Athena’s General Reincarnated in Another World

24 – The General Watches a Moon Panther

Chapter 24 - The General Watches a Moon Panther


Nathan Evenhart:

A few days had passed since Cylla had transformed, evolving from a small hawk into a larger bird, now sporting what seemed to be a feathered tail or something similar. Her wings had grown larger too, and the previously dull red had become more vibrant and alive.

My aunt and mother said I had to teach Cylla not to burn things anymore, and I reassured them it was ‘involuntary.’ The phoenix had communicated through ‘yes’ and ‘no’ that she couldn't control it, but she assured me her fire wouldn't burn me.

The problem isn't the fire but the scolding and ear-pulling I get...

How do I know her fire wouldn't burn me? When I argued with her, saying I could have been burned, she sneezed fire onto my hand to show me I wouldn't be harmed. I had to ask if it would be the same with others, and she confirmed it was only with me. Not even my clothes were burned.

‘Knock, knock, knock.’

Someone knocked on my door, and by the sound and height of the knock, I already knew who it was.

Here comes the little brat again...

“I don't want to play anymore, I didn't enjoy the experience...”

Chloe entered my room.

“I didn't give you permission to enter,” I said to her.

“Let's play again. I know the cold lake game doesn't seem fun, but it gets better once you get used to it,” she said, sitting on the bed.

I lay down, ignoring her.

“Nathan, come on... now's the best time. Soon there will be that ‘celebration’ dinner, and we'll miss a rare moment.”

I looked at Chloe and sighed, continuing to ignore her.

“We can camp there another day together. I'll bring some things, and we can even try to make a campfire. Once, I even took raw fish and cooked it for myself there.”

“You don't seem to play with other kids much...”

She looked at me, laughing.

“There’s no one else to play with here, so I have to invent my own games. There are those two sisters, but they're weird. When you meet them, you'll understand what I mean.”

Unfortunately, the situation hadn't been resolved yet, and since she was born in the middle of all this... she's been alone in these corridors for five years, unable to go outside.

“Alright, I'll join you this time.”

She smiled.

“It’ll be fun, you just can't make any noise,” she said.

As I got up to go, the phoenix flew down and perched on the bed. Cylla now slept high up on a piece of furniture that looked like a wardrobe in the room.

“What’s this? This cute little thing.”

I looked at the girl and the phoenix.

“That looks like a hawk; there’s nothing cute about it.”

Once I met a guy who had a hawk come every day to eat his liver. Poor Prometheus... he was the first Titan I saved.

“I think it’s cute. Is this the animal mom said is now part of the family?” she asked.

I looked at the phoenix.

“I guess she is part of the family now.”


“Yes. It seems this bird is a girl, and I named her Cylla.”

Chloe tried to get closer, but the phoenix moved away.

One of the promises my aunt and mother made me agree to was never to refer to Cylla as a phoenix but rather as a domesticated magical bird. They told me there would still be people interested in buying or stealing Cylla, but it would be better than revealing she was a phoenix.

If they knew she was a phoenix, it would attract the attention of the royal family interested in the extinct bird, and eventually, the information might reach the Human Empire. No one can discover that I have a phoenix, nor should the kingdom ever know the true size a phoenix can reach.

“She’s still getting used to people; it seems she had a terrible experience with humans,” I said.

“She’s so cute, I wish I could touch her feathers.”

‘Squaak,’ the phoenix said, flying away again.

Chloe tugged at my hand.

“Come on! We have to be quiet; we’ll do this and then go to dinner.”

I looked at the phoenix, who was watching me.

“Stay here, I’ll be back later…” I said.

I was forcefully pulled by the rough Chloe.

She urgently needs contact with other kids; no one likes to be dragged around.




We were walking through the dark corridors silently. Chloe knew how to navigate this place even in the pitch black. In this world, there were things called 'Light Crystals.' They were small orbs that, when infused with mana, could light up and illuminate well. But for generations in the mansion, we only used candles and torches because of Carnellian. Our panther was a defense system that patrolled the place in the dark, so we didn't use the light crystals because he didn't like them and to keep him invisible to any intruder who might try their luck at invading.

Outside the mansion, in the castle, they used the crystals and other magical lighting devices; it was only in our mansion that other types of light weren't allowed.

“We’re almost there,” she whispered to me.

Chloe wanted to show me Carnellian eating.

Walking through the corridors quietly, we reached the garden area. She dragged me behind a tree, and we started spying on the fountain.

