Athena’s General Reincarnated in Another World

42 – The Mana Categories

Chapter 42 - The Mana Categories


I listened to Kinue’s explanation, trying to draw some parallels with the Aura from my previous world, but there, it wasn’t divided into usage categories. Aura had a singular purpose: it was an invisible energy armor that enveloped someone’s body. If your Aura was powerful, you could face monstrous beings and come back alive. There were other Aura users who became famous for molding the invisible armor in their own unique ways.

My former teacher, who personally trained me to be a General, used his divine essence similarly to Aura, even though he was a God. He taught me various techniques. The God who taught me was Ares, the God of War. He showed me how to refine the Aura around my hand so that it became as sharp as a blade. This way, I could straighten my hand and slice through a stone pillar thanks to the Aura.

When I mastered my Aura better, I mimicked Hercules' trick of deactivating the body’s Aura and concentrating it in a specific point, combining it with the technique Ares taught me. My Aura blade was lethal, allowing me to slice through someone protected by Aura or pierce their heart with my fingers.

One trick I loved doing with Aura, but unfortunately will never be able to do in this body, was flicking my finger and the pressure would send the opponent flying back even if I was far away. I could also clap my hands, charged with Aura, to create an impact that would send soldiers flying in battle.

“Can you explain these mana categories better?” Chloe asked, pulling me out of my thoughts of my old world.

Focus, Nathan Evenhart! We need to master magic!

“Let’s say the mana channel flows within someone’s body, and from it, mana roots spread throughout the body. Understanding the direction of these roots helps identify your mana category, but that's Lady Adrihna’s job. I’ll explain each category, so please pay close attention,” Kinue said.

We nodded, and she began to explain:

“The Transmitter, as the name implies, transmits mana throughout their body. It functions like a strengthening of the body with mana. We all have mana circulating within us, but the Transmitter makes it circulate around their body, enhancing their physical attributes slightly. The Transmitter can also make their element flow through their body without being harmed by it. If a Transmitter has the fire element, they can set their hand on fire without it hurting them, as it’s made from their mana. They can project elemental mana, but it won’t go far like someone from another category.”


I was struggling to keep from trembling with the insight I had upon hearing Kinue’s words. My entire body was buzzing with excitement as ideas flooded my mind. I had to muster all my strength to control myself and not let my excitement show in my voice.

“Kinue… how much do a Transmitter’s physical attributes get enhanced by their mana?” I asked.


“Not by much. It’s more like an invisible armor through which they can channel their element.”


The professor stared at me.

“I see you’re getting excited, my student. Don’t get ahead of yourself until you know which mana category you belong to. That’s why your mother didn’t tell you anything,” Adrihna said.

I looked at my hand and let the lightning flow through my arm.

Seeing this, Kinue jumped back.

“Th-thunder!? You have the thunder element!” Kinue said, clearly startled.

My professor stood up, walked over to me, and adjusted her monocle as she examined me.

“You can already make your element cover parts of your body? That’s incredible for a child your age,” the professor said while examining my arm.

Kinue stood a bit farther away.

“This is dangerous, Lady Adrihna. A child his age awakening so young and with the thunder element... he could accidentally hurt someone,” Kinue said.

My professor laughed.

“With the level of control he’s shown us, you can rest easy,” she replied.

I deactivated the sparks running up my arm and looked eagerly at my professor.

“Does this make me a Transmitter?” I asked excitedly.

“Yes, you might be a Transmitter,” she said, returning to her armchair and looking at her book.

Might? But I made my elemental mana flow through my arm.

I tried to analyze Kinue’s few words and realized something.

I shot a small bolt of lightning at the doorknob. I don’t know if a Transmitter can do that. Is that what she meant by “might”?

Kinue calmed down and then approached us again.

“Just be careful with your element. Thunder is more problematic than fire because it’s purely offensive.”

I nodded while Chloe tried to form a ball of water.

“Ah! You turned it into ice!?” Kinue exclaimed, startled.

“I’m not a Transmitter, so what am I?” Chloe asked while a ball of ice floated around her.

“What are these kids? They’re on another level! How can someone this age fuse an element?” Kinue asked in disbelief.

“Hahaha,” my professor chuckled.

“It’s actually going to be worth teaching these brats,” Adrihna said, looking at us before returning to her book. “Keep teaching them, Kinue. I’m getting excited and want them to understand quickly.”

A shocked Kinue scratched her head and looked back at us.

She sighed.

“The Emitter emits mana outside their body, either in its pure form or applied to objects that can be thrown while retaining the mana. An Emitter has the advantage of sending mana over long distances in various forms and can use their element to project it. An Emitter with fire can shoot a jet of fire or a fireball, depending on what they want to do and the level of damage they want to cause.”

Chloe listened intently and then looked at a small ball of water she was forming above her hand.

“I’m an Emitter!?” she asked happily.

You chased me this morning, shooting jets and balls of water at me... you’re definitely an Emitter.

“Yes and no,” Professor Adrihna said, still focused on her book, and Kinue continued to explain.

“Lastly, we have the Invoker. An Invoker, as the name suggests, invokes their mana, but it’s different from an Emitter. An Invoker does this within a proximity radius around them, using their mana to modify the mana in the surrounding atmosphere. That’s why we call them ‘Invokers.’ They don’t need to point their hand to shoot a water ball or generate it nearby; they can create a water ball from the atmosphere, and their mana is more ‘alive’ than that of others. An Invoker can also create golems with their living mana to assist in battle, but that’s an advanced topic.”

Golems? My mother is an Invoker, so those carnivorous plants of hers are ‘golems’?

I started thinking about the possibilities for using these mana categories in battle for mages and considering various strategies.

So a Transmitter is for close combat, an Emitter for long-range, and an Invoker for mid-range? Is that how mana is used in combat?

"But why might I not be a Transmitter even though I made elemental mana flow through my arm?" I questioned further.

Just as Kinue was about to explain, Professor Adrihna spoke up. "There are mana categories, but some people are born with the ability to use two categories. This is called a Primary Category and a Secondary Category," said the elf.

A silence followed as she returned her attention to the book, turning its pages as she read.

Kinue, familiar with her master's ways, resumed explaining.


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