Athena’s General Reincarnated in Another World

162 – Syvis, the Sacred Princess of the Elves

Chapter 162 - Syvis, the Sacred Princess of the Elves

Chloe Evenhart:

The mage engineers' class was in full swing, and I was trying hard to focus on the magical seals our professor had given us to memorize. The intricate lines and symbols tangled up in my mind, but all I could think about was that small moment from this week. Every time the memory resurfaced, my face would heat up, leaving me completely disarmed.

"Is everything okay, Chloe?" Syvis asked, noticing my distraction.

"Yes, I just... got a bit distracted," I replied, trying to focus back on the seals. I knew that sooner or later, I would have to put Nate out of my mind and concentrate, but it felt impossible.

The lab was full of long tables covered with images and magical equipment, all prepared to help us with our tasks. In groups of three, we had to pick a workstation and organize ourselves, but I could barely hold onto a single thought. The memory of what I did with Nate kept making me feel unsettled. It was inevitable; my face heated up every time I relived the moment when I kissed him on the cheek. Embarrassment consumed me, and before I knew it, I was blushing again.

"You're red," Syvis observed, raising an eyebrow slightly.

I must have looked as red as the glowing stones in the castle fireplace. The memory of what I did with Nate left me even more flustered, so I forced myself to look at the seal I was copying, hoping it would distract my mind.

"I think it's just nerves," I tried to brush it off, focusing back on my seal.

I had taken another step with Nate and kissed him on the cheek. Ever since he reassured me on exam day, saying he’d stay with me... forever... I wanted to do that.

That silly boy probably doesn’t even realize how happy I was when he said that. If we ever do end up together, I'll have to scold him for all the times he acted so evasively.

"My seal is done. Need some help?" Viktor offered, checking in on our progress.

I discovered that Syvis is treated very differently by the elves. They seem uneasy around her, constantly apologizing and avoiding eye contact, worried that direct looks might be seen as disrespectful. For example, when Syvis accidentally hurt her finger while handling magical equipment, five elves rushed over to apologize while they tried to heal her. She had to insist that they step back, assuring them she could handle a simple injury herself. Princess Melina is lucky to have people who have known her all along studying in the same class, but Syvis is placed on a completely different pedestal in the elven kingdom.

Gradually, I came to understand that in the elven realm, Syvis is far more than just a princess. She is seen as something almost sacred, transcending any political title. She confided in me that she feels uncomfortable with all the reverence and tries daily to get the elves at the academy to treat her more naturally.

One morning, as we were leaving the dorm, we found a line of elves waiting, each holding a breakfast tray for her. She kindly dismissed them, explaining that she preferred eating in the cafeteria like any other student. They bowed, apologized, and left. This went on for a few days until they finally started understanding that she wanted to be treated like a regular person.

Syvis explained that in the elven kingdom, it is practically impossible for her to be seen as anything but ‘delicate’; they constantly check on her and ask if she’s okay. It makes her feel like there's a barrier between her and her people. Being with us is a relief, a rare chance for her to feel like an ordinary person, without all the formalities and reverence.

I also feel that a bit. Some students from common noble families seem hesitant to approach us, the higher-ranked nobles. Fortunately, we’ve built bonds that make these differences easier to handle, and the academy’s group structure helps soften these divisions.

"In Saul's duchy, we're trained to handle these things from a very young age," Viktor said with a certain pride. "We're a military duchy, quite advanced."

"It's great to have you here to support our group," I replied, grateful for his presence.

"As the heir to the duchy, I need to be familiar with these details from early on. If you ever want to visit, I'd love to show you our technology," he added, with a confident and enthusiastic smile.

Why does he keep mentioning this? He never misses a chance to remind us he’s his duchy’s future heir. Is it a regional thing from where he's from? I think I got it after the first five times...

"Back home, we also learn that kind of thing. We don’t like using technology that disrupts the environment much, so seals are our specialty," Syvis added.

"Good to know. If that comes up on the history test about your race, I've already got it memorized," I said.

Syvis laughed.

"You can ask me anything; I’ll always be happy to answer. The academy textbooks only scratch the surface—they don’t explain why things are the way they are," she told me, folding the paper of her seal.

Hmm... that’s true. I can ask her all my questions about Nate’s situation. From what I understand, she doesn’t know he’s a High Elf half-blood, and my mom said never to tell anyone, but through Syvis, I might be able to ask questions as if I'm just trying to learn for studying.

"Syvis, can you answer a question about the High Elves?" I asked, watching as she dipped her finger into the ink and began tracing a seal on paper.

"Whatever you want to know, just ask," she replied with a small smile.

"I mentioned that we’ve had magic training with Professor Adrihna. Something that’s always intrigued me is that I rarely see her eat or sleep. Could you explain that better? The book only mentions briefly that their bodies are stronger than humans'."

Syvis paused to think, carefully adjusting her seal before answering. "High Elves are somewhat like demi-humans in that regard. Just as demi-humans have enhanced strength due to their beast genes, High Elves also have physical and biological differences compared to humans and even common elves."

I turned my paper to continue drawing the seal as she spoke, my curiosity growing. "They’re more resilient. Adrihna mentioned something about it once, but didn’t go into much detail."

Syvis nodded, confirming. "High Elves have distinct characteristics both externally and internally. They have a longer lifespan than common elves, can go long periods without eating or sleeping, and their physical resilience is significantly higher. While humans and common elves need to eat every day, they typically eat once a week and can go up to a month without eating if they choose. Additionally, they’re naturally more talented with magic, which gives them an advantage over any other type of mage. They can use magic more fluidly and are exceptionally attuned to the elements."

"However, they only have the plant and light elements," Viktor interjected. "This makes them less effective in offensive attacks compared to a human or common elf who controls, say, fire."

I thought back to the times I’d seen Professor Adrihna in action. "But I've seen Professor Adrihna fight, and she's impressively strong in terms of attack."

"She’s undoubtedly the best light mage around, thanks to her Special Eyes," Syvis explained. "That’s why Adrihna can use the element in a far more offensive way. Most High Elves focus on protective barriers and creating structures. Sure, they can form light weapons and fire beams, but nothing compares to Adrihna's offensive power. She’s an exception for mastering light with such intensity."

I was amazed to hear that, especially when Syvis added, "In fact, she even turned down an offer to become an Inquisitor."

My eyes widened. "She turned down becoming an Inquisitor?" Inquisitors were known as the most powerful and respected mages on the continent, the absolute elite. To know that Professor Adrihna had declined such an invitation was, to say the least, astonishing.

Maybe she just wanted to stay home reading, I thought, chuckling for a moment, knowing that could have been her reason for declining.

I remembered the conversations I’d had with Professor Adrihna, especially one involving Nathan. I had once asked Professor Adrihna if Nathan would inherit the trait of being unable to fall in love, and she had reassured me that he wouldn’t, as he was part human. I didn’t know whether to feel happy or frustrated about it—he seemed so clueless about feelings.

I started laughing internally, recalling all the times I had flustered him, making his cheeks turn red.

I hope the problem isn’t me... maybe he’s just a bit oblivious.

Or... could it be that I’m actually too bold? If that's true... what does he think of me? I’ve probably just made things more complicated...

I felt myself go pale at the thought.

What if... he’s seen me this whole time as some sort of... shameless girl?

I was embarrassed just thinking about Nathan misjudging me for all those times I had acted impulsively to provoke him.

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