Athena’s General Reincarnated in Another World

140 – The Elven King is Surprised by Katherine

Chapter 140 - The Elven King is Surprised by Katherine

Haiten Rhiannon:

"Queen Siofna, King Haiten, it's a pleasure to see you again," Charles greeted us.

The queen shook my hand, flashing a bright smile.

“It will be historic, the first time so many members of royalty study together in the same class. With the Grand Duke's daughter and our daughters, there will be three royals in total," she said.

And if we count the boy, that makes four royals, I thought, smiling inwardly. I must have been smiling a bit too much at my little internal joke, so I tried to play it off.

“In my time. Charles was older and more popular, so I hardly had any interaction with him,” I commented.

“Ah, those were fun times,” Charles replied with a hint of nostalgia.

We chatted briefly about the rare opportunity of having both princesses attending the academy together.

“I just hope they don’t set me up with a boyfriend, or I’ll toss him into a pit full of beasts, haha,” Charles joked with me.

‘Knock, knock.’ The sound of the knock alerted me—it was the coded signal for something urgent that needed my attention.

I turned toward the door as a guard entered.

“Sir, there are two women outside saying Lady Adrihna called for them.”

Adrihna immediately moved toward the door.

“It’s the other family, my lord,” she said, and I understood.

I glanced at Siofna, who smiled, reminding me to maintain composure.

Two women entered—one carrying an air of authority, but the other… As soon as I saw her face, I felt a jolt of shock.

This can't be real… She has the features of a high elf.

Her youthful face, with a delicate beauty and natural elegance, struck me deeply. Only someone who has spent considerable time around high elves would notice the subtle traits. Her features were sculpted with such precision that it seemed as though a master artist had dedicated their life to perfecting this masterpiece. Few in the world had ever come into contact with a high elf, but I had grown up surrounded by them, and I instantly recognized that this woman’s beauty was far from ordinary.

Siofna squeezed my wrist, and I saw her sharp gaze fixed on the brown-haired woman. We didn’t need a genetic test to confirm it—this woman was undoubtedly of the royal high elf lineage. She had inherited many traits that set her apart from ordinary humans—subtle, but unmistakable.

The woman who exuded authority beside her was likely Duchess Margaery Evenhart. She greeted both Siofna and me, but I found it difficult to tear my eyes away from the brown-haired woman.

The last line of the high elf royal family… I have to protect them at all costs, I thought, feeling the weight of my responsibility intensify.

Diplomatic treaties? They no longer mattered as much. I would have this woman and her son placed under constant watch and escorted safely to the palace.

Adrihna, standing next to me, observed me with a knowing look, clearly trying to gauge my reactions.

Why didn’t Adrihna tell me her appearance was this distinct? Kinue can blend in since she’s a demi-human, but this boy’s mother inherited too many physical traits. This is far beyond what I imagined.

The woman hesitantly addressed me, her voice carrying a trace of nervousness.

“Lord… king,” she began, uncertain.

King? You’re family. There’s no need for such formality.

"Just Haiten. You can call me by my name," I replied, trying to ease the tension in the room.

I glanced over at Adrihna, who was exchanging looks with me, clearly waiting for my reaction.

"She really does resemble…" I murmured, still in disbelief.

Adrihna chuckled softly.

"You should see the boy. You’ll be amazed by his physical features," she said, amused.

More surprised? That’s impossible, I thought, still processing what I had just witnessed.

The other royals approached, and both women bowed in reverence, greeting them formally.


Nathan Evenhart:

We had finally arrived at Apsalon Academy, but we were in an area dedicated to events, with a grand hall reserved for celebrations.

"This place is enormous! It feels like there's a city within the city," Chloe exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with excitement as she took in the grandeur of it all.

"It really is impressive," I agreed, as my gaze swept across the landscape around us.

Ever since we left home, though, I’d been feeling something off. There was a strange sensation, like something was out of place. It was as if an unseen presence was watching me. The discomfort was subtle, almost unnoticeable, but persistent, like an invisible shadow trying to instill fear.


