Aurora Scroll

Chapter 391

Body Pathseekers had no particular affinity to a certain element, therefore they hardly used fireballs or wind blades in combat.

But they could use martial arts to great effectiveness. Body-forging methods also worked especially well for them. There were advantages and disadvantages but that didn't mean body Pathseekers were weaker than the more common element-using Pathseekers.

Viers knew this well. From works like Kengan, Kenichi, Baki, Tekken, and Street Fighting, he had seen his fair share of martial arts techniques that were superhuman in nature. Branching on, the sports series also had examples of super techniques, such as Eyeshield, Kuroko, Tsubasa, and Prince Tennis.

Of course, Viers completely understood they were fiction. Artistic interpretation played a huge part. Nonetheless, they showed him what imagination plus techniques could become, the power and absurdity they could reach. In this world, when the laws of physics could be subverted entirely, what was stopping someone from materializing what was in the realm of imagination, was the individual themselves.

Hell, at a high enough Level, one could create a fire punch using air friction if they punch fast enough.

Outside references aside, inner energy, the so-called qi or ki similarly existed. Viers once thought it was just Victa with another name but further examination showed it was a different system. A pleasant surprise. Also, body Pathseeker seemed to be able to access it more easily.

Body Pathseekers still got Unreality Field at Level 3, Imaginary Domain at Level 4, and the Level 5’s special ability as they progressed.

Simply put, there was no shortage of means for body Pathseekers to become super strong. He watched Dragon Ball as a kid for God's sake. What more proof did he need? The body cultivation was no less complicated than Pathseekers who use elemental powers. There were many paths to be powerful and for Viers, he didn't care about triviality.

Get strong, however you do it, is up to you.

Words to live by. He said it to all his Viers Corporation employees.

In fact, that was what he did with Jessica, unlocking her qi. He stimulated the lower dantian that was located below the navel with his last attack. It was like a missile strike to unclog a dammed-up river. A bit rough, but what mattered was qi now flowed in meridian channels.

This ability was not something he was able to do solely because he got inspiration for the Fables.

In many Chinese power fantasy stories, the MC usually got OP because he got his meridians unlocked by his parents, teachers, or something else. This made them cultivate faster and become stronger compared to their peers. If the MC was a doctor, the percentages he would be able to use the godly skill of unlocking the meridians, pressure points, or whatever else, jumped up significantly.

Viers got a xianxia-ish cultivation knowledge from Aravin, the harem MC he killed in the book world. Pressure points, meridians, and so on. His spirit loli teacher girl once unlocked his qi, one of the secrets to his strengths and his high libido. Viers now did the same to Jessica.

Viers, with his insight about the stories, pinpointed that the ability was pretty important and set aside time to learn it.

Jessica was weak. Bluntly speaking, her potential was lower than Boram's. She was like the trash Level 3s that Viers had killed with impunity thus far. But her fate changed because she met Viers and because the person had a bias about how she looked similar to a video game character he liked.

Of course, just by having access to qi didn't mean Jessica would magically become as strong as Viers or even Boram all of a sudden. She gained a chance. Whether she could make something out of that chance was wholly up to her.

"That last attack was a pretty mean strike." Alfred appeared from behind the shadow of a tree.

"I don't hit soft," Viers said. If he was surprised, he didn't look like it. "Something the matter?"

"I woke up because of a racket and I found that the one who should be on watch was neglecting his duty."

Viers' magic item should have prevented his spar from getting known to the rest of the party but Alfred still managed to sense something. No matter, it was within Viers' expectations. But he wasn't able to see through the meaning of Viers' attack on Jessica so he thought it was a needlessly powerful hit.

Made sense, because Viers used a large amount of Victa for that strike. To the point Jessica felt she was about to go to the afterlife. Be that as it may, Jessica wasn't harmed. At least, he didn't add further injuries on top of those she already had.

"My watch is impeccable and uninterrupted," Viers said.

"Is that so?" Alfred's tone clearly conveyed his skepticism. "Then you-"

"Already sensed the elves approaching us, yup. Just about to call you."

About thirty seconds later, from the darkness of the night, several elven rangers came out with weapons drawn. They didn't look to be in a friendly mood.

"Humans, I assume the Unclean is dead?" The elven leader asked.

"Yes," Alfred said.

"And what happened to the Cradle of Serenity?"


This was what Alfred feared. The Biome was clearly culturally significant for the elves of Liapris.

"It got blown up. We're sorry."

"Avel! You!"

Viers gave it to them straight. Alfred facepalmed hearing the indelicate response.

"And the other elves going with you are all dead… Arrest them."

The elven ranger captain gave the order.

There was a great battle afterward. At least, that was something that should have happened when people tried to arrest Viers, but no. He had to resist the dark urge to beat the people, weaker people, who tried to control him, but he managed. Croix and Boram were woken up pretty rudely but they were all escorted back to Liapris under heavy surveillance.

