Aura of a Genius Actor

Chapter 90: To The Next Level

༺ To The Next Level ༻

One day in mid-May.

A month into filming, Hansung had been pondering a lot after the young Lee Bang-won’s scenes and the addition of actor Yoomyeong into the shooting. 

His newly adopted acting style was progressing smoothly, offering days of unprecedented focus on his performance.

However, the real challenge was the exceptional talent of his co-actor. 

Hansung knew he had to work even harder not to be overshadowed by Yoomyeong during the final confrontation scenes, where the tension between Jeong Mong-ju and Lee Bang-won reached its peak. 

So, he approached Director Son.


“Ah, actor Yoon.”

“Can we shoot Jeong Mong-ju’s scenes as soon as possible? I’d like to leave about a week before we start shooting in China.”

“Jeong Mong-ju appears in most scenes, so it can be tricky… Do you have an urgent schedule?”

Hansung swallowed hard before replying.

“Jeong Mong-ju survives the shipwreck and drifts for 13 days during the 1372 Ming Dynasty scene, so I thought it would be good to fast for a few days to make it more realistic.” 

“You’re going to such lengths…”

Director Son looked both impressed and concerned. 

“Your passion is admirable, but it could affect your health, and we also need to consider the continuity of the following scenes… Can’t we just use makeup?”

“I really want to do justice to the scene that would introduce Jeong Mong-ju to Lee Bang-won and the audience. We can rely on makeup after that scene. The next scene also involves Jeong Mong-ju riding a journey in only 60 days when it should take 90 days. Having me look haggard fits that story.” 

Director Son pondered deeply.

There were three scenes to be shot in China. 

The first was in 1372, which showed Jeong Mong-ju’s diplomatic visit, his shipwreck, the 13 days he spent adrift, and his eventual rescue and audience with Ming Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang. 

The second was in 1384, which depicted Jeong Mong-ju’s diplomatic visit to celebrate Zhu Yuanzhang’s birthday. It was where he completed an impossible journey and earned the Emperor’s recognition. 

The third was in 1388, when Lee Saek and Lee Bang-won went to seek approval for King Chang’s enthronement from Zhu Yuanzhang.

After reflecting on Hansung’s words, Director Son realized that both scenes depicted Jeong Mong-ju in extreme situations. 

One portrayed him starving after 13 days adrift, and the other was when he was exhausted from completing a 90-day journey in only 60 days.

If Hansung was actually starving, then that might make his acting more convincing and realistic… Director Son thought so.


“Are you sure you can handle it? You’re doing well already…”

Director Son hesitated, but Hansung persuaded him.

“Director. Yoomyeong is an excellent actor, right?”

“Of course. His acting is superb, and his deep understanding of the character and flexibility in making the impossible possible are impressive. I feel embarrassed for thinking he wasn’t right for Lee Bang-won at first.” 

“That’s right, but just wait for the tea conversation scene, where he portrays the 26-year-old Lee Bang-won. He’ll really soar then.” 

Hansung’s assertive words made Director Son think.


“The young Jeong Mong-ju in the early part of the drama and the Lee Bang-won in his prime during the latter part will mirror each other in comparison.” 

Director Son was struck by the idea.

“Showing a Jeong Mong-ju as powerful as the 26-year-old Lee Bang-won at the beginning of the drama will create a strong correlation between its start and end.”


“If you’re worried about my health, then I promise to take good care of myself right after filming that part.”

Convinced by Hansung’s in-depth analysis and his willingness to endure hardship, Director Son eventually agreed.  Hansung’s filming in Mungyeong ended five days earlier than planned, and he survived on water and nutritional supplements until he left for China.

And today, they were shooting the scene for the year 1372.

Jeong Mong-ju, rescued by the Ming’s naval forces, arrived in the imperial city.


Yoomyeong found a spot where he could watch the filming without obstructing the staff. After all, he was just an audience member today.

He worriedly looked at Hansung.

‘I hope he’s okay in this heat.’

{Hmm… That actor used to be just okay, but now he’s got a real presence.} 

‘Really? Wasn’t he always good? He’s a top actor, after all.’

{He had a good presence, but it wasn’t exactly thrilling… Something must have triggered it now, because his aura is sizzling.}

Yoomyeong agreed, somehow reminded of Hansung’s intense eyes earlier.

‘It did seem like that.’

{Situations like that usually bring out great performances. That actor might reach the next level today.}

Yoomyeong tensed slightly at Miho’s words, focusing intently as the filming began. 

The vast imperial city.

A man, emaciated and wearing a diplomat’s robes that were soaked and then dried to shabbiness, was led across the vast set under the blazing sun. Ming dynasty soldiers were escorting him. 

Though it would be customary for him to bathe and dress in official robes before meeting the Emperor, Zhu Yuanzhang, the Emperor himself, stepped out impatiently to satisfy his curiosity.

Zhu Yuanzhang. 

He was the youngest son of a wandering tenant farmer and was always hungry. He rose from the lowest class with nothing but his body to become the ruler of China—a truly legendary figure.

After ascending the throne, he purged over 100,000 people. His methods were diverse and brutal: flaying, dismembering, and disemboweling. 

Although he was labeled as a  tyrant for his cruelty, his rise to power from nothing was extraordinary.

Yoomyeong closely watched Luo Derong, who was clad in the Emperor’s splendid attire. 

