Atlas: Back to the Present – Time Travel + Post Apoc + OP MC

BONUS CHAPTER: Upgrade Available

Atlas blinked in surprise. *What's the system update?* he wondered, focusing on the screen. A cursor blinked, and then more text appeared.

"Update System to bring ten assistants."

*Oh, that sounds neat,* Atlas thought. *Ten is definitely safer than five. With the team size that I have, it would work out fine.*

The screen continued: "Additionally, the user can create a one-kilometer safe zone around where the assistants are teleported from."

Atlas’s eyes widened. *That's perfect,* he thought. *So anyone I don’t want to risk bringing with me to the wasteland will be safe within that one-kilometer zone. They won’t be randomly portaled out.*

"Correct," the system responded as more text scrolled across the screen. "Does the user want to upgrade?”

Without hesitation, Atlas clicked "Yes."

"Does the user agree to terms and conditions?"

The screen filled with dense legal jargon, scrolling by at a rapid pace. It scrolled for a full minute at insane speed. Atlas took another sip of champagne and glanced at it. *Blah blah blah, lawyer stuff,* he thought. *Who cares? It's a wasteland apocalypse. What am I gonna do, sue them? Seriously, why do they even have this? I guess it's just because whoever is running these portals know we are used to seeing this stuff.*

With a shrug, Atlas clicked through the prompts. "Yes, yes, yes. Ignore, ignore, ignore."

"System upgrading," the screen flashed, and Atlas downed the rest of his champagne as he watched the blue light flicker. A moment later, the screen stabilized, and new text appeared in his field of vision.

"Zero out of ten assistants."

"One-kilometer safe zone being established."

And below that, the words: "One week till portal."

Atlas’s heart skipped a beat. "One week till portal? WTF?!" he muttered in disbelief. "I really should have read that damn EULA."

Atlas looked at the blinking notification and then at his empty glass of champagne. He sighed, shaking his head with a wry grin. "I knew there had to be a catch. One week left, huh? That means I’ve got some thinking to do. But good thing the team is already prepared," he muttered to himself, the weight of the countdown lingering in the back of his mind.

But then, with a decisive shrug, he set the glass down and pushed the thoughts aside. "That's a problem for future Atlas," he said, already hearing the laughter and cheers of his teammates echoing down the hallway. Right now, there were more important things to do—like celebrating the victory they'd all fought so hard for.

After confirming the system upgrade, Atlas set the issue aside and refocused on the here and now. The celebrations had been going on without him, but it was time to join in. After all, a victory like theirs deserved a proper party.

Leaving the locker room, Atlas stepped into the main hall, where the Portal Crushers were already in full swing. Music thumped through the speakers, and laughter and cheers echoed off the walls. Atlas grinned at the sight of his team, letting the energy of the room seep into him. The air was thick with the smell of food and drink, and someone had even managed to drag a karaoke machine into the mix, much to everyone’s delight—or horror.

He spotted John at the center of a small group, enthusiastically recounting some epic move he’d pulled during the match. Nearby, Wang Bo was challenging Alexander to yet another arm-wrestling contest, their competitive spirits still running high. Alicia was chatting with Barbara, and both of them were sipping on something that looked suspiciously strong.

“Looks like you all started without me!” Atlas exclaimed with good humor, grabbing himself a beer from the party tub.

“Yeehaw! Join us, Captain!” Alexander shouted.

Atlas made his way through the crowd, clapping his teammates on the back and exchanging a few quick words. Every now and then, he got pulled into a selfie or handed another drink, and he didn't resist—tonight was a night for living in the moment. He finally found himself standing on a table in the center of the room, raising his glass high above his head.

“Portal Crushers!” he shouted over the noise, immediately grabbing everyone’s attention. The room fell silent as all eyes turned to him.

“This is just the beginning! We’ve fought hard, we’ve trained harder, and tonight, we celebrate like the champions we are. We’ve come a long way, and we’ve got a long way to go, but if there’s one thing I know, it’s this: there’s nothing we can’t face together.”

A cheer went up, loud and proud. Atlas’s grin widened as he looked around at his team. “So drink up, party hard, and let’s make this night one to remember! Because whatever comes next—whether it’s a tough fight, the end of the world, or even just the hangover tomorrow—we’ll face it like we’ve faced everything else: as a team, as the Portal Crushers!”

The room exploded into cheers and laughter, and the music cranked up even louder as the celebration kicked back into full swing. Atlas jumped down from the table, joining in the dancing, laughing, and, of course, more drinking.

*Maybe I can find some of those Atlas fans who kept making offers to make little monkeys with me? Definitely keeping far away from the ones that want to be probed though,* thought Atlas as he pounded a beer back.


As the night wore on, Atlas found himself surrounded by a group of fans who had somehow managed to get into the after-party. The girls were all over him, fawning over his every word, giggling, and trying to catch his attention. Atlas was more than happy to indulge them—he was riding the high of the win, after all. But amidst the crowd of adoring women, there was one guy who was a little too eager, leaning in close and making suggestive comments.

"Hey, Atlas," the guy slurred, clearly a bit too drunk. "Why don’t you and I go somewhere more private? I promise, you'll have a good time."

Atlas chuckled, patting the guy wearing an Atlas the Alien shirt on the shoulder. "Sorry, man," he said, his tone light but firm. "But you're not my type."

The guy pouted but didn’t push further, eventually slinking away to find another target. Atlas returned his attention to the girls, who had no problem making their intentions clear. He winked at one, then another, and soon enough, they were all wrapped around him, pulling him toward the exit.

He left the party, feeling the exhilaration of the win surging through him. The celebration was just beginning. Tonight was for the Portal Crushers, for victory, and for living in the moment. *Future Atlas and his problems are definitely going to have to wait.*


Atlas woke up in a tangle of arms and naked bodies, the remnants of last night's celebration still evident in the smeared mascara and disheveled hair of the gorgeous girls beside him. He stretched, trying to piece together the events that led him here. *Ah, whatever it was, it was a good night, or at least from what I can remember.*

Without much thought, he decided it was time to make a quiet exit. He didn't even know which room or hotel he was in, but that didn't matter. Atlas left a couple of signed photos with a simple "Thanks for the good night!" scrawled on them and made his way out, ready to find something important. Breakfast. 

His thoughts focused on the hunt for some eggs benedict with smoked salmon and lots of coffee. He needed it, especially after the night he'd just had.

*I really, really, really hate Past Atlas,* he thought. *Sure, the portals are coming a year earlier than I expected, but the team is ready. And I’m ready. The best thing to do right now is to hunt down some breakfast, some caffeine, and then do a final checklist.*


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