Athena’s General Reincarnated in Another World

160 – Heir to the High Elf Nobility

Chapter 160 - Heir to the High Elf Nobility


Nathan Evenhart:

I was beginning to hear better after a while. The director asked me to follow her, and I tried to think of a bunch of situations that might have landed me in trouble, but there were none.

That Beatrix was a skilled warrior. Even though I was limited to a 15-year-old’s body and without Aura, it was fun. Every move I made, she had a counter prepared, and I had to think several steps ahead. Fighting her was like playing a game of chess.

I also didn’t use my element... and I couldn’t have done anything too flashy anyway.

It’s a shame I had to sabotage myself in the fight and give up, but it was fun nonetheless.

I followed Director Victoria through the academy’s corridors, curious about why she wanted to speak with me. She assured me I wasn’t in trouble, but I was on edge, wondering what she had in store.

As we walked, she opened passageways within the academy's structure with impressive ease, using her earth magic. The walls reacted instantly, opening like secret doors. I tried to imitate the motion but to no avail.

"These walls are protected by a special seal," she explained with a slight smile. "The barrier only responds to earth magic from staff members. After all, we're directly connected to a dangerous dungeon. We can't risk students playing around with the structure."

She gave me a playful flick on the forehead, catching me off guard. "Just stick to your thunder element, kid."

I nodded, rubbing my forehead as the sting faded. Her strength was impressive, even if controlled.

As we walked, I observed the director more closely. There was something wild about her, but also a restraint, a power held in reserve. The eyepatch she wore didn't seem to limit her vision; on the contrary, her presence was subtly intimidating, like that of a predator ready to strike at any moment. Even without knowing her well, it was clear I was in the presence of a warrior of the highest caliber.

"Can I ask you something about Thyra?" I inquired, seizing the opportunity to clarify something that had been puzzling me.

The director looked at me and nodded, inviting me to continue.

"Why is she a bit more... wild?"

She smiled before answering. "That's something you'll learn in the class on demi-humans, but I don't want to spoil the surprise. In my niece’s case, things are a bit more complex. She was born in her wolf form, which means she’ll have a bestial form, but it took her a long time to turn ‘human’ again. That time spent in her original form left her with certain beastly traits, even when she’s not transformed."

I followed the director as she opened a door ahead of us, gesturing for me to enter.

Cylla is a kind of demi-human. I need to take that class as soon as possible.

Even Kinue didn’t fully understand her own demi-human peculiarities, and one reason she came to the academy was because she was reaching the age where her body would start to shift between her beast form and her human form. Initially, she wouldn't be able to control her mind, and she could hurt us. She would be trained by a friend of Professor Adrihna’s, and now I understood that this friend could be the director.

As we continued, we passed through an office where busy staff were dealing with papers and magical devices. The director opened another door, and we went through.

"This is where I spend most of my time," she said, gesturing for me to enter.

There, sitting in a chair, was a familiar figure: Professor Adrihna, her eyes fixed on a book. As I closed the door behind me, I called out to her.

"Professor Adrihna."

She calmly closed the book and adjusted her monocle. "Hello, Nathan. We need to talk."

"Certainly," I replied, feeling a hint of unease. "That lecture you gave... Now everyone’s going to be on the lookout for someone with silver hair."

Victoria approached and leaned on the table. "It was mandatory content, kid," she explained. "You would’ve had that class with any other elf professor. But since you're a high half-elf, we thought it would be better for Adrihna to teach the class. Remember, your situation is special, and I'm crossing the neutrality pact, committing a serious crime to protect you."

I looked at both of them, trying to absorb the weight of what they had just revealed.

“Crime? What do you mean by crime?” I asked, seeking more details.

Adrihna sighed and replied, “By covering up your origins, Director Victoria is technically committing treason against the neutrality pact. It can be seen as conspiracy, and she could even... face the death penalty.”

I was taken aback to hear that. “Death penalty? Just for keeping a secret?”

Victoria nodded, her expression serious. “Exactly, kid. Remember, this academy trains the future leaders of the three realms: kings, dukes, counts... Imagine the responsibility of educating such figures. If someone wanted to, they could fill your heads with manipulative ideas and spark a war. My role here is to safeguard that balance, and it’s a tremendous responsibility. That’s the weight a director bears, and I’m crossing lines that could cost me my head,” she said, laughing.

Adrihna continued, “Victoria answers to the laws of all three realms. If they find out she kept something secret, even if she's not sentenced, she would have to flee and live in hiding.”

Now I understood the gravity of the situation. I always knew my situation was complicated, but not to this extent...

“That’s why, kid. If you draw too much attention, it also puts me at risk. I have no interest in reporting your case, but know that I could pay a high price if they think I’m planning some kind of coup,” the director said.

I sat down in a chair and started thinking.

“I assume the severity of the crime increases because my relative is from the High Elf nobility, right?” I asked, assessing the impact.

They exchanged glances before Adrihna replied, “Yes, let’s say it adds an extra layer of risk.”

“And my family? Would they be committing a crime by not reporting my origins to the human kingdom?” I asked, already expecting the answer.

“Absolutely!” Victoria immediately nodded.

Alright, this is a bit more serious than I thought. I guess that's why they asked me all these years to keep it quiet.

“Your family is nobility in the human kingdom, and both you and your mother are nobility in the elf kingdom. An international crime is being committed since you hold political positions in both realms and, consequently, influence,” Adrihna said.

“What do you mean by influence? I don’t have influence in the elf kingdom,” I replied, still trying to grasp the full scope of all this.

Adrihna seemed to ponder for a moment and then explained, “Your relative in the elf kingdom held a noble political title, something passed exclusively to you. Your mother and Kinue have noble status, but you inherited a title with political implications. Furthermore, you’re more of a High Elf than either of them…” She paused, as if weighing her words. “Imagine a situation where, hypothetically, you allied with the humans and tried to sabotage our elf kingdom. You would have that capability because those below you in the hierarchy would need to respect your influence as an elf noble.”

“Why would I ever do something like that?” I asked, bewildered.

Victoria stepped closer. “That brat Haiten and the rest of the elves aren’t worried about that possibility; they know you wouldn’t do something like that, and they’ve been keeping an eye on your upbringing since they learned about your existence. They even wanted to take you to live in their kingdom—you’d be a true celebrity there with that silver hair of yours. But it’s a two-way street; the royal family of the human kingdom might fear that, due to influence from the elf kingdom, you could sabotage them instead. They’d see you as a political threat because of your noble status in both the human duchy and the elf kingdom.”

She let out a brief laugh. “Now do you understand? You’re a diplomatic bomb, kid. One with high potential... Hahaha.”

I could only think of one thing: Holy shit!

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