Athena’s General Reincarnated in Another World

145 – My Dragon Wife is… Very Jealous

Chapter 145 - My Dragon Wife is... Very Jealous

Nathan Evenhart:

I felt a certain relief knowing that, thanks to our elven ancestry and the fact that our ancestor belonged to the High Elf nobility, my family would be under their protection. That lifted a heavy burden off my shoulders. But despite this newfound security, I will never reveal the existence of the Celestial Eyes to anyone.

The power they hold cannot, under any circumstances, fall into the wrong hands. Until I manage to master the Six Celestial Aspects, I won’t be able to sleep peacefully.

As these thoughts swirled in my mind, a staff member guided me to the party. The grand hall was filled with tables, each occupied by people chatting animatedly. Students were already making friends, while I scanned the room for a place to sit.

“Here!” I heard Chloe call out, and I quickly took a seat beside her.

Several plates of snacks were laid out before us, but my mind was still processing everything that had happened.

"Aren’t you supposed to be preparing for the speech? What happened?" Chloe asked, frowning. "My mom and Aunt Katie disappeared too."

"Adult conversations," I replied with a light laugh. That was our code for when our mothers gathered to discuss things away from us.

"I'm not giving the speech anymore; it’s all been sorted out," I added, sounding more relaxed.

“Really?” She seemed surprised, and then her eyes widened. "I'm glad," she said in a strange tone, and then her face turned as red as a ripe apple.

“What do you mean?” I asked, laughing at her reaction.

Chloe turned her head to the side, trying to hide her embarrassment. “I didn’t mean I’m happy you’re not getting the honor... I just... I’m happy you won’t have to be exposed... to other girls...” She spoke quickly, turning even redder.

I get it now, but I’m not sure how to respond to that.

“Just react like you always do and run away like a coward,” Athena said, sitting down beside me with a sarcastic smile.

I decided to simply ignore the goddess.

“At least you got what you wanted,” Chloe commented, her face finally returning to its normal color.

"You can be sure of that," I replied, my mind drifting back to the earlier events.

I managed to get the help I needed to protect you, should the day ever come.

“Icarus,” Athena’s voice cut in beside me, pulling me from my thoughts. “I behaved and disappeared as always. I think I deserve some of this food.”

I turned to face her and nearly choked when I noticed her choice of outfit—provocative, to say the least. Her curves were on full display, making me feel extremely uncomfortable.

“Like what you see?” she teased with a mischievous smile. “Want to see the color of my underwear?” And with that, she began to lift her dress as if ready to make a big reveal.

This woman is insane!

I focused hard, trying to steer my thoughts away.

Damn this 15-year-old body full of hormones! I want to kill this woman!

I grabbed some snacks, both to taste them and to satisfy the crazy goddess who made a phantom copy of the food I touched.

Not long after, my mother and Aunt Margie joined us at the table. From the look they gave me, it was clear I wasn’t to mention anything to Chloe. I accepted the unspoken agreement and continued eating, feeling the weight of responsibility lift just a little.

Our conversation flowed naturally, reminiscing about the nervousness and excitement before finally arriving at the academy. Aunt Margie, notably sentimental, was emotional seeing Chloe and me living away from home for the first time. My mother, on the other hand, tried to hide her feelings, but it was obvious she was also affected. Even though she would be living in the same city, the separation still felt significant.

Our moment of reflection was interrupted when the speech presentation began. Director Victoria stepped onto the stage, surprisingly formal and composed—nothing like the person I had met earlier. The three honor students, each representing a different race, entered side by side and began reading their parts of the speech. The message was clear: unity and diversity among the races, symbolizing what the Apsalon Academy stood for.

After the applause echoed through the grand hall, dinner was served to everyone. During the meal, several staff members took the stage to explain how the academy functioned, reviewing the structure and support available to students. They mentioned that the academy had its own healers and a fully equipped infirmary with healing potions to handle any accidents. It was reassuring to know that so much attention was given to every detail.

The staff also reminded us of a specific policy regarding tamed magical creatures, known as 'Familiars.' These beings sometimes followed their own routines, and students were instructed to respect that. There was a clear warning to avoid parading around with their Familiars just to show off.

At that part, I felt the sharp gazes of my mother and Aunt Margie land on me. I had to lower my head, trying to dodge the obvious judgment in their eyes.

I'll follow all the rules, don’t worry… I thought, laughing internally at the irony of the situation. Here I was, still trying to escape their reproachful looks, just like when I was a child.

I really am influenced by this body’s biology, but I’m happy for it. It allows me to feel human again… and through that, I can live as just a normal person.

When the ceremony finally ended, some parents began saying their goodbyes to their children. The academy offered the option for students living far away to stay the night, giving them a chance to adjust and explore the campus a little before classes started. I, on the other hand, had five years ahead of me to explore every corner of this magical place, so at that moment, all I wanted was to return home and enjoy some time with my family.

As soon as the event officially concluded, we were released, and we headed back home in our carriage.




"Today was such a tiring day. I'm just glad everything ended well," I murmured, throwing myself onto the bed, exhausted. I closed my eyes, hoping sleep would come quickly.

'Sniff.' Something jumped onto my bed and started sniffing me.

'Sniff, sniff.'

"Cylla? Are you awake?" I opened my eyes and, to my surprise, my ‘wife’—a dragon in the form of a Moon Panther cub—was perched on my stomach, sniffing me intently.

'Sniff.' The small panther climbed up, bringing her nose closer to my face until she was just inches away.

'Sniiiiff.' She inhaled deeply.

"What is it?" I asked, a little confused.

She stared at me, narrowing her eyes.

"Your face... smells like another woman's magic," she said, her voice tinged with a sour tone.


It must have been when Queen Siofna used her healing magic on my face!

"I-I-I can explain! It’s not what you think. It was a woman, yes, but she was an elven healer who helped me!" I tried to justify myself quickly.

"Hmm… so it was a woman..." she said, turning her back to me, clearly upset.

"It wasn’t like that! She was even royalty!" I added, desperately trying to soften the situation.

She glanced back at me, even more suspicious, narrowing her eyes with a judging expression.

"So that’s your type, huh? You like women with high status, don’t you?" she said, her tone getting sharper.

This is only getting worse!

"You know I’d never do that," I protested, desperate to get out of this mess.

Cylla continued sniffing me, moving her nose closer and closer, then showed her small claws.

"Nathan, let’s talk! I want to know who this woman thinks she is to touch MY man!" she said, with a sharp and threatening look, her little claws gleaming in the dim light of the room.

Looks like my night didn’t end as well as I thought...

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