Atlas: Back to the Present – Time Travel + Post Apoc + OP MC

CHAPTER 72: Settlements & Defenses

The Portal Crushers were still high off the excitement and adrenaline of their first fight, but the noobies were less enthusiastic. They were disgusted with the job and didn’t want to do it. However, seeing the weapons on the Portal Crushers and the glint in Atlas’s eyes, they reluctantly started packing up the skeleton bones. All except Clark, who agreed happily because he wanted to look good but knew the other noobies wouldn’t do it with the same enthusiasm.

‘The newbies weren’t doing well mentally, as well as could be expected though,‘ Atlas thought, watching them push through the gruesome task. 

‘But if they think this is tough, the wasteland’s going to eat them alive.‘ He knew he had to be harder on them, tougher. It wasn’t about being a jerk; it was about survival.

‘Treat 'em poorly now, and they might just make it out of here alive,‘ he reasoned, his expression hardening. ‘Better they hate me here than die out there.‘

The noobies slowly packed up the skeleton bones, and the group made their way back to the settlement square. Atlas picked up the remaining five from the initial group and led them back as well.

Once back at the settlement square, Atlas addressed the group. "Alright, you guys hang out here. I’m going to take these coins back to the vending machines."

Without wasting any more time, he jogged quickly back toward the ruined castle, where the vending machines awaited.

Atlas arrived at the vending machines, glancing down at the twelve coins he had collected from the skeletons.

‘Twelve coins. It’s not a lot, but it’s a start,‘ he thought, weighing his options. With these coins, he could either outfit all the noobs with some basic clothes—definitely necessary, considering most of the group was practically naked—or he could begin constructing a settlement fence, a crucial first step in defending against the demon dogs.

‘Clothes would boost morale and keep people from getting sick... but a fence could save lives,‘ Atlas frowned, the weight of leadership pressing on him. ‘Security has to come first,‘ he decided. ‘Fuck the noobs. Protecting the safety of the Portal Crushers is my first priority. The rest of the people, I don’t WANT them to die, but unlike in my first life, I have to make the whole settlement tougher fast.‘

With a firm nod, he approached the Castle by Greyskulls machine, already scanning the options for settlement fortifications.

‘‘Settlement Defences:‘‘

1. ‘‘Cheap Ass Fence‘‘ - Cost: 10 Coins  

    •    Provides minimal protection. Very minimal. Literally a wooden fence.  

2. ‘‘Reinforced Wall Kinda‘‘ - Cost: 20 Coins  

    •    Offers significant protection. Kind of good. If the monsters don’t have jumping abilities.  

3. ‘‘Watchtower of Seeing‘‘ - Cost: 15 Coins  

    •    Increases visibility and allows for early detection of approaching enemies. Who doesn’t have watchtowers? Settlements that don’t survive, that’s who.

4. ‘It’s a Trap System‘‘ - Cost: 18 Coins  

    •    A series of traps laid around the settlement to damage and slow down attackers. Perfect for a horde of skeletons. Just saying.

5. ‘‘Mana Dome of Awesomeness‘‘ - Cost: 1 Coin Per Day.  

    •    Complete 100% defense during the day. Completely foolproof. Absolutely no monsters can get through.

6. ‘‘Mana Dome of MegaAwesomeness‘‘ - Cost: 1 Coin Per Day.  

    •    Complete 100% defense during the day & NIGHT! Way better than the other Mana Dome. Absolutely no monsters or DEMONS can get through. 100% safety! 24/7!

Atlas quickly selected the Cheap Ass Wooden Fence and the Mana Dome of Awesomeness, using up 11 coins. Around the castle and the surrounding settlement stone, a basic wooden fence materialized. It wasn't much—no gate, just an empty part where the fence ended—but it encircled the area. The fence definitely looked like a cheap, hastily thrown-together barrier. It might hold back some demon dogs for a little while, enough to funnel them into a more controlled area. But beyond that, it wouldn’t do much for protection.

Atlas knew there were other screens he should check, like the governance and miscellaneous options, but he figured he'd spent enough time on the settlement's defenses for now.

‘Time to head back and make sure everyone's getting settled in.‘

He turned away from the vending machines and jogged back toward the settlement. Once he reached the group, Atlas called out, “I bet you're all pretty tired and freaked out right now. Kingsley, can you get them settled in and give them some of our food and water?”

“No problem,” Kingsley replied, already moving to hand out meal bars and water bottles. Atlas watched him work, a small smile forming as he thought, ‘This is the bonus of having all those sweet sponsorship deals like the Ultra Manly Buff Bars and ClearStream for pure water.‘

While the food and water were being distributed, Atlas turned to Stu. “Stu, who are the fuckers who didn’t come and help us earlier?”

Stu pointed them out, and Atlas’s expression hardened. “Kingsley, no food or water for these guys.”

He turned to address the group, his voice firm. “In this settlement, if you don’t work, you don’t eat. If you don’t listen to orders, you don’t eat. And if you fuck up, we’re kicking you out of the settlement.”

The group of five looked pissed, but there was nothing they could do. Hunger gnawed at them as they watched Atlas and the crew chow down on meal bars and drink water. The wasteland heat was starting to ease as the night settled in, but the tension among the group was thick like the air.

After everyone had eaten, Atlas said to the Portal Crushers, “Take a break. We’ve got about three hours before the demon dogs.”

The Portal Crushers started to settle in, each trying to process the reality of being in a post-apocalyptic wasteland. They were still riding the high from their first fight, but the newbies, who had been so disgusted earlier, were now wrestling with their fear and uncertainty. It was one thing to watch the Portal Crushers in action, but quite another to face the reality of their situation.

Atlas moved through the newbie group until he found Amber. “Hey, Amber, how are you doing?”

“I’m fine,” Amber replied, though her voice wavered slightly. She was trying to keep her nerves in check, but Atlas could tell she was on edge.

Amber had been a huge fan of Atlas online, even adopting the title ‘AtlasWife44.‘ Seeing her now, Atlas couldn’t help but smile. He remembered all the good times they’d had together in his first life. Without thinking, he gave her a quick hug.

Amber was surprised by the gesture but leaned into it, thinking, ‘Damn, why aren’t there any shelters here where we could get it on?‘

Atlas had the same thought, ‘Damn, why aren’t there any shelters here so we can get it on?‘

But with the night creeping in and the demon dogs looming on the horizon, there was little time for anything else. They’d have to focus on surviving the night first. Then maybe Atlas could figure out a housing and his lack of nookie solution.


Love the book, and want to own a copy? Book One is available for sale on Amazon. It’s full of edits and pictures!

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