When they arrived, the elves took Jessica to Eucenn's place, the elf medicine man. She hadn't regained consciousness. Viers saw Tim, Jessica's son who had been waiting for his mother back, follow her.

The elves brought the bodies of their fallen somewhere else while Croix and the rest were brought before the council of elders, just like the first time.

The elders did not take the news well. They were pissed. The Foulfly's extermination was good, the death of the three elves was a pretty big minus mark, but they knew the risks and chose to accompany Croix on a suicide mission. The destruction of the Biome, however, was the last straw.

It was a holy site for the elves. Legend was, the elven god was born and buried there. Burying their dead at the Cradle of Serenity was like returning to the embrace of the elven god after their death.

Now it was no longer possible. Thousands of years of tradition, gone.

People had been executed for far less.

"As we are saying, there was a mysterious figure that attacked us. It was that person who destroyed the realm!" Croix said.

"I have caught liars with better excuses! It is too improbable. You must have been aiming for the Realm Core, taking it for yourselves!"

"We did no such thing. If you don't believe us, you can check. We possess no Realm Core." Alfred challenged.

"A moot point. From the time you killed the witnesses to the escape thereafter, you've had ample opportunity to hide or send the core away. It could be anywhere at this point. I'll have you spill the location even if I have to pull the answer from your guts!"

Realm Core, like its name, was the core of a realm. Pocket dimensions such as the Biomes usually had one. Dia's Biome also had one, Viers had seen it. Take it away and the Biome would crumble. It was very valuable, as it could generate or nourish another Biome.

The elves suspected Croix's group had stolen it. Human greed and all that.

Croix was arguing with the three elders on behalf of his group's innocence earnestly and persistently, but the lack of strong evidence made his case easy to sweep aside.

Alfred was supporting Croix with all he had. He feared the elves would take drastic measures. Didn't they save the elves from the death disease? Where was the gratitude?

"Hey," Alfred whispered. "Why don't you say something?"

Boram stood in silence. He didn't speak but his mind was alert. He learned and observed. Boram wasn't worried because his master didn't seem worried so everything would be fine, like always.

Viers also had not spoken a word since the hearing began. Others didn't know what he was thinking behind his impassive expression but there was no nervousness or agitation in him.

"Alright," Viers said. The farce had gone long enough. "Ladies and gentlemen, honored elven elders, may I have your attention, please? I wish to submit new evidence to show there was indeed another individual beside us at the Cradle."

"Fine, let us see what kind of cheap trick you're about to pull," the woman elf said. She was the critical elder from the start.

"Before I begin, please call expert healer Eucenn. His presence will be necessary to validate the evidence."

"So be it."

The court entered a recess as the elders sent for Eucenn.

"Avel, what are you planning?" Croix asked.

"Why, proving our innocence, of course. Leave it to me."

Eucenn showed up not long after. Liapris wasn't large and clearly the armed escort was not dilly-dallying. The handsome elf seemed confused.

"Healer Eucenn, the council requires your opinion. Examine the evidence from the human," the elder pointed at Viers.

"Whatever this is, make it quick. I've got patients waiting," the elf approached.

"As you wish."

Viers cut off Eucenn's hand with a swing of a sword. He did it so fast that by the time the guards reacted, the deed was already done.

"Uwaaaahh!!" Eucenn screamed in pain.


"TREACHERY! Human treachery!"

"Guards, seize him!"

"Master! Behind you!"

All hell broke loose. A dozen guards swarmed Viers with their Artes while Boram moved to defend his master. Croix and Alfred were shocked but they were not the only ones.

Which was exactly as Viers' plan.

"Behold! The evidence!"

While defending himself from various attacks, Viers gave a dramatic finger-pointing at Eucenn.


From the elf's wound, foul miasma and poison dripped out. The same as the mysterious assailant at the Cradle of Serenity.

"I give you the wolf in sheep's clothing that has hidden in your midst. Feast your eyes!"

"Eucenn, what is the meaning of this?" The male elder elf said with a shaky tone. "Why do you have the Unclean's poison in your body?"

"Th-There's an explanation of this! It is so I can treat our brethren better. I only have the best inventions for our- Aaaargh!"

Viers struck again. This time wasn't with a sword but with the Foulfly's stinger. Eucenn tried to dodge and defend but he was only a Level 3, same as Viers. The villain got no problem stabbing the elf with the monster's body part. This time, the elves weren't so inclined to defend Eucenn.

"As you all know," Viers said loudly. "The Foulfly's poison is deadly to the elven-kind. In a short moment, the effect should be evident."

A few seconds passed, and Eucenn didn't look like dying. Alfred already moved to shield Croix.

"Eucenn… You are…" The female elder said with disbelief. The implication was clear.

"I formally accuse you as an elf imposter and the cause of Liapris' woe." Viers pointed his sword at Eucenn's face. His expression was a mix of pain and anger, ruining his handsome countenance.

"Confess, or be made to."



Chapter 391 - Among Elf

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