I masked my unease, glancing around, trying to pinpoint where that feeling might be coming from. I scanned the crowd and the surroundings, searching for anyone or anything that might be staring at me, but I saw nothing to explain the unsettling vibe.

"Nate, come on!" Chloe called, tugging at my hand.

"Alright, alright… you don’t have to pull," I grumbled, trying to focus on the event ahead and push aside that eerie feeling.

It’s probably nothing... just in my head.

It would be ironic for something to happen now, just when I’d decided to live as a normal student.

Shaking off the thoughts, I turned my attention back to the academy. The grounds were vast—so expansive that they even had their own forest for the students. Those who studied here would spend years in this place, honing their magical abilities and sword skills. Even knights from the human kingdom trained here, their families holding influence in the royal army.

The campus was so large that there were maps posted everywhere, showing various points of interest. But so far, we hadn’t explored beyond the building where the ceremony was taking place—an area closer to the city but separate from the student-dedicated grounds.

"Kids, Katie and I are going to meet your teacher. Follow the path and wait at the table; someone will help you find your seats," Aunt Margie said with her usual calmness, gesturing toward the hall.

Standing in front of the impressive building, a luxurious red carpet stretched toward the grand entrance, where groups of people mingled and drank. The mix of races and cultures present was a reflection of the city itself—a melting pot of diversity and magic.

At the entrance, two guards awaited us—one human and one elf, both standing with impeccable posture.

"Welcome, new students! I hope you enjoy tonight's event. Could you please give us your names? A guide will show you to your reserved table with your families," said the human guard in a polite, formal tone.

"I'm Chloe Evenhart, and this is Nathan Evenhart. We're from the same family," Chloe responded confidently.

The guard quickly conjured a magical clipboard from his bracelet and began scrolling through the guest list.

"Here it is," he said after a moment. "The Evenhart family. You may enter..." He paused as he read further. "I see Nathan Evenhart's name is highlighted as an honor student. You’ll have to part ways for the time being."

Chloe and I were already aware of this separation, so we exchanged a glance and nodded silently.

As we entered, a woman appeared to guide us. "Welcome, new students. I’ll be your guide, but as I can see," she turned to me, "you’ll be going in a different direction." At that moment, a man stepped up beside her.

"Director Victoria has organized a special meeting for the honor students. She will explain how the ceremony works, which has been a tradition since the academy’s founding," the man said, his tone serious.

I nodded in agreement, already knowing what was coming, and followed him.

"See you later, Nate!" Chloe called, waving as I walked away.

Following the guide, we passed through a series of doors that led to a long, silent corridor. The walls were adorned with statues of imposing figures, their faces carved into stern, contemplative expressions, as if they held the secrets of the academy’s history in every detail.

"These are the former directors of the academy, and each was the apprentice of the previous one. It’s a tradition that transcends bloodlines. The next director is chosen for their talents and sense of responsibility towards you, the future mages of the kingdom," the guide explained with a reverent nod toward the former leaders.

I found the history interesting and studied the portraits on the walls, reminded of the 'Hall of Kings' we had at the castle, a place of honor for the past rulers of our family. It seemed this tradition of honoring predecessors was also part of the academy's culture.

Finally, we arrived at a large wooden door. The man stopped and gestured to me.

"Wait in this room. Director Victoria will be with you in a few minutes to explain the next steps," he said before closing the door, leaving me alone.

The room was cozy but not very spacious. It seemed like a waiting area, with a table full of snacks and treats that I assumed were for the students. However, my attention was immediately drawn to the swords decorating the walls. They looked magnificent, and I was curious if they were like Aurora, the enchanted sword Adrihna had used during the exam.

I approached one of them, fascinated by the idea that weapons could contain magic. I reached out to touch it.

"What do you think you're doing?!" a sharp voice echoed across the room.

I quickly turned and found myself face to face with a stunning elven girl.

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