Atlas: Back to the Present – Time Travel + Post Apoc + OP MC (STUBS NOV. 1)

CHAPTER 5: A Surprising Talent

Alicia leaned against the counter, her gaze following Atlas as he exited the gym. Unlike the typical first-timers, who often left looking like they’d been through a grueling ordeal, Atlas walked out with a steady stride, his posture relaxed. The man carried himself with an ease that defied the intensity of the training he had just undergone. If most new students looked like they’d been hit by a freight train, Atlas seemed as if he’d been merely taken a brisk walk in the park. It might have been a long walk, but still, it was just that, a walk in the park.

But Alicia's eyes didn’t miss the hint of something more. She had been in the business long enough to know when someone was holding back. And this man—Atlas—he was definitely holding back. Her gym had been struggling for months, the membership numbers dwindling as newer, fancier gyms opened up in the area. She and for father had invested everything they  had into this place, pouring thei hearts and souls into making it a success. But it wasn’t enough. She needed something—or someone—that would turn things around. She needed a game-changer.

As Atlas disappeared through the glass doors, Yochanan came into view, his face unusually flushed from exertion. He wiped the sweat from his brow with a towel, his usual confident demeanor replaced by something akin to disbelief. Alicia, noticing the unusual expression on the senior trainer’s face, pushed off the counter and approached him.

“Hey, Yochanan,” she called out, her voice laced with curiosity. “How’s the new kid?”

Yochanan turned to her, his thick Germanic brows furrowed in confusion. “New kid?”

“Yeah,” Alicia confirmed, nodding toward the door where Atlas had just exited. “Atlas. He just had his first session with you.”

Yochanan’s expression shifted from confusion to something between incredulity, annoyance, and amusement. “If he’s a ‘new kid,’ then I’m Peppa Pig who fucked Santa Claus.”

Alicia blinked, taken aback by his blunt response. “Wait, really? What are you talking about?”

Yochanan shook his head, still trying to wrap his mind around what had just happened. “Look, if this is some kind of joke from the other instructors, I’m tapping out. There’s no way that guy is a newbie.”

Alicia frowned, her interest piqued. “Seriously? He signed up as a beginner. Said he was just looking for some fight practice to stay in shape and keep his reflexes sharp. That’s what he wrote on his form.” She held up the form, as if to prove her innocence.

Yochanan let out a low whistle while looking at the much-maligned form, leaning against the counter beside her. “Well, I’m telling you, his idea of ‘staying in shape’ is leagues above anyone I’ve ever trained. His reflexes? They’re sharper than most professionals I’ve seen.”

Alicia’s eyes widened, her intrigue growing. “No way. You’re kidding, right?”

Yochanan turned to face her, his expression dead serious. “Not at all. I’ve been doing this for over 40 years, and in all that time, I’ve only met a handful of people who fought like that. And those people? They were seasoned, battle-hardened veterans in their 60s. But this kid? What is he, in his mid-20s? There’s no way he’s accumulated that much experience unless he’s been fighting since he could walk.”

Alicia’s smile grew, a spark of excitement lighting up her eyes. “So, what are you thinking? Should we hire him? I mean, he signed up for five days a week of training. That’s a serious commitment.”

Yochanan paused, rubbing his chin thoughtfully. “Hire him? You might be onto something. There’s no one else in this gym who can match him, not even me, and I’m the senior trainer. But I don’t know if he’d be interested in training others. He seems pretty focused on his own goals.”

Alicia nodded, considering the possibilities. She was already doing the mental math. If Atlas agreed to come on board as a trainer, it could be the shot in the arm her gym desperately needed. His skills were extraordinary, and that could draw in new members—people who wanted to train under someone who clearly knew their stuff. She could already see the marketing potential: “Train with Atlas—the man who trains like no other.”

Her thoughts drifted back to the challenges she’d faced over the last few months. Membership was down, and she’d had to cut costs wherever she could. There were days she wasn’t sure if she’d be able to keep the doors open. But this—this was an opportunity she couldn’t afford to miss. Atlas could be the key to turning everything around.


Meanwhile, as Atlas walked away from the gym, he couldn’t help but reflect on how far he’d come. The last time he’d been in a place like this, before the portal had thrown him into that hellish world, he’d been nowhere near as strong, or as sharp. His muscles felt different now—denser, more powerful, and his reflexes were on another level. He could feel the difference in every movement, every punch, and every step he took. The wasteland had been brutal, but it had forged him into something more, something tougher.

He remembered the first time he’d stepped into a gym like this, how hard it had been just to keep up with the basic drills. The trainers had pushed him, but it was nothing compared to what he’d been through in that other world. There, he’d faced monsters—literal monsters—had fought for his life every single day. And now? Now, this felt like a walk in the park. The sweat on his back, the slight burn in his muscles—it was nothing. He was better, stronger, faster. And he knew it.

As he reached his car, he couldn’t help but smirk. He hadn’t lied on his form. He really was just looking to stay in shape, and to keep his reflexes sharp. But part of him also wanted to see just how much better he was now. The old Atlas would’ve been gasping for air, barely able to finish a session like that. But this new version? He was just getting started.


Back inside the gym, Alicia was still mulling over the idea of approaching Atlas with an offer. “If he’s as good as you say, it might be worth approaching him. He could be a huge asset, both as a trainer and a competitor. Imagine the kind of reputation we could build with someone like him on board.”

Yochanan nodded slowly, still processing the unexpected loss to Atlas. “We’ll see how things go. If he keeps up at this level, we might have to make a decision sooner rather than later about bringing him on officially.”

As Yochanan walked away, heading toward the back office, Alicia’s eyes followed him before shifting back to the door where Atlas had exited. Her mind raced with the possibilities of what Atlas could bring to the gym. There was something about him—something different. His skills were extraordinary, but it was more than that. It was the way he carried himself, the way he fought with a calm confidence that spoke of experience far beyond his years.

She made a mental note to keep a close eye on him, to watch how he progressed in the coming days. If Yochanan’s assessment was accurate, Atlas could be a game-changer for the gym, and Alicia wasn’t about to let that opportunity slip by. There was more to Atlas than met the eye, and she intended to find out exactly what that was.

As she turned back to the front desk, a small smile played on her lips. The gym was about to get a lot more interesting with Atlas around, and she was eager to see just how far his talent could take them.

She could already imagine the gym bustling with new members, the reputation of the place soaring as word spread about the mysterious new trainer who fought like a seasoned warrior. And if Atlas could bring in those numbers, it would mean more than just survival for her gym—it would mean success, growth, and a future. Alicia wasn’t about to let that slip through her fingers. The gym needed a hero, and she was beginning to think that Atlas might just be the one to save it.

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