Athena’s General Reincarnated in Another World

142 – Nathan Meets the Elven Royal Family

Chapter 142 - Nathan Meets the Elven Royal Family


Agnes Asalon:

I watched the interaction between the Elven King and the commoner, while Charles continued to discreetly admire the high elf and the commoner woman from afar. A slight movement from me made him stop immediately.

‘Slam!’ The door swung open with force, and Victoria strode in.

"I’ve taken care of the problem," she announced confidently, causing the two Evenhart women to let out a sigh of relief.

They had been anxious about the incident that could have disrupted the ceremony, and while they wanted to ensure my daughter’s honor, they knew how crucial the event was for everyone involved.

I've been waiting for this moment for four long years, carefully planning every detail to ensure everything unfolds according to my plans. This will be the first major step in bringing the Asalon and Rhiannon families closer. And now, with the opportunity to forge ties between the two princesses, I just need to move the pieces cautiously so that Duncan can get closer to the elven princess. Nothing can go wrong!

Once their relationship blossomed, I would advance to the next stage.

I only need an elven heir from Duncan and the elven princess. These elves are devoted to the royal family, practically blind in their idolatry. I will raise the child according to my ideals, and then... we will take the next step.

The submission of the dukes would be inevitable, and I would take whatever was valuable to consolidate the power of the Asalon family. With control over the winged cavalry and most of the Inquisitors under my influence, and the elven kingdom falling into my hands through marriage, the third kingdom would be my next target.

Once that happened, half the continent would be ours…

They wouldn’t be able to fend off the forces at the border and resist our rising power at the same time.

A small smile escaped as I fanned myself, masking my true intentions from those around me. It was almost comical to see how oblivious the nobility was to my plans, coexisting with assassins in plain sight.

The clever know how to seize chaos… the wise… they create it, I recalled the ancient words of our Assassin Organization, the Night Killers, founded by the Emperor Founder himself. We had acted patiently for so long, waiting for the right moment to fulfill his ancient dream. That moment had finally arrived, and I felt that my son was worthy of being called Emperor.

The growing chaos at the borders was blinding everyone, and most of the kingdoms and duchies were still recovering from the damage of the last war. More and more, the realms were relying on cooperation between us… it was the perfect moment.

As I gazed around the room, my smile widened.

Melina Asalon:

I had arrived in the waiting room, where I saw the other students. The magic I possessed was a rare form of purple fire, much more powerful than ordinary flames. My older half-sister had a variation in pink and was an excellent knight—some even said she could become an Inquisitor one day. When my mother discovered I had inherited this magic too, she was overjoyed. She always said that Duncan and I were blessed and destined for great things.

My family is vast and complex. My father has three wives, which means I have a mother and two stepmothers. Since my mother is the primary queen, Duncan and I are the heirs to the throne, while my father's other children are destined to become future Grand Dukes or Royal Knights. They form the branch of the family meant to act as our protectors. From a young age, I've been taught to be the perfect example, someone who represents the greatness of our lineage. However, the opportunity to study at Apsalon gives me a brief escape from the pressures of nobility, allowing me to be just a student—almost normal.

"Did you actually memorize all of that? What an idiot," a boy scoffed.

Syvis, the elf, blushed with embarrassment. "It’s not idiotic! It’s the history of the old empire, and this academy is part of something much bigger."

Thyra, the demi-human, burst out laughing. "To me, it’s all just tools for killing," she replied indifferently.

Despite her violent nature, I realized that Thyra didn’t act out of malice. It was just the way she was.

"And what about you, human?" she asked, slapping me on the back hard, catching me off guard.

"I… I prefer spells and magic," I mumbled, feeling everyone’s eyes turn toward me, making me nervous.

"Who doesn’t?" the boy commented, turning his attention back to the sword on display.

Knock, knock. Someone knocked on the door, interrupting the moment.

"I’ll be taking you to see the majesties. From there, you’ll be escorted to the stage," said an event staff member as he opened the door.

I sighed internally.

I just came from there… and now I have to go back. I deserve this…


Nathan Evenhart:

We were walking down the long corridor, following the guide to where the kings and queens of both kingdoms were waiting. Syvis, still visibly upset, couldn't stop muttering.

"I still can't believe what you did..."

Does she not realize the person I gave up the spot for is right behind her?

The elves who managed the entrance exam had chosen Princess Melina because of her rare control over purple fire and her powerful spell, but when I used my thunder, the destruction was so impressive that there was no choice. There was no possible interference from the nobility or royalty, since the academy is neutral territory, and the final say always belonged to the examiners. Even my teacher, Adrihna, couldn’t intervene—denying my recommendation would have drawn even more attention than I already had.

"We’ve arrived," the guide announced.

I noticed several guards stationed by the door.

"Remember to show proper respect to the majesties," he said before opening it.

As we entered, my eyes quickly caught familiar figures. Besides Adrihna and Director Victoria, there they were…

"Mother?" I asked, surprised, seeing her standing beside my Aunt Margie. What were they doing here?

The kings and queens approached to greet us.

