Atlas: Back to the Present – Time Travel + Post Apoc + OP MC

CHAPTER 79: Day 2 : Atlas Realises He Was a Dummy.


Isabella’s frustration was clearly visible, her voice sharp as she spoke up, “What about just buying the Dome, Atlas? We bought the Mana Dome of Awesomeness, and that only works during the day. Which, by the way, ends in about 20 minutes. Why don't we just spend one darn coin for the Mana Dome of MegaAwesomeness? It protects us during the day and the night, and it's only one coin.”

She was clearly on edge, still reeling from the mauling she’d taken last night. But Atlas knew she wasn’t the only one who was frustrated. ‘I should have made better decisions‘—the thought gnawed at him, replaying the night’s events over and over. Each mistake, every misstep, looped in his mind like a bad song he couldn’t stop hearing. ‘I overestimated how dangerous those demon dogs would be compared to the newly portaled SFB team. Why did I let them down?‘

Every choice he made yesterday felt wrong, and the result was plain to see in the battered faces of the Portal Crushers.

‘They count on me to protect them, to lead them, and I blew it.‘ There was no hiding from the truth: he’d failed them when they needed him most. 

Atlas gazed into the horizon, his mind a whirlwind of regret and self-reproach. ‘I should’ve seen this coming,‘ he thought, the burden of his failure pressing heavily on him. This wasn’t his first journey through the wasteland—he’d encountered the shadows that lurked in every crevice, faced terrors that would send most fleeing. He was meant to be the hero, the one with the power and experience to navigate this treacherous land without faltering. ‘So why did I allow myself to stumble?‘

He tightened his fists, frustration bubbling to the surface. 

Each decision replayed in his mind, each choice a bitter reminder of his failures. 

‘How could he have underestimated the dangers around them? How could he have hesitated when every second mattered?‘

Atlas kept punishing himself mentally.

‘I’m the protagonist of this tale,‘ he thought, anger gnawing at him. ‘The one everyone relies on to spearhead the charge and make the hard calls.‘ 

And yet, there he stood, doubting himself and letting his team down when they needed him most. The sight of his companions, bruised and battered, seared into his memory. 

He had always taken pride in his instincts, but now they felt like a distant echo, a taunt to his supposed strength. ‘What good is being overpowered if I can’t wield it properly?‘ 

The pressure of expectation felt like a vise, constricting around him. Every setback, every moment of uncertainty crystallised into a painful truth he should have grasped long ago. ‘Next time, I won’t let this happen again.‘


Atlas looked at the group, taking in their exhaustion and the underlying tension. Isabella’s suggestion made sense, and it was hard to argue with her logic. A full 24-hours of protection was something they desperately needed, especially after the battering they took.

“Alright,” Atlas conceded, his tone softening. “We’ll spend the coin on the Mana Dome of MegaAwesomeness. We need to make sure we’re protected tonight. But we’ll still need to think carefully about what to do with the rest.”

Isabella nodded, some of the tension easing from her shoulders. The others seemed to relax a bit too, knowing that they’d at least be safe through the night.

With one coin spent, they were down to 49, but the decision brought a sense of relief. It wasn’t a perfect solution, but it was one less thing to worry about as the sun dipped lower in the sky.


After the discussion with the group. Atlas had a lot to think about.

He stared at the aftermath of the carnage around him. 

The battlefield was littered with the results of their latest skirmish, and the weight of his decisions pressed down on him like a leaden anchor. ‘I really fucked up,‘ he thought. ‘I fucked up badly.‘

His decision to equip the team with inadequate weapons had nearly cost them dearly. It was a bitter pill to swallow, knowing that his choices had put his team at risk. Yeah, not only had his fuck up almost gotten three members of his team killed, but they had also had to suffer through the pain and thoughts of almost dying or losing their comrades. The absolute worst thing about the fuck up? Even if, God forbid, he saw himself as just a bean counter, which he did not, he had still fucked up.

If he had equipped everyone with proper weapons, it would have cost around 500 coins. Sure, they hadn’t had 500 coins last night, but now, on day two, they had spent 350 coins just for healing, and still, Isabella and Hank were out of commission, with John not much better. So yeah, it was 350 for healing versus 500 for weapons. They hadn’t had the time yesterday to farm completely, that much was true, but what he could  have and should have done was spent one lousy coin for the Mana Dome of MegaAwesomeness. 

That was the decision he should have made on day one, and it was the decision he was going to make now.

Without any more hesitation, Atlas walked to the machine, the weight of the day’s events pressing down on him. He slotted in one coin, and with a faint hum, the Mana Dome of MegaAwesomeness activated. For the next 24 hours, day and night, no monsters or demons would breach their defenses. They had 24 hours of guaranteed safety—a small reprieve in a world that offered so few.


Later on, the Portal Crushers were enjoying the momentary peace, and Wilfredo asked, “Why don’t we always use this mana dome, Jefe?”

Atlas’s expression darkened as he looked at the group, his voice taking on a grave tone. "You only saw snippets of what happened in the show. You have no idea. That Mana Dome of MegaAwesomeness? It's a trap. Anyone who uses it long-term is fucked."

Isabella, already on edge, looked at him, her frustration mixing with confusion. "What do you mean?"

"It means," Atlas began, choosing his words carefully, "sure, it only costs one coin to use it for 24 hours. But do you know what the cost of it is next time?"

"What?" Isabella asked, the irritation in her voice replaced with curiosity.

"Two coins," Atlas said flatly.

Amber, who had been listening quietly, furrowed her brow. "So?" she asked, clearly confused. "We have 50 coins, and we made close to 400 today."

Atlas shook his head, seeing the misunderstanding in her eyes. "Well, the day after that, it’s four coins," he explained, "and it just keeps doubling. And it’s not just the price that doubles. Every time that Mana Dome of MegaAwesomeness is used, the demon dogs outside increase."

He paused, letting that sink in. "Since they don’t get killed in the night, they don’t go far away. They love the rich mana of the Mana Dome of MegaAwesomeness. After the dome is dispelled nightly, the demon dogs just linger in the area. So, before you know it, they’re everywhere during the day; they're hidden in dark areas, protected from the sun. But if you accidentally poke your nose into those areas, you might find yourself walking into a pack of demon dogs waiting to rip your face right off. That’s what happens to people who start depending on the Mana Dome of MegaAwesomeness”

The group fell silent, the weight of Atlas’s words hanging in the air. Isabella’s frustration was now mixed with a growing sense of dread. Amber, who had initially been confused, now looked horrified as she realized the implications.

"So, we can’t use it long-term," John said, breaking the silence. "But it’s ok just use it for tonight? One night, just to give us time to plan? That’s what we’re doing, right?"

Atlas confirmed it. "One night might be okay, but we can’t make a habit of it. That’s why we’re only using it today. We’ll need to keep gearing up; otherwise, it comes with a price that’s too steep to pay."

The decision was clear. They couldn’t afford to become reliant on something that would lead to their downfall. It was just one more complication in a world already full of them.

Atlas turned to Isabella, his gaze steady. "Isabella, do you think we could have handled the demon dog last night if we were all prepared and had our real gear?"

"100%," Isabella responded without hesitation. "It was incredibly hard trying to use a club when I’m used to wielding two swords."

"Would you bet your life on it?" Atlas pressed, needing to be sure.

"Yeah, I would," Isabella affirmed, her voice unwavering.

John, who had been silently weighing the options, finally spoke up. "I’m leaning towards buying weapons too."

Atlas nodded, but he knew this wasn’t a decision he could make alone. "But it’s the team that’s going to have to make the call."


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