Athena’s General Reincarnated in Another World

147 – Apsalon Magic Academy

Chapter 147 - Apsalon Magic Academy


We were dropped off near the academy, and the morning light allowed me to get a better look at the entrance of the grounds. In the distance, a dense forest surrounded the enormous academy territory, creating a natural mystery that separated this place from the outside world. We stood at the entrance, where a screening building awaited the new students. Once we passed through it, we would officially be on academy soil.

I glanced to my side and saw Chloe, clearly nervous but with an excited gleam in her eyes. On the ground, Cylla was curiously observing her surroundings. There were many students around, all first-years like us. The upperclassmen were already inside, living on campus.

"Can we go?" Chloe asked eagerly.

"You're really excited about this place," I commented with a laugh.

She walked ahead, her enthusiasm evident in every step. "Of course! I've dreamed about this place my whole life while stuck in that castle," she said, running a bit ahead.

For a brief moment, that strange sensation of being watched hit me again.

That weird feeling, the same as yesterday.

A mysterious, lingering presence. I stopped for a second, glancing around the street, trying to be discreet. I scanned the crowd of students, but the feeling vanished as quickly as it came.

What the hell could this be?

I decided to ignore it and focus on the task ahead. Cylla and I followed Chloe, and as we approached the entrance, I noticed the massive fence protecting the academy grounds. From what I knew, the city's residents always speculated about what lay inside, since the forest with its enormous trees blocked their view.

When we reached the entrance gate, a line of other students was waiting to be guided by two staff members, an elf and a demi-human, who were organizing the arrival of the newcomers. Many students had magical creatures by their side, and I even spotted one student walking alongside a monstrous boar.

It was our turn. The demi-human greeted us with a warm smile.

"Welcome, new students. We are the Helpers, and there will always be one of us around the academy to assist you. I wish you good luck on your first day of class. Remember to be responsible with your magic and avoid using it improperly," she said, keeping a watchful eye on us.

"We have rules for familiars, and I expect you to follow them," said the elf, casting a cautious glance at me. But then something caught his attention. He looked closer, narrowing his eyes as he stared at Cylla, who was by my side.

"Is that what I think it is?" he asked, intrigued.

The demi-human crouched down to get a closer look at Cylla, her eyes widening in shock.

"It can't be... How did you manage to tame one of these?" she asked, the surprise clear in her voice.

Cylla, feeling uncomfortable with the attention, hid behind me, her ears lowered. The woman stood back up, still incredulous.

"I've never heard of anyone taming a moon panther. Few people are lucky enough to even see one in their lifetime," the demi-human explained, looking at Cylla with admiration.

"These newcomers keep surprising us. Last year, we had that prince with an equally dangerous familiar," the elf remarked, shaking his head with a slight smile.

It’s rare to meet someone who knows what a moon panther is.

Chloe and I exchanged glances, sharing the same surprise. After we were cleared, we joined the other students, blending into the crowd of newcomers. A short while later, we all stopped in front of a woman wearing a white coat with the academy’s logo on it.

"Dear students, you will now head towards the auditorium, where a short presentation from some senior students will take place. Follow the white rabbit," said the woman, pointing to a white rabbit wearing a bow tie, calmly standing beside her.

The rabbit began to move, hopping gracefully, and stopped atop a large metal circle.

"How cute!" exclaimed a student, clearly charmed by the rabbit.

I glanced down, checking if Cylla was still by my side. The little panther followed me faithfully, alert to everything. All the students gathered around the metal platform where the rabbit stood.

"What are we supposed to do now?" someone asked curiously.

Before anyone could answer, the ground beneath us began to tremble and move. The metal platform we stood on slowly sank, like an elevator descending. Chloe, beside me, lost her balance for a second and grabbed onto my arm.

The metal platform gently touched the water, sliding through an underground tunnel that resembled a sewer system. The entire tunnel was illuminated by purple crystals emitting an ethereal glow, and as we moved, the platform began to pick up speed, gliding through the current.

"This is the baptism of Apsalon Magic Academy," commented a familiar elf who approached me, her tone calm as if this were a routine occurrence.

"I thought it was fun," said Thyra, appearing beside us with a cheerful grin. "I was never allowed to go before!"

Chloe, intrigued, shot a questioning glance at the two. "Were you the ones giving the speech yesterday?" she asked, and both nodded with a slight smile.

The tunnel was well-lit, and the platform glided elegantly along the underground river like a magical watercraft, leaving everyone fascinated. The intricate design of the structure left us in awe, and I couldn't help but imagine the complex spells that powered it.

We spent several minutes in that place, mesmerized by the light show from the purple crystals as they illuminated our path. Some students began to joke around.

"What happens if we fall off the platform?" someone asked with a laugh.

"Better not find out," another student replied, laughing as well.

The water’s pace was picking up when a fine layer of water hit us like a barrier—thin as if it were a wall.

Just as I was about to make a comment, the platform abruptly stopped in front of a massive stone wall. It began to move, slowly opening like an ancient gate, revealing what was behind it.

