Just Haiten. You can call me by my name."

He looked at her with unusual intensity, as if searching for something. Then, his gaze shifted to Lady Adrihna, his expression a mix of surprise and curiosity.

"She really does resemble..." the king murmured, but before he could finish his thought, Adrihna let out a brief, cryptic laugh.

"You should see the boy," Adrihna said, still chuckling softly. "You’ll be amazed by his physical features."

What is going on here?

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