Athena’s General Reincarnated in Another World

164 – Wolf Girl, Athena, and My Dragon Wife

Chapter 164 - Wolf Girl, Athena, and My Dragon Wife

Nathan Evenhart:

I had a long conversation with Adrihna and Headmistress Victoria about how I should conduct myself, and I received a list of prohibitions, including even how well I can perform on exams. It seems that student performance is evaluated and reported to the authorities of the realms, allowing them to monitor promising future mage knights. I have to remain invisible, which means I can't stand out as either too skilled or too poor.

In terms of my performance, I was already aware of the need to hold back. My aunt and mother had forbidden Chloe and me from fully displaying our skills. Officially, we're just from an agricultural duchy, and our combat knowledge should stay limited in the eyes of outsiders. Yet, as a high noble, I’m supposed to excel. In short, I have to be the worst among the best.

Each duchy’s operations are largely shaped by its primary activities, which directly influence the nature of its armed forces. For instance, the Evenhart Duchy primarily focuses on agriculture, meaning that most of its population comprises common farmers. While it does maintain its own army, the focus of its defense and security forces is more on protecting agricultural resources and maintaining order than on advanced military training or combat technology.

There are other significant differences. For example, as my duchy is a former kingdom, certain positions are preserved. A Count in my duchy holds that title within our territory, but their power dynamics shift if they’re a Count of the Kingdom. The kingdom has its own noble retainers who operate in the capital, which is their own territory, and there are also nobles they’ve placed within other duchies. In this way, the royal family has created a balance of power, allowing them to stay informed about what happens across the duchies through these nobles.

As a high-ranking noble of an agricultural duchy, it would naturally be unusual for me to have advanced military training. Even though we have our own armies, each duchy has its own “strength,” and ours is rooted in fieldwork and farming.

On the other hand, militarized duchies specialize in warfare, boasting large, well-trained armies and a significant number of magical soldiers. These duchies invest heavily in rigorous military training, cutting-edge combat technology, and develop military strategies in direct partnership with the kingdom's army.

The relationship between Evenhart Duchy and the kingdom primarily revolves around trade and food supply, while the military duchies are deeply involved in high-level military operations. They actively participate in strategic meetings and contribute significant military strength to the kingdom.

The kingdom itself holds an even higher position of military power, with an army that rides winged horses, making it the strongest military force on the continent.

Over the years, I’ve learned a lot, especially about the military roles assigned to the duchies. This society relies on talented mages who hold positions of power. Many nobles don’t bother much with swordsmanship because, if they’re in the Emitter category, they prefer to focus on long-range lethal spells. As a result, many neglect swordsmanship, focusing solely on magic once it awakens in them.

Even though nobles do receive some military training, it doesn't compare to what’s taught in the Royal Capital’s army. Nobles from families serving the royal family are raised as knights from a young age, and this is why the royal army is stronger compared to others. Those who awaken to Mana Gem attain the position of ‘Knight,’ distinguishing them as mage soldiers with advanced training in swordsmanship.

That doesn't mean anything to me. Even with Beatrix, I never felt pressured. Although her main weapon is that scythe called the 'Death Dancer.' I know she wasn't fighting seriously, but neither was I. I wonder what it would be like if we both fought each other at full strength?

The Evenhart Legacy operates similarly, training a few allied families to be excellent warriors, yet our abilities must remain hidden to avoid drawing attention. That’s why they prefer to maintain the image of a rural duchy focused on agriculture. If I—a supposed heir of an agricultural duchy—demonstrated exceptional talent in swordsmanship, it would raise too many eyebrows. We’ve been instructed to maintain an average profile among high nobles.

At this academy, each student is evaluated on a military basis, automatically gaining the position of ‘Recruit Knight’ upon graduation. Every student here, after completing five years, is automatically enlisted in their kingdom’s army, sometimes even graduating with that position. A recruit knight earns 25 gold coins per month. A common mage could spend years trying to be recognized in the army, hoping one day to be selected for knight training. But here, you graduate with this rank in five years.

This is the level of preparation this academy provides. A recruit knight is merely the basic force of the royal mage army, but our kingdom monitors student performance over the years, scouting for new talent. Some nobles want a career in the royal army and start extra training during this period to stand out, avoiding the recruit knight rank when they graduate.

This is why getting into this academy is so competitive. In addition to top-notch education, it allows you to skip years of steps in the royal army, graduating with a prestigious job lined up.

I'm back at my apartment, having to eat lunch later than usual because I was stuck listening to Adrihna and the headmistress outline all the dos and don’ts.

I’ll listen to and follow their advice—after all, the headmistress is risking her life to help me.

I opened the door to my room and sighed.

“These five years are going to be complicated…” I said, throwing myself onto the bed.

I looked around for the little gray panther, but she had disappeared.

She’s probably off having lunch or wandering around somewhere.

I closed my eyes for a moment, trying to clear my mind. There was so much to think about, so many revelations and secrets to process. For the first time, I began to truly understand all the warnings, the constant admonitions about our interactions with other nobles outside our duchy. I really was a diplomatic powder keg, trapped at the intersection of two noble bloodlines, unknowingly violating laws I hadn’t even known existed.

A low growl interrupted my thoughts, pulling me back to the present.

Cylla? You show up now when I’m trying to sleep… I thought. But as I turned my head, I saw someone else sitting on the floor, watching me intently.

“Thyra?!” I was genuinely surprised.

“Thyra is here!” she announced, immediately leaping onto the bed with the agility of a predator.

