Atlas: Back to the Present – Time Travel + Post Apoc + OP MC

CHAPTER 97: Day 5. Atlas is Solo?

The Portal Crushers were all raring to go dungeon hunting. 

Atlas turned and started walking in the opposite direction of the others, his mind already focused on the task ahead. The forest loomed before him, thick with twisted trees, but he felt no fear. This world had thrown everything it had at him, and he was still standing. He would find that dungeon, and when he did, he’d make sure the Portal Crushers were ready for whatever came next.

The sounds of the forest surrounded him. His senses were on high alert, every rustle of leaves, every distant bird call was analyzed for any sign of danger—or the dungeon. The new contracts weighed lightly in his pack, a reminder of the new order he was trying to establish among the group. They needed structure, rules that made sense in this brutal world. But more than anything, they needed to survive.

‘I’m glad that John’s doing most of that planning work. Clark had done it the first time, but John was just as smart and twice as visionary. As a bonus, John at least wouldn’t screw him.‘

Hours passed, and Atlas’s progress was steady but uneventful. He had killed some skeletons, but nothing was a huge threat to him. He was deep into the forest when he heard a faint noise behind him—a rustling that didn’t match the natural sounds he’d been hearing. He paused, hand hovering near his twin swords, and listened carefully.

“Atlas?” a voice called out softly.

He turned to see Amber approaching, slightly out of breath. “What are you doing here? I thought I told you to keep an eye on the crafters.”

“I did, but… I thought you might need backup,” Amber admitted, her eyes wide with concern.

Atlas sighed, knowing that arguing would be pointless. “Alright, but stay close. We’re far from the others.”

Amber nodded, falling into step beside him. Together, they continued their search, the forest growing darker and more foreboding as the day wore on.

Atlas and Amber moved quietly through the dense forest, their footsteps soft on the undergrowth as they kept their voices to a whisper. The early morning light filtered through the trees, casting long shadows around them. Amber, walking slightly behind Atlas, was alert, her eyes scanning the area for any signs of movement.

“How are you holding up?” Atlas asked, his voice barely louder than the rustling leaves.

“I’m doing great,” Amber replied, surprising herself with the sincerity of her response.

It struck Atlas as odd. This girl, who had been a wreck during his first time through the portal, was a lot stronger now. The first time around, Amber had been almost paralyzed with panic and depression, constantly on edge and struggling to keep herself together. Now, though, she seemed more confident, more capable. There was no way the Amber from the first time through would have come out unaccompanied.

Amber continued, almost as if reading his thoughts. “I think what’s keeping me happy and hopeful is the fact that I can see changes every day in our settlement. We’re not just surviving anymore; we’re building something.”

Atlas nodded. “Yeah, you’re right. That makes a big difference. The first time I came through this situation, I didn’t know what the hell I was doing. And Clark? He definitely didn’t help. He was always pitting people against each other, making everything harder.”

Amber grimaced at the mention of Clark. “Yeah, he was toxic on the show. But our team now? We’ve got something special. We all stick together, and watch each other’s backs.”

They walked in silence for a few more minutes, the only sounds being the distant calls of birds and the occasional snap of a twig underfoot. Atlas’s mind wandered back to how much had changed, not just in the settlement but within Amber as well. The strength she was showing now was a far cry from the fragile person he remembered. It was a reminder that people could change, could grow, especially when they had something to fight for.

Suddenly, a bright green flare shot up into the sky, arcing high above the trees before slowly descending. It was about three kilometers away from where they were. Atlas’s heart raced, and he immediately turned to Amber.

“Let’s go,” he said, his voice firm.

Amber nodded, her earlier calm now giving way to nervous energy as they picked up their pace, heading toward the source of the flare. Atlas led the way, moving with purpose, while Amber followed closely behind, her hand instinctively resting on the hilt of her weapon.

As they ran, Amber’s mind raced. The flare meant that someone had found something—maybe the dungeon they’d been searching for. The thought sent a shiver of excitement and fear through her. The dungeon could be their ticket to valuable resources, but it could also be a trap, filled with unknown dangers.

Atlas glanced back at Amber, seeing the tension in her expression. He slowed down slightly, allowing her to catch up, and gave her a reassuring nod.

“We’ve got this,” he said, trying to calm her nerves.

Amber forced a smile, appreciating the gesture but still feeling the weight of what lay ahead. They pushed through the forest, their destination growing closer with every step. The trees began to thin out, revealing a small clearing up ahead. The air was thick with anticipation.

“Over here!” yelled Kingsley. His team had been the first ones to spot the dungeon.

In the center of the open space stood a massive stone structure, partially covered in vines and moss. It looked ancient, foreboding—a dungeon entrance if there ever was one.

Atlas’s eyes narrowed as he studied the entrance, trying to assess the situation. The area seemed clear, but he knew better than to assume it was safe. Dungeons were notorious for being full of traps and creatures lying in wait.

Amber’s breath quickened as she took in the sight. This was it. The moment they’d been preparing for. She glanced at Atlas, who was already formulating a plan, his mind working quickly.


Inside The Celestial Wager, the aliens gathered around a massive holographic table, their eyes fixed on the swirling images of the Wasteland below. The betting board hovered above them, displaying odds and statistics for the various groups and individuals struggling for survival in the devastated wasteland.

Zeltrax, with his translucent blue skin and three green eyes, leaned forward, studying the board intently. His tendrils twitched as he placed his bet, his voice a low, resonant hum, “500 coins on the Portal Crushers to take the first dungeon.”

Next to him, Kroxar, a tentacled alien with sharp-witted eyes, let out a cynical chuckle. “Bold move, Zeltrax. But I’ll put my coins on Earth’s Children. They’ve been underestimated before, and I think they’ve got something up their sleeve. Besides, they've got better odds.”

Gorvax, the hulking stone-like creature, grunted in approval as he placed his own bet, “1000 coins on the Portal Crushers. Atlas is a strong leader, and his team’s been performing well.”

Lurox, the iridescent blue alien with delicate wings, fluttered in excitement. “I’m going all in on the underdog, the Scrap Knights! They’re scrappy, unpredictable… I love it!”

“That’s going to be a huge loss, just toss me your mana coins. Scrap Knights aren’t even on the leaderboard.” Gorvax replied.

The betting screen updated in real-time, reflecting the wagers placed by the aliens. The odds shifted slightly as more bets came in, and the holographic display zoomed in on the scene below—Atlas and his group advancing through the forest, drawing closer to the dungeon.

Virelia, the elegant lavender-skinned waitress, floated by with a tray of shimmering drinks, offering one to Zeltrax. “Care for a refreshment while you watch the action unfold?”

Zeltrax waved her off, his eyes never leaving the board. “Not now, Virelia. I’ve got a lot riding on this.”

“Speak for yourself Zeltrax! I’ll take two bulbs.” Gorvax was looking forward to his victory and a good alcoholic buzz.

As the scene in the Wasteland played out, the tension in the casino grew. The aliens watched with bated breath as Atlas and his team neared the dungeon entrance, each movement scrutinized, every decision analyzed. The stakes were high, not just for the people fighting for survival from Earth, but for the aliens who had placed their fortunes on the line in this grand cosmic game of chance.


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