Athena’s General Reincarnated in Another World

155 – The High Nobles

Chapter 155 - The High Nobles


Nathan Evenhart:

We had arrived at a different part of the academy, with a distinct architectural structure. A staff member led us to a set of double doors and left us there.

Chloe seemed a bit shy about talking to me, and honestly, I felt the same after what had happened earlier. I glanced at Cylla, who was clearly irritated, bumping into me ‘accidentally’ a few times. When I asked her about it, she insisted it was just a coincidence. But then she suddenly jumped up and smacked me on the head three times… Yeah, definitely not accidental.

"The key given to each of you will open the dormitory door," the staff member explained. "Inside, you’ll have access to your rooms. Each room has a nameplate. Unlike the other dormitories, this one is exclusively for you." said the staff member before leaving.

Standing with me were Chloe, Syvis, and a few other students.

“It seems the high-ranking nobles get their own separate dormitory,” Alice observed.

I’d been surprised to learn about this arrangement, but it made sense. In the academy, students lived in different dorm setups: scholarship students shared double rooms, while those paying tuition had private rooms. But nobles of high rank were given an entirely separate wing from the rest of the first-years.

When we opened the doors and entered, the place looked like a mansion. A large sofa adorned the center, with academy-themed cushions and colors. There were study tables and books scattered about. I also noticed a grand fireplace, and on closer inspection, a spacious kitchen was available for us as well.

“We should probably introduce ourselves since we’ll be sharing this space,” a blonde boy started. “I’m Edmund Valemont, heir of the Valemont Duchy. I’m a Transmitter mage with Wind and Earth elements.”

We exchanged glances, unsure who should go next.

“Nice to meet you! I’m Alice Asalon. I’m the daughter of a grand duke, and I’m a mage with a primary category of Summoner and a secondary category of Emitter, specializing in the water element,” she said.

Chloe reacted with surprise, meeting another Summoner, which was rare.

“I—I’m Princess Melina Asalon,” another girl said shyly. “I’m an Emitter and Transmitter with Wind and Fire elements…”

Then, all eyes turned to us.

“I’m Princess Syvis Rhiannon, an Emitter and Healer mage with the Plant element,” said the blonde elf.

“My name is Viktor Saul. I’m an Emitter mage with Water and Fire elements, and I’m also an heir to a duchy.”

That left only me and Chloe.

“Nice to meet you all. I’m Chloe Evenhart, an Emitter and Summoner mage with Water and Wind elements. I also have the fused element of Ice.”

They looked impressed.

“That’s cool! Can you make ice golems?” Alice asked.

“I can, but I probably can’t summon as many as you since Summoning is your primary category…” Chloe replied, clearly a bit embarrassed by the attention.

“That’s fantastic. Two Summoners in our group—that’s even rarer than a Healer,” Edmund commented.

It was finally my turn.

“I’m Nathan Evenhart, a Transmitter and Emitter with the Thunder element.”

They seemed surprised, and I heard Viktor Saul click his tongue.

“So it’s true! I’d heard there was a Thunder element user this year, but I didn’t believe it,” Edmund said with evident interest.

"I think I know you from somewhere…” Alice said, looking at me curiously.

"Meow!" Cylla chirped from down by my feet, drawing the students' attention downward.

"Is she your familiar? She’s so cute," Melina said, smiling.

"This is Cylla, and yes, she’ll be staying with us too," I replied as the gray cat settled herself at my feet. Melina tried to pet her, but Cylla scooted away.

"She’s a bit shy," I reassured them, hoping to ease any tension.

The blond boy, Edmund, approached.

"Unfortunately, the academy separates us from the other students because of our higher-ranking roles within the kingdom. It also helps to keep other nobles from trying to get close to us for their own interests. That’s why they put us together. If we have to study here, they at least give us this special treatment," he explained.

"We should probably check out our rooms now, especially since we still have the last class of the day coming up," Syvis suggested.

Everyone began heading in the direction of their rooms.

"Looks like we’re far apart," Chloe noted.

"Of course, you’re in the girls’ section. Your room is a bit further away from ours," I said, watching as my cousin eagerly went to find her room.

With Cylla by my side, I unlocked the door to what would be our space for the next five years.

“An apartment!” I exclaimed as I stepped inside and closed the door behind us. “You’ve got to be kidding…”

My 'room' turned out to be a fully furnished apartment. I walked through the place, amazed at how everything I could need was right here. There were three bedrooms, each with its own bathroom, a kitchen, a dining area, a study room, and even a balcony with a view. The large window in the main bedroom offered a glimpse of the forest within the academy grounds.

"This place is spacious," Cylla said, darting around the rooms, exploring every corner.

“You’ll even have your own room,” I teased, watching her excitement.

“Haha, very funny. I’ll be sleeping with my husband,” she declared, hopping onto the bed.

“You meant ‘soul husband,’ right?” I clarified.

“Of c-course…” she mumbled, turning her face away.




The rest of the day was spent in our final class, which covered introductory topics on architecture using earth magic. Now, I found myself dining with the other high-ranking nobles. The other students had split into their own groups, and it was unlikely they’d approach us anytime soon, given that we stayed in a separate dorm and held higher social status.

My cousin had chosen to dine in her room.

She’s probably still embarrassed about what happened...

"This is intentional," Edmund said as he sat down next to us. "The division between lower and higher nobility is reinforced here at the academy by this separation. It’s essential to build this distance, given our political roles," added Alice.

I glanced at the extra piece of meat on my plate. I’d gotten into the habit of grabbing a little more, anticipating my usual dining companion’s presence. Cylla had decided to stay behind in my room, napping on my bed.

Convincing her to sleep in another room might be a bit of a challenge.

“Unlike the others, we don’t seek to climb the noble ranks. Neither money nor power can sway us," Edmund continued. "That’s why we’re placed in separate dorms, to avoid vultures faking friendships. It makes it harder for them to approach us, but over time, we’ll still form bonds with others in our classes."

“Thyra thinks it’s all nonsense,” the wolf girl declared, devouring a large piece of meat.

We watched her eat, with no regard for table manners.

“You’re an exception… you don’t have any ambition to rise in nobility…” Syvis murmured.

As we continued our conversation and got to know one another, I learned that in years with fewer high-ranking nobles, they were sometimes housed in the student council dorm. Fortunately, this year, we had enough of our kind to avoid that arrangement. We would be sharing this space, and it seemed we were beginning to form a sort of camaraderie for the years ahead.




I said goodbye to my new group of friends and stepped into my apartment.

A private kitchen. I’ll be able to put my cooking skills to use whenever I want to make something different.

During these past ten years living with my family, I’d learned just about everything, from dancing at noble festivities to cooking.

I walked into my bedroom and saw a familiar sight on my bed: a small cat, fast asleep.

“Nathan... let me smell you... don’t run from my hug,” Cylla murmured in her sleep.

Even in her dreams, I’m stuck in her death grip...


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