A silence fell as we stared at a large piece of meat thrown on the ground a few meters ahead, near the fountain.

“How long will we have to wait…” I began to say, but she put her finger to my lips.

“Shh…” she said, returning her gaze forward.

We stayed there for a while until we saw something in the darkness ahead.

He appeared!

The Moon Panther cautiously approached the fountain, looking around suspiciously. He sniffed the meat to ensure it wasn't poisoned. Just as the panther was about to eat, someone shouted.


Carnellian jumped at the sound, bolted away into the darkness, crashing into trees, and disappeared.

“Hahahahahaha,” she fell to the ground, laughing uncontrollably.

“You’re crazy,” I said seriously, but unable to hold back a laugh.

“It was funny, you have to admit,” she said, still laughing.
"You got me, that was funny," I began to laugh, remembering the panther stumbling away.

"That's how he is, now he'll be too embarrassed to eat and won't come back out today."

I sighed, watching the little girl laugh.

"I imagine you came up with this game."

"Of course, I did. My mom told me never to bother Carnellian while he's eating, so I decided to test what would happen."

"I can't believe what I'm hearing from you... your mom tells you not to disturb a panther the size of a grown man, and you do exactly that?"

"Hey! The important thing is that it's fun," she said, giggling at the memory of the clumsy panther.

It must be tough growing up confined within these walls. I never felt this trapped at her age... although I didn't have a roof or a place to call home. I slept on the ground and ate from the trash... then that Psychopath Goddess appeared and sent me to Agoge...

"There you are, kids," a voice called out to us.

"Mom!?" Chloe said, startled.

"Are you bothering Carnellian again?" my aunt asked.

Chloe lowered her head. "Just a little..."

Aunt Margaery sighed and then looked at me.

"It was a bit fun..." I admitted.

"I know... I've done it too. But you shouldn't do it again, we need him alert," she said, taking our hands.

"Dinner is served, and it will be outside these walls in the throne room of the castle."

Chloe looked at her with a smile I could see in the moonlit darkness.

"I get to go out?" she asked.

"You get to go out, Chloe. Our big problem is almost resolved. Tomorrow, an envoy from the Capital will come to confirm some things and will mediate with those troublesome people, and everything will calm down. Their excuse to cause us trouble no longer exists."

Chloe hugged my aunt. "Thank you, Mom! I finally get to go outside!"

My aunt patted her head. "Not yet. For a while, you'll only be able to go as far as the castle grounds, and then you and Nathan will be free to go wherever you want."

My aunt ruffled my hair. "Now go to the main entrance of the mansion. You can take this," she handed us a light crystal.

"I've put my mana into it; just tap it a few times to light it up. Go to the door and let them know you're there, and a guard will open it and guide you to the throne room."

"What are you going to do, Mom?" Chloe asked.

"I'll catch up with you shortly; I just need to have a quick conversation with someone," she said, walking away and disappearing into the darkness.

They know how to navigate this place in the dark... just by touching the walls. They've memorized all the routes and paths... is this how an assassin moves? Moving in the darkness without being seen or noticed must be cool.

"Come on, Nathan! I want to go!" she pulled my hand and dragged me along.

The other kids will have a hard time if she decides to visit the village.


Margaery Evenhart:

Watching the two disappear down that dark corridor, I sigh deeply.

I'm sorry for what I've done to you, children… I know I've taken away your right to choose whom you will love, but I hope you'll forgive me. I did this for your own good. You have a long road ahead, but I promise I will make things easier.

I will pave this difficult road for you. I'll ensure that when the day comes for you to share that throne, this territory will be back at its peak.

I will eliminate our adversaries and strengthen this Duchy. I have a lot to do, but I will work day and night, even if it drains my very soul, to put things back in their rightful place.

I took away your right to choose your marriage partners, but I will ensure that you have a peaceful life with minimal problems. By the time you take on leadership, there will be no more obstacles.

I walk towards my destination and open the door.

As soon as I enter, the phoenix, lying on the bed, lifts her head and looks at me.

"We need to have a talk. Sifu told me that you are one of the most intelligent creatures to ever exist, so I know you understand my language. I will speak to you as an equal because I want to discuss the future."

She tilts her head slightly and stares at me.

"I need to know if you will stand with me as part of my family or if you will be a coward and run away. I need to know if I can count on you or not if things get worse."

I close the door and begin to have a conversation with the phoenix.


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