His entire face bore makeup-created pox marks, and his eyes shone with a sharp and cruel light that wasn’t just a result of makeup. As a charismatic actor known for playing villainous roles in China, Luo Derong had a presence that made his grand outfit and the dozens of attendants following him seem perfectly fitting. 

As he appeared, all the Ming soldiers and Jeong Mong-ju bowed down in unison. 

The Emperor approached Jeong Mong-ju, ignoring the protocol of not getting too close to an uninspected foreign envoy. His attendants held their breath for fear of provoking his temper.

Three steps,

Two steps,

And one step.

When Zhu Yuanzhang stopped right in front of Jeong Mong-ju, Yoomyeong swallowed hard.

The Emperor gazed down quietly with a slight tilt of his head, his expression filled with intense curiosity. 

He had seen and executed many, but most begged for their lives at death’s door. However, according to the report from the commander who rescued him, Jeong Mong-ju, even after 13 days of starvation and storms, had clear eyes and showed no sign of cowardice. 

Zhu Yuanzhang was eager to know if this was an exaggeration or the truth.

[Stand up and pay your respects.]

He commanded sternly.


The man, who seemed as if he might collapse at the slightest touch, leaned on his trembling arms to stand. However, his face showed no fear. 

Luo Derong was mildly impressed after seeing his face for the first time. Despite fasting and the physical toll, Hansung’s back was straight. His eyes were clear and composed.

[Your Majesty.] 

Jeong Mong-ju greeted him with a dignified bow despite his shaking legs. His fluent Chinese surprised Luo Derong, who thought that he sounded almost like a native. Luo Derong also wasn’t informed of Hansung speaking Chinese during the scene.

In reality, Hansung didn’t know Chinese. Believing that a distinguished diplomat of Mong-ju’s era would have been fluent in Chinese, he practiced the Chinese-translated lines until they became second nature.

[What is your name?] 

Zhu Yuanzhang asked.

[I am Jeong Mong-ju, the head of the diplomatic envoys sent by my kingdom to congratulate Your Majesty on pacifying the West.] 

[Ah. You survived because of me. Will you serve me from now on?]

Zhu Yuanzhang was impressed by Jeong Mong-ju’s unbroken spirit even in the face of death and offered him a position, arrogantly assuming he would choose Ming over the smaller Goryeo.

However, Jeong Mong-ju stepped back, performed a respectful bow, and pulled something from his ragged robes.


The surrounding guards pointed their spears at him but he didn’t flinch, even facing the sharp blades. It was only normal to flinch in that situation, even if they were just acting.

Zhu Yuanzhang gestured for them to stop. After receiving permission, Jeong Mong-ju unfolded a waterproof cloth, revealing an uncreased, pristine letter from the King of Goryeo to the Emperor of Ming.

The contrast between the exhausted man and the pristine letter was stark. Zhu Yuanzhang looked visibly surprised. Then, Jeong Mong-ju, with a strong and solemn voice, made his request.

[Your Majesty, I am deeply grateful for your mercy. But my sole duty is to deliver this letter to Ming and strengthen the relations between our countries. During my 13 days adrift, my only wish was to complete my mission and die honorably. That is what sustained me.]


Zhu Yuanzhang, or rather Luo Derong, sighed.

The loyalty and determination in Jeong Mong-ju’s voice struck a chord within him. His will and resolve shone through every word, standing firm like pillars.

[Please allow me to fulfill my mission.]

For Zhu Yuanzhang, who had mercilessly executed even those who had helped him ascend the throne, the one thing he craved was unwavering loyalty like this.

He looked down at Jeong Mong-ju with a strange gleam in his eyes.

[Now I truly desire your service.] 

Zhu Yuanzhang said.


[But since you’ve come from the brink of death, I cannot ignore your request. Compose a poem for me. If I like it, I will grant your request.] 

It was a cruel command to give to a man who was barely holding himself up by sheer willpower.

Yet, Jeong Mong-ju accepted the challenge without a hint of hesitation.

[Please give me a piece of paper.] 

And with swift strokes, he wrote a poem.


‘He’s really…’ 

Different from before.

Yoomyeong felt chills and excitement from watching Hansung’s performance. Miho’s words echoed in his mind like a prophecy.

{That actor might reach the next level today.} 

Jeong Mong-ju’s defiance of Zhu Yuanzhang’s order was a calculated gamble. He bowed his head subserviently, but it was a carefully strategized move. 

By using his deep understanding of Zhu Yuanzhang and the pristine letter he carried, he aimed not just to safely return to Goryeo, but to win as much favor as possible from this cruel and capricious ruler.

The auras of the two men clashed intensely. 

The grandeur of the palace, the splendor of the courtiers, and the emperor’s infamous majesty were all matched by the intensity of a single, raggedly-dressed, exhausted diplomat.


What had driven Hansung to such desperation, and what had propelled him so high?

If the 26-year-old Lee Bang-won in the tea conversation scene had established a strong will that stretched back through time, then the 35-year-old Jeong Mong-ju in the envoy scene had already completed that and was now forming a spirit that would persist until his death.

The upcoming tea conversation scene was where these spirits would clash the most sharply.

Now, the impending showdown between Jeong Mong-ju and Lee Bang-won awaited upon their return to Korea. 

Yoomyeong had great respect and affection for his senior and hyung, but he had no intention of losing.

Finally, Jeong Mong-ju began to recite the poem he had swiftly composed.

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