"So, it's true! The academy really operates like this!" someone shouted from the front, and curiosity got the better of me as I peeked between the students.

The wall finally opened fully, revealing a familiar figure standing on the other side. It was Director Victoria, standing imposingly, waiting for us.

"Welcome to Apsalon Magic Academy!" she announced, her voice echoing through the cave. And in that moment, everything became clear.

Now I understand why this academy charges 20 gold coins a month.

"Nate… this… is a tower," murmured Chloe beside me, her voice filled with awe.

"No," I corrected, my eyes fixed on the structure ahead. "It's a dungeon."

Behind the director was a vast lake, and beyond that, a colossal black tower loomed, seemingly reaching the ceiling of the enormous underground cavern. It was a massive structure, its surface glowing with ancient, mysterious energy.

"This is the Inverted Tower," explained Director Victoria, gesturing toward the imposing building. "Here is where you will spend a good part of your academic life when you're craving a bit of action. At the top of the tower is the surface academy, where you'll have your classes and where you will sleep. This is the fastest way to cross the grounds, while also allowing you to witness the Inverted Tower."

With those words, the director stepped aside, leaving us mesmerized by the vastness of the place.

"Come on! We don't have time, we have a schedule to keep," Director Victoria's voice echoed through the vast space as she urged us to follow her.

Cylla walked beside me, her curious eyes taking in the surroundings, while other familiars accompanied the students. I saw all kinds of unusual creatures: pigeons in vibrant colors, rats the size of dogs, and even a few animals I couldn't immediately identify—one of which I thought was a large beetle.

"You're only seeing the beginning of the Inverted Tower," the director explained. "The real tower stretches far below, with levels going much deeper. This section is just a connection between the academy and the dungeon, which has 100 floors."

A murmur of surprise swept through the students.

"A hundred floors!?" someone exclaimed, incredulous. "Do we have to conquer them all?"

The director chuckled softly, her tone firm yet reassuring. "Don't worry about that. When the time comes for the expedition, you'll go with your classes and have the support of your professors. It's not mandatory to reach the last floor, nor is it recommended. You’re students, and by your final year, the goal is to reach the 40th floor to qualify for graduation."

I felt Chloe grip my arm, her expression anxious. "Did you hear that? Forty floors…" she whispered, clearly nervous.

"We’ll be together, don’t worry," I whispered back, trying to calm her.

We continued to follow the director as we crossed a large stone bridge extending over a crystal-clear lake. I couldn't help but notice the abundance of exotic fish swimming below us. Cylla leaped onto the edge of the bridge, her eyes locked on the water, practically salivating as she watched the fish with desire.

"Can I eat those fish?" she asked in her innocent tone, her eyes gleaming. "At home, I could eat yours."

"If they serve them in the cafeteria, I’ll get some for you," I promised, whispering as I picked her up, keeping her from jumping in after the fish.

Finally, we arrived at the entrance of a large wooden door intricately carved into the base of the tower.

"You may enter," the director instructed, her voice solemn as she gestured for us to go inside. "You’ll be welcomed by the senior students and other academy staff. I’ll remain here."

With that, the students began to enter, eager and curious. Chloe and I followed the crowd, but suddenly, a hand touched my shoulder, stopping me in my tracks.

I turned immediately.

"Nathan Evenhart..." Director Victoria's voice was firm yet somewhat gentle as she called me. She stepped closer, adjusting my hair with a slight smile.

"That brat Haiten and Adrihna talked to me yesterday and gave me more insight into your situation," she murmured, leaning in so only I could hear.

"I’ll be keeping an eye on you. That hair of yours... it must stay exactly like this." Her tone was a mixture of warning and understanding. "Later, Adrihna and I will discuss how to teach a mage who’s forbidden from using most of his powers."

"Yes, ma'am," I replied.

She gently cupped my face, her closeness making me a bit tense. "And there's still the little matter that my silence about your eyes is technically a crime in your kingdom," she said with a smile, bringing her finger close to my eyes. "You're going to be a lot of trouble for me, aren’t you?"

"I hear that from my mom and aunt all the time..." I responded with a half-smile.

She patted my shoulder lightly, allowing me to move forward. "Go on now."

"Chloe Evenhart?" the director called next.

"M-me!" Chloe responded, visibly nervous.

The director let out a playful laugh. "I loved the answers you put on your personality test!" She kept laughing, while Chloe turned an even deeper shade of red.

I immediately knew what the director was referring to. Chloe's answers on that test... well, they were definitely out of the ordinary.

My cousin was beyond embarrassed.

"Oh, and this little panther... I like her too," the director added, casting a final glance at Cylla before walking away.

Chloe turned her face, unable to look at anyone. "P-please, don’t say anything..." she murmured, her voice low and filled with shame.

"I swear I wasn’t going to say anything," I replied, trying hard to hold back my laughter.

We quickened our pace to catch up with the other students.

"That woman is strong," Cylla commented.

It’s no wonder she’s the head of the most powerful academy in all three kingdoms.

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