Before I could react, Thyra had settled on top of me, pinning me under her weight. Her proximity was startling as she leaned closer, leaving only a sliver of space between us.

“Thyra saw things during the fight…” she murmured, tracing a clawed finger along my face.

“What are you doing, Thyra? You’re not supposed to be here.” My words came out in a mix of surprise and discomfort.

She only smiled, ignoring my question. “Thyra now lives with Syvis in the dormitory.”

Moving even closer over me, almost lying on top of my body, she increased the pressure, making any attempt to escape nearly impossible. I felt her chest pressing against me, and her hips... well, they were right on a ‘complicated’ spot. We were in an awkward position, and any movement I made could shift certain parts of me that every guy my age would lose control over if things moved too much like that.

“Thyra saw everything in the fight,” she repeated, her breath warm on my face. “You’re strong, and Thyra saw you taking that final attack on purpose.”

I tried to pull away, turn my head, but she held me tight, and every attempt to move only increased the contact.

“Taking the attack on purpose? I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

Her eyes shone with a fierce curiosity. “Thyra has quick eyes, can access some parts of her beast form. You threw yourself into that elf girl’s final attack on purpose.”

“Could we maybe move out of this… uncomfortable position and talk about it?” I suggested, trying to regain some control.

Instead of giving me space, she adjusted herself even closer, wrapping her legs around mine, effectively trapping me. I could feel her tail shifting as her legs locked me further into place.

“This is a dominance position Thyra does with her fight partners. If you want out, you’ll have to push me off,” she teased, poking my face repeatedly with her finger.

“Stop poking my face,” I grumbled, trying to pull away.

“Your face draws Thyra’s attention.”

I sighed, trying to stay calm. “If the little panther cub sees us like this, she’s going to scold me. Sorry, but I have to do this.”

She tilted her head, narrowing her eyes. “What do you mean, sorry?”


“Ahh!” She leaped back, moving away. “Did you shock me?” she asked, a playful smile spreading across her face. “Hahaha, Thyra is excited to fight.”

“No fighting. I just want to sleep,” I replied, noticing her wolf ears droop a little, as if my rejection had dampened her spirits.

She looked around, checking to see if we were truly alone, and then leaned in, whispering, “Did you know that Thyra has a plan for the future?”

“No. How would I know about your plan?”

She leapt again but only repositioned herself beside me on the bed this time. “Thyra wants to fight the lion queen one day… to the death.”

What? Is she planning a coup or something?

“I think that's a pretty complex plan, and you probably wouldn’t know what to do afterward to manage a kingdom,” I replied.

She moved closer, her eyes gleaming with determination. “Thyra would make fifty pups to celebrate.”

“W-WHAT?! Fifty pups? That’s… a lot,” I stammered.

“Thyra would rebuild the Black Wolf tribe and become the alpha wolf. With Thyra in charge, no wolf cub would ever be hunted again.”

She stood up and headed for the door, casting one last look my way with that same fierce gleam in her eyes.

“It all starts with Thyra defeating the warrior elf girl!” she declared before disappearing down the hallway.

I let out a long sigh, staring at the ceiling and letting the silence soothe the whirlwind she’d left behind. I waited a few minutes to make sure she was really gone, then got up and checked every corner of my apartment, even under the other beds, just to be certain.

“She’s gone,” I muttered, mostly to myself, before locking the door carefully. Back in my room, I also made sure the door was locked before throwing myself back onto the bed.

“Icarus, even I’m surprised. Are you sure there’s no one else hiding under your bed?” The familiar voice of Athena chimed beside me, and there she was, lying down and watching me with that enigmatic smile.

“Leave me alone. I’ve had a long day full of information that’s making my head spin. I need to plan my next steps.”

She moved closer, placing a hand on my chest.

“Don’t touch me, you maniac,” I snapped, swatting her hand away.

“It’s been years since I’ve touched anyone, you know? I just want to remember what it feels like to feel something real,” she said.

I rolled my eyes and turned away, trying to ignore her. But before I could relax, I felt her presence even closer.

She leaned in close to my ear, whispering in a sultry tone, “Now that you’re fifteen, how about climbing the steps to adulthood?”

I grabbed a pillow and threw it at her, irritated. “Get lost, you ghost!”

I closed my eyes, willing her to disappear, and when I opened them again, she was gone, leaving behind the comforting silence of my room.

I just want to sleep! First, it was a wolf girl, now a crazy goddess—what’s next?

Knock, knock.

I sighed at the sound of the door and got up to open it.

As soon as I opened it, there was a little panther cub on the other side, who immediately trotted into my room.

“Where have you been?” I asked Cylla, shutting the door behind her.

“I went to find Chloe to get lunch since you didn’t come back. I used the other room’s window to get in and out. After eating, I wandered around a bit,” she replied nonchalantly.

Is that how Thyra got in? I must’ve left the door unlocked, and she must’ve snuck in while I was out.

I lay down on my bed again, hoping to sleep. I needed to rest my mind; I had so much to process.

I closed my eyes, letting sleep take over, but then the panther cub jumped onto me.

‘Sniff’. She pressed her nose to my stomach, sniffing intently.

‘Sniiiif! She took a deep inhale and then moved closer to my face.

“You smell like a woman!”

I just wanted to sleep…

"Let’s talk, Nate! Don’t close your eyes and ignore me. I want to find out who this shameless woman is who's been rubbing herself all over my husband," she declared, flashing her little claws.

I sighed, realizing I had no escape. “I swear, it’s not what you’re thinking…” I murmured, half-defeated.

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