"Congratulations on standing out in the exam. We expect great things from you in the future," Queen Agnes said, extending her hand with a serene smile.

I greeted the queen politely, maintaining my composure, while noticing Thyra approaching with her usual enthusiasm. She was smiling, but knowing her, I sensed danger. She extended her hand to greet the queen.

Oh no… she's going to crush the queen’s hand, isn’t she?

"Ouch!" Thyra yelped as Director Victoria yanked her ear hard.

"No testing people's strength," the director scolded, giving her a stern look.

Right after, the human king approached me, extending his hand.

"Congratulations, young man," he said formally.

I kept a polite smile, despite the growing discomfort inside me.

"It is an honor, sir," I replied, shaking his hand carefully, gathering all my strength to control myself and not crush his hand.

Drunken king, damn you. I haven't forgotten what you did!

I finished greeting the human king and moved toward the elven majesties. The elven king approached, shaking my hand with a cordial smile.

"It’s a pleasure to meet you, young man," he said, in a friendly tone.

His wife, the elven queen, also smiled as she greeted me. Adrihna stood nearby, clearly pleased with the situation, while the elven king glanced between me, my mother, and then Adrihna.

Why are they looking at me like that?

"Father," Syvis said, and I quickly turned, surprised.

Wait… father? Does that mean I called a princess an idiot earlier?

The king began to respond, "My dear..." but before he could continue, Director Victoria stepped in, cutting the moment short.

"Everyone, I need your attention. The event is about to start, and I’ve got students and parents getting impatient. I need the stars of the evening to get ready for their speeches," Victoria announced with a sense of urgency.

"Finally," Queen Agnes muttered, clearly eager for the event to move forward.

The director called for the other chosen students, and I returned to my mother’s side.

"Can we join the other parents now? Ryan must be going crazy with all this waiting, poor guy has work tomorrow," King Charles laughed.

"You’re free to go, majesties. We’ve arranged a special table for you. The attendants will guide you," Victoria replied, bidding them farewell.

I watched the royals leave, but my mother pulled me to stand next to her and Aunt Margie. Now, it was just me, my family, Adrihna, and the two elven majesties. Adrihna quickly went to the door and locked it, which seemed odd, but neither my mother nor my aunt looked surprised.

"Nathan, we don’t have much time, and I need your cooperation," Adrihna said, her tone serious.

Aunt Margie crouched slightly, looking me directly in the eye with a firm expression.

"My dear, getting all of you together here like this is almost impossible without raising suspicion. We have the perfect opportunity, and we need you to work with us," she said, urgency clear in her voice.

"We have little time before this draws attention," Adrihna added, turning toward the elven king.

I glanced around, confused by the sudden seriousness in the room.

"Nathan," Adrihna began again, "these people here are the highest authorities in the elven kingdom. You and your mother are part of us, and you're in a very delicate position because of the noble status you hold in the human realm. We always put our people first, and that’s why we cannot leave you and Katherine unprotected."

She paused, making sure to meet my gaze to ensure I understood the gravity of the situation.

"If anything happens in the future, you will have our support, and it was important for you to officially meet the authorities of our kingdom."

I looked at the elven king, who was studying me closely. His eyes were carefully assessing every detail of my face.

"You are from the lineage of a high elf," the queen said. "You and your mother are descendants of a high elf who, centuries ago, fell in love with a human. These elves are all nobility in our kingdom, and that means you too are part of our nobility. There are few of them left alive, and you descend from a lineage… of someone who was very important among us."

So, it’s true. My high-elf ancestor wasn’t just anyone. He was part of elven nobility, and I had inherited that lineage.

He wasn’t just regular nobility... he was definitely part of the political elite.

I understand this is significant, but what is the true purpose of this meeting? Does it have something to do with my second citizenship?

Adrihna was the only person outside of my family who knew about my Special Eyes and the power they granted me. If she brought me here, introducing me directly to the king and queen of her realm, then this was an important opportunity I had to seize. Perhaps they could offer support if something happened in the future.

I began to grasp their dilemma. Which citizenship should I truly embrace? By birthright, I belonged to the human kingdom. However, the elves valued their race above all. Even common elves, born from the union of high elves and humans, preferred to remain in the elven kingdom.

I have these Special Eyes, just like Adrihna, who possesses a single Special Eye. I wasn’t sure what the consequences would be if the human kingdom found out about my eyes, but one thing was certain: in the elven kingdom, this didn’t seem to be a problem.

And then there was Cylla, along with the secret of my Celestial Eyes.

The king continued to observe me with silent curiosity.

“You have... many features of a high elf. Your face carries the subtle traits of the race, and you’re even a bit paler than your mother,” the king commented, scrutinizing every detail of my appearance.

The queen then stepped forward, her gaze more piercing.

“May I see your eyes up close?” she asked, her tone gentle, but the curiosity in her was undeniable.

I froze. I didn’t know what to say.

How did she know? No one would ask to see someone’s eyes up close without reason… What should I do now?

Revealing my eyes, especially to someone outside my family, was something I had always avoided. The queen awaited my response, and I found myself frozen, unsure of what to say.

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